HomeComplaintsLoyal Casino - Player’s winnings have been voided.

Loyal Casino - Player’s winnings have been voided.

Amount: €50

Loyal Casino
Submitted: 03 Jun 2020 | Closed : 23 Jun 2020
Closed Our verdict

Unjustified complaint


Case summary

The player from Netherlands had his winnings cancelled after converting bonus points. After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified.



03 JUN 2020 20:13

well now i have a new complaint but this time another casino:::Loyalcasino

In May i made a dep there and i lost witin a vieuw minutes 30 euros and some free spins i didnt get what the bonus said i had to waitthat wasnt to bad not like it should but ok so i made a complaint to the live chat that it unbelievable that it possible to loose that quick all the money and evn a very small part of the play trough was met so that was not in sight and i play because you love to play and tha cjangwe to win offcourse well i the last months or even years veru muchpleasure and fun isnt there any more nly the thrill aand a vieuw day went by and than i giot anemail from the girl i spook with at live chat...see what i put with this as a photo the email i got and that says that i can make use of that bonus again so today i was told that normaly its not likethat so with the bonus again i tought well maybethey are right and and was the quick loss just bad luck...i dont agree and think ist normal that you loose that fast(i play at the lowest depends on what is possible but normaly i dont have much money i play 0.1 cents the spins ore 0.20 and above taht can happen but than i need to win first in orderthat it has use otherwise it gone immidiatly so i play also to play and not to loose the money within minutes thats not what i want i even dont need to win but when i can play enough so that the feeling inside is ok than fine.... i was looking for the first bonus i got with the email but i have so many off them that i cant find it so easely i am searching m,ore than half an hour now but still this is what my account says (if its not removed by now true the loyalcasino)and it says clearly without a doubt that i have that bonus with the spins 50 now and than for six days 25 each day on the games that is shown so you also choose which game you play the free spins...i like twin spin and the spins are worth0.25 and for example starburst a spin is worth 0.10 so i play te twin spin off course but because i recieved the email with the telling tht i couls use that bonus again and it is in my account very clear and i could click onit and it was activated with my deposit.so i got the 200% deposit 10 and got 30 euros great..and i want to play the free spins first and they dont work so contact livechat and at the end i still dont have the free spins because they refuse to give me the spins...they say ive played them a week ago...and thats true i admit but thats not what this is about because i lost the money so quick last time they gave me the bonus agin to try ...and when i wouldnt got i would for sure made no dep i would even not visit the casino....and the bonus was for the reason that i made the dep...sso when you dont get it aand you know what has happened i think you understand that the bonmus was the tricker to dep and agin i wouldnt made it if the bonus wasnt there and see for yourself the pic says it all i had no reason to think that i wouldnt get the spins and its so horrible tonot get them especially after the experience the last time that i want what i ayed for and is promised now they act like its my foult and doing and i am punished for there failure may be it was supposed that i got it but what can i do about it when its in your account and you activate it with dep...its not my foult its tere s and so they have to pay not me and i incist of getting those spins just for the bad experienc ethe time before and this makes me never come ack after the bonus is played but i want them and ive payed for them so there mine *( when i say something that isnt correct id love to hear but i think that i am in my right and they are reponsable and niot me AND I HOPE THAT I WILL GET THEM AND THEY ARE JHELD RESPONSIBLE FIOR THE FAILURES THEY MAKE AT there casino than you dont start a casino..and if it was mine than i had given double the spins but i want my players to be sattisfied and when you know how much emails and live chats i had over this its absurd i dont even have the words sorry but this is just uneccaptable and i refuse to do nothing and let the spins for what they ....ive seen now after two deps that i will never win at this casino so therefor i dont need to do it but for the way they have treated me i semand them... and when they where nice to me and treatyed me like a player and a paying costumer than i wouldnt even concider to play them but now i will...and i jhope that you think the same way....or at least know what i mean and feel the frustration and powerless feeling because you cant do anything than get help but it sucks ..so i hope that i can play them very soon !!!

w.k.r. ton wels


Dear Ton,

Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Do I understand it correctly that you haven’t succeeded in redeeming promotional Free Spins? The very first bonus has not been activated at all and later, after contacting the casino, you have received a different bonus as a compensation with a lesser amount of Free Spins, is that correct? Could you please confirm that the disputed amount of Free Spins is 50 Free Spins + 6 x 25 Free Spins? ? If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,



hi there no not quit i have a problem myself due to health isseus and adha do i forget a lot so the longer things take the more i forget and i realy forget a lot...but the first deposit bonus have i used or wanted to use a month or two ago.so the problem was that it was at night while there was nobody that could help when somethings wrong or when you need assistance...so i made the dep and it should give me200% and immidiatly 50 free spins on any of the given slots(starbursy,twinspin jackand uh now i dont know the name ,gonzos quest .aloha i even saw great rhino mega ways but they removed thatslot very quickly becasue i saw it once and than not again...but the 200% workes just like the last time and again the free spins dont work i can start what i want butii dont get the spins...so in the middle of the night there you are idid dare to play because i wasscared that when i would play that the freesspins couldnt be added again...i cant remember ifthat really at this casino(loyal)or another i know that did nt played any thing in order that i woukld get eeryrting..in the end i plyed before they andwered so a part of the spins i havent played (50)the first ones because it took much to long and i couldnt resist anymore so i starded to play with in my mind thepossibillity that i wouldnt get those 50 spins ok i was ok with that..(thats i choise that you make than...what was now the real problem i had i believe something like 76 euros to play with (and please bare when i mix up things or when my memmory dioesnt work good when i say something thats not quite right)the important hings i only say when i am sure so now i am getting there...i lost that money so quick that i was flabberquested ad i wa angry about because i would swere that the playtrough was allmost the same as when i starded to play...and i went to the chat to spill my frsutration...(and lately and a bit longer ago) io have that a lot and its verytime the same story weather i am in loyal casino or pokerstars or whatever they say almost the same ..and all i want is that they feel abit what i am going true i expect that they help me to get rid of that frsutration and awfull feelingbut they never do and they allwatys fgive me the feeling that i am crzy iand that you know what your dioing and the risk that you take..and understand that buti dont go to spill me feeling for nothing i dontr have much money and id olve play so when you everytime loose the money so quick that when you cant play anymore you still want to and the woman that was on live chat was happy when i stood hetr up and ui did my word i was gone ...and than she send me later an email whit the content that i could make use of that binus again the first time i made a dep again..if it was to pull me in or that she felt what i meanth i dont know id like to be;lieve so i wold have felt that when i was in her shoes but okand that bonus is what i collected last i a vieuw weeeks where allready past and they send it once more so i got in total two emails which said that i could use the first dep bonus again...even when i would not have given those emails the bonus was also in my players account and i could activate it just as easy and i didnt went to live chat to make sure that everyting is ok and even when it goes wrong that they can add it manually (even than when i talked about it to make sure to get the bonus they wouldnt give them to me but most of the time i got them.can you immagine even than they wouldnt give them!!!!but thats hapened once or twice i make sure of that or i must forget it) .ive done that often and for years now not for fun can i tell you!!!!over the years and the bonusses is what i need so hard while i need it to play longer because without it i am quick without money and thats not what i want thinking that i win is long gone out of my mind..so when the free spinsdidnt work again las week i went to live chat to get them and to my ....... i was told after quite some time but now i could play right away sio that wasnt so bad after all i lost 30 euros within5 minutes and than i went back againby email i believebecause kim gave and send the email with the information that the bonus could be used again..they i said i onlt want to speak to herand nobody elsr butr wasnt there whaty did the sucker( i believe my intuition but cant be sure fore 100% i am not with them)aftr he told me that she wsnt there (he lied the first time or the seciond timeone of the two things he said cannot be true....)and now suddenly kim send an email....hahahah and doubkle feeling doesnt matter ..and it came to that that they have revieuwed the case and they say that ive played the free spins twioo weeks ago alltready with the same bonus that i got again by email and in my account and even whith the bonus


in my account to see ( made sure that i could prve tats not my fualt and its theres to blaim forsure NOT ME.and its obvious that i expected to get those spins and i wouldnt made the dep when that was not the case,..for sure.but know thought maye i am wrong well believe me the money was so quick gone i blinked two times a nd it wa gone and i played 0.20 cents and the 30 euros with the winning was nothing or very low wher gone within 5 minuts. the email and picture i put with the last message i send you say it all i even dont need to tell much because they refuse to give me the bonus and say that ive played that bonus a vieuw weeks ago...no sympathy no undertsanding trhey dont even try to even give an icnh away and they just stick with what they believ..and cant stand that anymore now at the least i buy to be treated with respect because i cant talk about something else that i buy for me deps maybe the thrill thats what keeps me coming to casinos..i find this hard to swallaw and this isnt aboutthose spins anymore but know my feelings are making me go with this all the way so after quite some time its been enough now when they wlould been nice to me than this would never happended but they do everything or give me the impression thats all on me and thats i dontt know what i amtalking about and that what feel is nothing well ill show them that s not the case i am frustrated heart end angry about what it all does to me i want to treated as king and hiow i would treat somebody else....i hope that you know enough for now but when you want or need to know something ill be glad to help you out and do what i can...

w.k.r. *** i hope that i can explain this well fogive me for the gramma and writings but i think it showws whats a bit going on in my mind and what it all oes to me!! and i am no saint i do alsioo things sometime s i later regret but i let this gone to far for to long and i am teh one with he wrong feeling and i need to learn from that (never to ols tom do that not?)i hear and llreay thank you a lot agin fo the energy and time that you put in this i appriciate it very much and it gives a feeling i am not fighting alone!!!!!!!!


you where totally right ....in total 200 free spins the first day 50 and than six days 25 free spins!

i cant see the photo i put with the message before???did you see it?or isntit there to see in the message!

i have a lot of emails but its sio difficult and hard to get the dates and the order in which things where said and send that i could see it any more i was mentallie not capable anymor after searching for anhour but do you want them all ? all the emails? i am going to send them to you and il try to not send the ones who are double but the pic of my account with the bonus must be enough in fact ?because it tells the whole stor they can say what they want but but its all the proof need and i dont say that i didnt made use of that bonus before but because i was so mad thatb te money was gone so quickly thats why i was told that i could use it again and thats whats all about for me because without the bonus i would killed myself before i would use it again thats what it did allready the first time i played with the bonus...and it shows that they dont care of the player ad customer....and not only at loyalcasino but at very much casinos and pokersites do like that its very often that ive encountered this and felt frustrated angry not understood or when you are typing and talking that you justdont get an respons for minutes that i ask at one if there s still somebody i think that the are doing other cases and players an they just let you do and when you have told everything and than one minute later they ask the question that you just before told them...a lo of things like that...they dont give thats what i learned ...i stop now i can keep telling and writing about this ive seen it allmost all i think...for now tx also in advance hahah stole that frpom you! i send the emails to the email adres you gave

but be aware that are quite a buncjh of emails i hope i can sort it out better now!! and may e youre lucky or i send some because i think you dont even need thembut you must know for yourself.. ill send them and than you have something to do!!!!!

bey bey


i totally understand andits for me no problem


Dear Ton,

Thank you very much for your replies and forwarding all the relevant communication. Could you please advise what outcome would be acceptable for you? I have read everything and if I understood it correctly you’ve bee rewarded additional bonus and Free Spins, is that correct? Please understand, that we can’t penalize the casino for not giving you a bonus.

Lastly, I would like to ask you to send me relevant information only as we deal with a high volume of queries and extensive replies might cause that we overlook an important information. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and understanding. 


Dear Ton,

We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.


hi there

the problem began when i made a dep and within 5 minutes all the money was gone and than i went to the live chat to tell them how i felt and the one i spoke with wa Kim.

that chat was from my side very cool and i reacted ina way that she felt what my complaint was...so we ended the chat ...but because kim didnt feel very well after the chat and i think she felt a bit that she failed in helping me and thats why she send me an email and she said that ui could me use of that ame bonus again because i wasnt content the first time ...and so they send the email i showed before in the message i send here (right i cant see it but i think ihad it with the mesages i allready send)and thats why they gave me that bonus again...so that i would get a good experience instead of the ad one the first time!!! and why cant you penalize i made a dep because of the bonus so i think they stole from me and thats exually what happens so that you cant penalize is strange for me and i ask myswelf what am i doing thanhere what is there for me to win...and why should do this on this site when you cant do something and i think its pretty serieus and what i said when i knew that i wouldnt get the bonus i would never ever made a deposit again never..and i could activate it in my account and i recieved an email which said that i would get it again.i dont like what youre saying i wonder why this is treated like its outside the rules and what you can expect?when you go to the mall and the discount hasnt been removed and when you are going tpo pay but the discount doesnt apply no more you get the discount when they still have the advertisement for everyone to see....the are oblied by law to give the discount ( i think you know wha i mean)i pay for something and i think that i get that what i bought and that what i should get ....would be great than they 400 ounce and when you come home its only one ounce that cannot e and than youre going back and the next time you be care full andthis time you qwant what you paid for and thought you would get not?i paid for that bonus so want that bonus and i am right also by law so what does guru is than when they dont act like the law says...i think that not i good thing what you said and i have to think this over and what i want now...because why should i continue than ...i could do mit for others but its very much work for me...and i dont agree what you siad ..or i think that this is as important as other problems and tey have done wrong towards me and they must give me what i thought i bought and would get ... i hope you understand what i write and mean...and i dont mean to heart you and appriciate the effort you put into this only ithink a bit different about the way the casino should act ...luike i said i buy something from them so than you od te get what you buy...simple as that ...Ton ***


filei know again ive send all the emails to your emailadres didnt you get them it where a lot of trhem and it would strange when you didnt get them?

the outcome is that i want the the bonus they explisit promised me and to be treated with respect and when they did that the first time i wouldnt go trough this andi would keep it like it was but after all and putting the blame with me and promissing me that bonus thats what i want and no more no less....i really wouldnt made a dep when i didnt get that bonus i wouldnt even concider and why are they doing so difficult ?/when youi make a mistake you make it right and you are a bisinious or not nand than you need to take responsibilliy.. you say sorrywe find it very bad fior you that he first time playing in our casino was that bad and also the binus went wrong so i want to make ypou happy and there for here is a nice bonus and i hope you are content with it..i would have given double the bonus yoy thought to get just to make you pleased...thats what i would have done when it was my casino...instead doing so difficult and winning you dont have nmuch chance to win so why biother if you are the casinpo i think and still mad when think about it they make money of our backs and good money and than doing like thatsickening it is...i must stop because efeel it rising agaibn and i was calm the last weeks but it makes my frustrate angry powerless and ..pffff

Ton ***

when you need all the emails again and didnt recieve them than tel me and give me your emailadres again please than ill send them all again..


Dear Ton,

I have read everything again, and if I understood it correctly you’ve bee rewarded additional bonus and Free Spins, is that correct? 


when you will call it that its ok and than the answer is yes.


After a closer examination, we ended up rejecting this complaint as unjustified. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help. 

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