2 years ago
If you want to discuss anything related to Wild Fortune Casino, such as its games, bonuses, payment methods, issues with your account, responsible gambling features, or anything else, you can do so here.
Hello what wild fortune labert is really just rubbish it has been processed since 26.8.2022 and it said 3 to 5 days now 10 days have passed and no money on it no bank needs more than 10 days to send money banks have to send it in 24 to 48 hours as you can see quite clearly that this casino is absolutely dubious and cheats depositing customers because the guru cannot understand that they are not finally intervening
Hallo was wild fortune labert ist echt nur müll seit 26.8.2022 ist es bearbeitet und da hiess es 3 bis 5 tage jetzt sind schon 10 tage vergangen und kein geld drauf kein bank braucht über 10 tage um geld zu schicken banken müssen es in 24 bis 48 stunden abschliessen da sieht man doch ganz klar das dieses casino abslout unseriös ist und einzahlende kunden betrügt kann da guru nicht verstehen das sie da nicht endlich einschreiten
I can understand that you feel that it is not ok to wait 14 full days for the KYC and withdrawal. On the other hand, you can see that this time is necessary. Allow me to mention that the estimated times mostly stated in the general terms and conditions do not include the KYC. The first withdrawal is usually the longest.
You can always ask the casino to get verified immediately after registration and save time when the first withdrawal is submitted. What do you think about that?
hello I just spoke to customer service and now all of a sudden they say there are problems will you keep them up to date is clear on 8/26/2022 said by email that everything is approved and money is out that every day everything is completed now after 11 days Once there are problems, it is clear that this casino is a complete scam and I find it sad that casinos are always protected, although reputable casinos pay out in a maximum of 48 hours and I am directly verified by kyc about other casinos
hallo habe grade mit dem kundenservice gesprochen und jetzt aufeinmal heisst es gibs probleme werden sie auf dem laufenen halten ist klar am 26.8.2022 hiess noch per email das alles genehmigt ist und geld raus ist das jeden tag das alles abgeschlossen ist jetzt nach 11 tagen auf einmal gibs probleme ist klar dieses casino ist die reinste verarschung und finde es traurig das man casino immer in schutz genommen wird obwohl seriöse casino auszahlen in maximal 48 stunden und ich bin bei kyc direkt verfiziert über andere casinos
Well, honestly if the casino sees some problem it needs to be cleared out first, I'd say it is quite normal procedure and each casino has to do its own account check and KYC.
What seems to be wrong according to the casino, please?
Just mind that scam casino does not pay at all.
I don't know that I said the money isn't there yet we'll check it that's all we see again but what can't be right in the casino is always problems with payouts and that's what I've read here all the time nevertheless you take it as serious
das weiss ich doch nicht habe gesagt geld ist immer noch nicht da wir werden es prüpfen das war wieder alles ja sehen aber doch selber das in dem casino was nicht stimmen kann immer nur probleme haben die mit auszahlungen und das ständig wie es hier gelesen habe und trotzdem stellt ihr es als seriös ein
I think that you wrote that the casino found a problem. Have you been informed about this, please?
I'd say that is important to understand what is happening.
Pardon me, I do not understand.
Can you paste the original information, please? Preferably insert the text into the post so it can be auto-translated if needed.
Thank you.
like if it was via live chat they will get in touch via email at some point next week I think it's really sad that no one helps and you always have to be considerate of casinos you need your time but as a depositor it's always there no matter
wie denn wenn es per live chat war die werden sich irgend wann per email melden bestimmt nächste woche wieder finde das halt echt traurig das einfach nirgends mal geholfen wird und immer muss man rücksicht auf casino nehmen brauchen ja ihre zeit aber als einzahler da ist es immer egal
I would like to help you, I simply don't understand what is the problem. Is it about some document you can't provide? Can answer me, please?
Furthermore, allow me to repeat:
You can always ask the casino to get verified immediately after registration and save time when the first withdrawal is submitted.
again i'm verified with kfc and that's not the point i asked in the live chat why the money is still not there they don't know and will check it and should wait for an email about updates it's a complete rip off the casino right in the serious
nochmal ich bin bei der kfc verfiziert und darum geht es gar nicht habe im live chat gefragt warum geld immer noch nicht da ist die wissen es nicht und werden es prüpfen und soll auf ne email warten wegen updates es ist die reinste verarschung das casino ganz im ernst
Oh, I see now, well if you do not know what seems to be the problem, sadly I can't provide my point of view.
