
1. 1700 players are currently playing on this table.
2. In the last 13 throws, 12 numbers from the big series have fallen.
But this table is used in hundreds of other casinos. The number of players playing every moment is measured by tens of thousands, hundreds!!!
Do you think anyone will really follow you with some intermediate investments?
Of course not. No one is tracked by the software. He is only in charge of choosing random numbers, paying out winnings, etc...
How many players were playing the big streak at the time these 12 numbers fell. A lot, and everyone was winning. Also at that moment many players played a small series, they lost. And of course they will say arranged.
And everything is a matter of probability.
Roulette is a fair game.

1. trenutno na ovom stolu igra 1700 igrača.
2. U poslednjih 13 bacanja palo je 12 brojeva iz velika serija.
Ali ovaj sto se koristi u još stotinama drugih kazina. Broj igrača koji igraju svakog trenutka se meri desetinama hiljada, stotinama!!!
Da li misliš da će neko stvarno da prati tebe sa nekim srednjim ulaganjima?
Neće naravno. Nikoga softver ne prati. On je samo zadužen da bira nasumično brojeve, isplaćuje dobitke itd...
Koliko je igrača igralo veliku seriju u trenutku kada je palo ovih 12 brojeva. Mnogo, i svi su dobijali. Isto tako u tom trenutku mnogo igrača je igralo malu seriju, oni su izgubili. I onii će naravno da kažu namešteno.
A sve je stvar verovatnoće.
Rulet je poštena igra.
Edited by author 1 year ago
Automatic translation: