The player requests a refund as he claims that the RTP is manipulated. The complaint was rejected as we had not enough evidence provided by the player to continue with the case.
The player requests a refund as he claims that the RTP is manipulated. The complaint was rejected as we had not enough evidence provided by the player to continue with the case.
The player requests a refund as he claims that the RTP is manipulated. The complaint was rejected as we had not enough evidence provided by the player to continue with the case.
Hello, I signed up for this resource about 5 months ago. The total turnover in slot games I made above as on
UAH 2,000,000. The main slots that I use are slot games from the provider Pragmatic Play such as: Dog House, Dog House Megaweys, Wild West Gold, Madame Desteni Megaweys, Gates Of Olympus, Sweet Bonanza, Xmas Bonanza, Big Baz Bonanza. The claimed return of the provider in the slots in the description of the games is 94.6% with high volatility. Now let's go in order:
1) Dog House: the game made about 30,000 spins with bets of different equivalents from 1 to 24 hryvnia, received exactly 100 bonus games, not one x1000 of the bet, the return rate was about 34% - with a stated 94.6%.
2) Dog House Megaweys: 9 bonus games with the equivalent of UAH 500,600,700 were purchased, the maximum x from the bet was x12, the return was less than 4% - with the stated 94.6%.
3) Wild West Gold: bought 99 bonus games with the equivalent of bets from 400 to 2500 hryvnia, none x1000, the total rate of return of 46.2% with the stated 94.6%.
4) Madame Desteny Megaweys: bought exactly 100 bonus games equivalent to 400 to 2500 hryvnias, not one x1000 !!! the percentage of return is 31.2% - with the stated 94.6%.
5) Gates of Olympus: bought exactly 100 bonus games, equivalent to 400 to 3000 hryvnias, not one x1000, the maximum x was x329 !!! from the rate for 100 BUYED BONUSES !!! it is less than 10% of return - at the declared 94,6% !!!!
6) Sweet Bonanza: bought 29 bonus games, equivalent to 500 to 1500 hryvnias, 14 of them !!! gave less x10 !!! The percentage of return is 6% - with the stated 94.6% !!!!
7) Xmas Bonanza: bought 60 bonus games, equivalent to 300 to 1500 hryvnias, the total return rate is 27.5% - with the stated 94.6%
8) Big Baz Bonanza: made a total of about 1,500 turns, equivalent to a spin from 2 to 15 hryvnia. 32 bonuses were caught, not one x1000, the percentage of return is 12.4% - with the declared 94.6% !!!
So what we see: Total bought or caught for the backs of bonus games in the provider Pragmatic Play: 529 spent on them ~ 500 000 hryvnia, the total rate of return is 14.3% compared to the stated 94.6%. I also want to note that all the bonus offers from your casino I bought from them played less than 20%! All cashbacks that were awarded to me for unsuccessful sessions SUCCESSFULLY LOST !!! BUT NOT PLAYED OUT AND REMOVED !!! YOUR CASINO HAS NOT EVEN MADE ME TO PLAY CASHBACK !!!
Here is a letter I sent to the casino administration more than a month ago, after which I received a reply that my account was blocked. I asked for what reason, I was told that the administration is conducting an investigation into my complaint. For 37 days they have been rechecking something there, although by law they had a maximum of 30
days. The last time I applied was 3 days ago, but of course no one answered. I came to the conclusion that the casino administration simply "throws" people for money and blocks accounts. This is despite the fact that they have a valid license !!! Do not follow the law 768-9 on gambling. I demand from this casino to fully compensate me for the funds for which I was deceived.
