Can't find them either. Redeem cashback from the following:
Enygma Budapest - 600 euros
Cash TopUp - I got 2,000 euros back. But don't know which merchant is behind it even?
The videoshaven - 60 euros I got back from these
Al_Logo_Creator : Here I returned 400 euros from the merchant
CanaPay : Here they paid back 500 euros approximately.
Deposit/Quickbet/Formiline : Refuse to pay back. Some dick-sucker named Ola seems to rule there.
Grottobook/Mydates : They answer emails but refuse to return a penny.
smpayPF*SkinsOnly & smpayPF*MagicInc. I can't find these.
BYTE News : Can't find who is behind these.
Hittar inte heller dom. Löst cashback av följande:
Enygma Budapest - 600 euro
Cash TopUp - 2.000 euro fick jag tillbaka. Men vet inte vilken merchant som står bakom ens?
Videoshaven - 60 euro fick jag tillbaka utav dessa
Al_Logo_Creator : Här gick jag tillbaka 400 euro av merchanten
CanaPay : Här betalade dom tillbaka 500 euro ungefär.
Deposit/Quickbet/Formiline : Vägrar betala tillbaka. Någon kuksugare som heter Ola verkar styra där.
Grottobook/Mydates : Dom svarar på mail men vägrar tillbaka en spänn.
smpayPF*SkinsOnly & smpayPF*MagicInc. Dessa hittar jag inte.
BYTE News : Hittar inte vem som står bakom dessa.
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