According to your complaint, 3 days remain, after that the withdrawal will be due. Let's hope the winnings will arrive by Friday late afternoon.
I started by making a deposit, but the site wouldn't let me register. They also didn't understand why the registration is not successful, only the deposit. At first, the customer service was very helpful, but then it got stuck. All communication from them to me ceased. I emailed them a few times and sent the bank receipts for the deposits, but no response. Now more than a week has passed since the whole thing and there has been no contact of any kind.
I really don't recommend playing here. The deposit is fine, but in return you'll be licking your fingers. When I'm a beginner, I don't know what to do now that the money is still in there.
Aloitin tekemällä talletuksen mutta rekisteröitymistä ei sivusto antanut tehdä. Hekään eivät ymmärtäneet miksi ei rekisteröityminen onnistu, vain talletus. Aluksi asiakaspalvelu oli ihan avuliasta mutta sitten tökkäsi. Kaikki yhteyden pito lakkasi heidän suunnalta minulle. Laitoin muutamaan otteeseen heille sähköpostia ja lähetin pankin tositteet talletuksista mutta ei vastausta. Nyt on koko jutusta kulunut jo yli viikko eikä minkäänlaista yhteydenottoa sieltä ole tullut.
En todella suosittele täällä pelaamista. Talletus kelpaa mutta vastineeksi jäät nuolemaan näppejäsi. Kun olen aloitteilija en tiedä mitä nyt tehdä kun rahaa kuitenkin on siellä sisällä.
If you have money there and you can't register how is it possible that you can deposit ? What account do you have money in if you didn't manage to create one ? It's quite strange and certainly not pleasant if the casino doesn't respond. But please try to explain it to me and we'll see if we can help.
So I went to the site Wild Fortune and clicked to register, when a deposit "bubble" pops up in the middle of the page. I made a deposit but I haven't received anything else. I talked to 5 different people and went through different options and none of them allowed me to register on the site. All the conversation partners were also surprised by that. They promised to figure it out, but 12 days have passed since the first conversation and nothing has been heard. I also sent them a video of what happens when I try to register. I have also sent them deposit slips, but no response.
Niin menin sivustolle Wild Fortune ja painoin että rekisteröidy jolloin ponnahtaa talleta "kupla" siihen keskelle sivua. Talletuksen tein mutta mitään muuta en sieltä ole saanut. Keskustelin 5 eri henkilön kanssa ja eri vaihtoehtoja käytiin läpi eikä mikään niistä antanut minun rekisteröityä sivustolle. Sitä ihmettelivät kaikki keskustelu kumppanitkin. Lupasivat selvittää asiaa mutta ensimmäisestä keskustelusta on kulunut jo 12 päivää eikä sieltä ole kuulunut mitään. Lähetin heille myös videon siitä mitä tapahtuu kun yritän rekisteröityä. Talletuskuititkin olen heille toimittanut mutta ei mitään vastausta.
I don't know where the money has gone ?? At least they haven't returned to my account.
There is no way I can get the video attached to this message as an attachment, which shows my attempt to register a game account.
En tiedä mihin rahat ovat menneet ?? Eivät ainakaan ole palautuneet minun tililleni.
En mitenkään saa liitettyä videota tähän viestiin liitteeksi josta näkyy yritykseni rekisteröidä pelitili.
Well, that also seems extremely strange to me and I absolutely don't understand why they didn't try to resolve it with you and now you've been waiting for an answer for so long. This definitely shouldn't be happening and on the other hand I probably would never have deposited anywhere unless I had an account there.
So in this case I would recommend you to open a complaint with us on our website, just click here on this link.
Our team will investigate and see where it goes.
Do you think you'll go for it?
Without opening the matter further, I do want the money back because it is for me, however, even if it had gone to gaming, it is a lot of money for me.
Thank you very much for your advice and help.
And that link is somehow faulty because I couldn't make a complaint through it. I did it a bit the other season.
Asiaa sen enempää avaamatta kyllä haluan sen rahan takas koska se on mulle kuitenkin vaikkakin se olisi mennyt pelaamiseen ni on mulle iso raha.
Kiitos paljon sinulle neuvoista ja avusta.
Ja tuo linkki on jotenkin viallinen kun en saanut sitä kautta valitusta tehtyä. Tein sen hieman toista kautta.
You are welcome, and I hope your money will somehow get through. Although I suppose it could be more difficult.
As far as the link is concerned, I apologize, but since you managed to open the complaint, it's all as it should be.
If you have any more news, I'll be here and feel free to let me know.
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