Доброго дня, я зареєструвався на даному ресурс приблизно 5 місяців назад. Загальний оборот у слот іграх мною зроблено вище як на
2 000 000 гривень. При цьому основні слоти які я використовую це слот-ігри від провайдера Pragmatic Play такі як: Dog House, Dog House Megaweys, Wild West Gold, Madame Desteni Megaweys, Gates Of Olympus, Sweet Bonanza, Xmas Bonanza, Big Baz Bonanza. Заявлена віддача провайдером у слотів у описі ігор являється 94,6% з високою волантністю. Тепер давайте по порядку:
1)Dog House : у грі зроблено близько 30 000 спінів зі ставками різних еквівалентів від 1 до 24 гривень, отримано рівно 100 бонусних ігор, ні одної х1000 від ставки, відсоток віддачі склав близько 34% - при заявлених 94,6%.
2)Dog House Megaweys : куплено 9 бонусних ігор еквівалентом 500,600,700 гривень, максимальний х від від ставки складав х12, віддача меньше 4% - при заявлених 94,6%.
3)Wild West Gold : куплено 99 бонусних ігор з еквівалентом ставок від 400 до 2500 гривень, ні однієї х1000, загальний відсоток віддачі 46,2% при заявлених 94,6%.
4)Madame Desteny Megaweys: куплено рівно 100 бонусних ігор еквівалентом від 400 до 2500 гривень, ні однієї х1000!!! відсоток віддачі складає 31,2% - при заявлених 94,6%.
5)Gates of Olympus: куплено рівно 100 бонусних ігор, еквівалентом від 400 до 3000 гривень, ні однієї х1000, максимальний х склав х329!!! від ставки за 100 КУПЛЕНИХ БОНУСІВ!!! це меньше 10% віддачі - при заявлених 94,6%!!!!
6) Sweet Bonanza: куплено 29 бонусних ігор, еквівалентом від 500 до 1500 гривень, з них 14!!! дало меньше х10!!! Відсоток віддачі 6% - при заявлених 94,6%!!!!
7)Xmas Bonanza: куплено 60 бонусних ігор, еквівалентом від 300 до 1500 гривень, загальний відсоток віддачі складає 27,5% - при заявлених 94,6%
8) Big Baz Bonanza: зроблено в загальному близько 1500 обертів, еквівалентом за спін від 2 до 15 гривень. Спіймано 32 бонуски, ні однієї х1000, відсоток віддачі складає 12,4% - при заявлених 94,6%!!!
Отож що ми бачимо: Загально куплено або зловлено за спіни бонусних ігор у провайдері Pragmatic Play: 529 витрачено на них ~ 500 000 гривень загальний відсоток віддачі складає 14,3% при заявлених 94,6%. Також хочу зазначити що усі бонусні пропозиції від вашого казино мною були куплені з них відіграно меньше 20%! Усі кєшбеки які мені нараховувалися за невдалі сесії УСПІШНО ПРОГРАНІ!!! А НЕ ВІДІГРАНІ І ВИВЕДЕНІ!!! ЩЕ НІ РАЗУ ВАШЕ КАЗИНО НЕ ДАЛО МЕНІ ВІДІГРАТИ КЕШБЕК!!!
Ось такий лист я направив до адміністрації казино більше місяця назад, після чого мені прийшла відповідь що мій аккаунт заблокований. Я звернувся з запитом по якій причині, мені відповіли що адміністрація проводить перевірку по моїй скарзі. Вже 37 днів вони типу щось там перепровіряють хоча за законом мали на це максимум 30
днів. Останій раз звертався 3 дні тому, ніхто звісно ж не відповів. Прийшов до висновку що адміністрація казино просто «кидає» людей на гроші, і блокує акаунти. Це при тому що у них є діюча ліцензія!!! Взагалі не слідують закону 768-9 про гральний бізнес. Вимаю від даного казино повністю компенсувати мені кошти на які мене ж обшахраювали.
Dear Shchegol,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I want to inform you that we cannot make a case solely based on what you are describing. Sometimes you might get lucky and sometimes not; that's how casinos and casino games work. I would recommend reading our article about Payout ratio (RTP):
If you have more information that would help our case, please forward it to me on Unfortunately, at this time, if we don’t have any evidence proving that something unfair is going on, there is nothing we can do. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I could do for you regarding your complaint.
Best regards,
Dear Shchegol,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I want to inform you that we cannot make a case solely based on what you are describing. Sometimes you might get lucky and sometimes not; that's how casinos and casino games work. I would recommend reading our article about Payout ratio (RTP):
If you have more information that would help our case, please forward it to me on Unfortunately, at this time, if we don’t have any evidence proving that something unfair is going on, there is nothing we can do. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else, I could do for you regarding your complaint.
Best regards,
I do not agree with you, as described above and attached all the screenshots as evidence, the more the casino administration ignores my appeals, this constantly confirms my statement!
Я з вами не згідний, так як вище описав і приложив всі скриншоти як доказову базу, тим більш адміністрація казино ігнорує мої звернення цим костанно підтверджує моє ствердження!
Dear Shchegol,
The screenshots provided only shows how much did you win from the spins. The amount you spent is not shown there so we can't accept it as evidence. All you provided is written information by you but it is not possible to tell your RTP based on that. We would need betting logs which would show exactly how much did you bet and win in total. Can you provide those?
Dear Shchegol,
The screenshots provided only shows how much did you win from the spins. The amount you spent is not shown there so we can't accept it as evidence. All you provided is written information by you but it is not possible to tell your RTP based on that. We would need betting logs which would show exactly how much did you bet and win in total. Can you provide those?
Dear Shchegol,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
Dear Shchegol,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
I would be happy to provide you with game session logs, but after complaining to the official support service mail, my account was immediately blocked for a so-called "check" and for 3 months no one from the casino administration responds, although under Ukrainian law and a license issued the government body had 30 days to respond, I sent repeated requests, but the casino management decided to just ignore me.
Я б з радістю надав би вам журнали ігрової сесії, але після скарги на офіційну почту служби підтримки мій аккаунт одразу ж був заблокований на так звану «перевірку» і вже протягом 3 місяців ніхто з адміністрації казино не відповідає, хоча за законом України і ліцензії виданої державним органом на відповідь у адміністрації було 30 днів, я надсилав повторні запити, але керівництво казино вирішило мене просто ігнорувати.
Dear Shchegol,
If that's the case, I would definitely try to contact directly the licensing authorities of the casino. They should be able not just to access your logs, but even to resolve the matter if they find your complaint justified. Please let us know if you will try to get in touch with them.
Dear Shchegol,
If that's the case, I would definitely try to contact directly the licensing authorities of the casino. They should be able not just to access your logs, but even to resolve the matter if they find your complaint justified. Please let us know if you will try to get in touch with them.
Dear Shchegol,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
Dear Shchegol,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
So I have to answer you that you have indicated that you will address my question to the licensing authority, I expect some reaction from you.
Так а що я маю вам відповісти на те що ви вказали що будете звертатися за моїм питанням до органу який видає ліцензії, я очікую від вас якоїсь реакції.
Dear Shchegol,
It was recommended to you to contact the authorities, we can't do it for you. I also asked if you will let us know if you will contact them.
Dear Shchegol,
It was recommended to you to contact the authorities, we can't do it for you. I also asked if you will let us know if you will contact them.
That's what I said, but during the war in my country, the gambling regulators are not as active in resolving these issues as they would like.
Так я звертався, але під час війни в моїй країні органи по регулюванню грального бізнесу не так активно вирішують дані питання як хотілось би.
Hello Shchegol,
I'm really sorry about the situation but unfortunately there isn't anything we can do regarding this case. I believe that sooner or later you would receive an answer from them.
I'm really sorry that we are unable to help you out with this specific case but please feel free to contact us if you will come across any other trouble again in the future, we will gladly try to help you.
Hello Shchegol,
I'm really sorry about the situation but unfortunately there isn't anything we can do regarding this case. I believe that sooner or later you would receive an answer from them.
I'm really sorry that we are unable to help you out with this specific case but please feel free to contact us if you will come across any other trouble again in the future, we will gladly try to help you.
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