1 year ago
If you want to discuss anything related to Dailyspins Casino, such as its games, bonuses, payment methods, issues with your account, responsible gambling features, or anything else, you can do so here.
Not a good casino deposits are sometimes booked immediately, sometimes deposits are not booked at all and you simply don't get your money live chat always comes with the same excuses bad casino
Kein gutes Casino einzahlungen werden mal sofort gebucht, mal werden einzahlungen gar nicht gebucht und man bekommt sein geld einfach nicht livechat kommt immer mit den selben ausreden schlechtes Casino
Hello. May I ask if you have this kind of experience yourself? Would you like to tell us some more details about that, so other players could have a better idea as well? What kind of payment method have you used, did the live chat helped at all, or maybe you had to contact the support by mail as well? I am really keen to know more about it.
I paid via bank deposit, a few deposits were credited, a few deposits were not credited at all, I have now been waiting for 7 days for the credit to be credited, the chat always says the same thing.
Today I wanted to pay out via Skrill, which they offered didn't work either, it was always canceled, it's a real dirty casino.
Ich hab über bankeinzahlung eingezaht paar einzahlungen wurden gutgeschrieben paar einzahlungen überhaupt nicht warte mittlerweile seit 7 tagen auf die Gutschrift chat erzählt immer das selbe.
Heute wollte ich über skrill auszahlen was die anbieten hat auch nicht funktioniert wurd immer abgebrochen richtiges dreckscasino.
So your deposit still hasn't been credited to the casino after a week, yes ? What did the casino say to you? Did you try to ask the bank if there was any problem and if the money left your account ?
Regarding the withdrawal, what was the issue when the casino recommended this method but still rejected it?
I've been waiting for the deposit for 9 days. The chat always blabs the same snot. The payout is also canceled all the time even though the account is verified. Gives the casino a 0.0 rating and not a 6.7
Seit 9 tagen warte ich auf die einzahlung chat labbert immer die selbe rotze auszahlung wird auch ganze zeit storniert obwohl konto verifiziert ist gibt dem casino eine 0.0 Bewertung und keine 6,7
Hello. Sorry to hear about your issues with this casino. To tell you the truth, I would run away and try some other casino better, what do you reckon? Even though this casino is still "young", as we say, and we do not know much about other players experiences from it, from your saying it does not sound very fair. Have you tried to contact the support by mail, perhaps, to get some better explanation about what is going on?
Unfortunately we can not give this, or any casino, the rating you wish for, simply just from an experience of one player. Our casino review process takes into account a huge amount of information about each casino. This includes size of the casino, player complaints, deductions for restrictive or unfair practices, points added for positive qualities, related casinos. If you are interested in how does the process of reviewing work, you can check out this article 👈, to know about it more.
Please try to find out the reason why all this is happening, probably the best by sending an email to their support, so we can see how and if our team will be able to help you out. We'll be here waiting.
Casinos where you have to wager the money you deposit three times before you can withdraw anything and which describe the whole thing in their terms and conditions as preventive measures against money laundering deserve an award for the best comedy prize.
After reading so much rubbish again, I'm currently lying on my back like a cockchafer from laughing so much and I can't get up.
It's just sick what's allowed these days.
Casinos bei denen man das Eingezahlte Geld erst 3Fach umsetzen muss, bevor man etwas Auszahlen lassen kann und das ganze in ihren AGB noch als vorbeugende Maßnahmen gegen Geldwäsche beschreiben, gehört ein Award für den besten Comedypreis verliehen.
Nachdem ich so viel Müll wieder gelesen habe, liege ich vor lauter lachen aktuell wie ein Maikäfer auf dem Rücken und komme nicht mehr hoch.
Es ist einfach nur Krank, was heutzutage alles erlaubt ist.
Hello, well I would say that 3x is quite a lot but it seems to me that it is not exactly something unusual, although I have seen it in some casinos. It's always good to know these things beforehand and if it's not for you, you'd better avoid such a casino.
Nevertheless, did you try it here or did you find out about this fact earlier and eventually gave up ? I would be discouraged too, to be honest. 🙁
Of course, I only noticed it after I wanted to cash out. Even if it's very rare, sometimes there are moments when you start a game and win after a short time. Then, of course, you want to cash out straight away. If you've already completed the verification and everything that goes with it, and then you're told that you have to wager your stake three times and that's the reason why you can't cash out, it's very sobering.
Therefore, I have no choice but to leave a bad review for such casinos.
It would of course be ideal if you would publish such information so that people do not fall for such casinos.
I always compare it to a real casino. I can go in with €500 and as soon as I don't feel like it anymore, I can leave with €480. There's no one at the door saying: Sorry, you have to wager another €1500 before you can leave.
Turning over the amount once is borderline, but still within limits. However, 3x is and remains fraud and you should mark such casinos to warn people about them. Only then might they change their priorities.
Ich habe es natürlich erst festgestellt nachdem ich auszahlen wollte. Es gibt ja, auch wenn es sehr selten ist, manchmal den moment, dass man ein Spiel startet und nach kurzer Zeit gewinnt. Dann will man natürlich auch gleich auszahlen. Wenn man dann die Verifikation und alles was dazugehört bereits erledit hat, und dann mitgeteilt bekommt dass man seinen einsatz erst mal 3 fach umsetzen muss und das der grund ist wieso man nicht auszahlen kann, ist es sehr ernüchternd.
Daher bleibt mir bei solchen Casinos nichts anderes übrig als hier eine schlechte bewertung zu hinterlassen.
Es wäre natürlich ideal wenn ihr solche infos bei euch veröffentlichen würdet, damit man auf solche Casinos nicht hereinfällt.
Ich vergleiche das immer mit einem echten Casino. Da kann ich auch mit 500€ reingehen und sobald ich keine Lust mehr habe wieder mit 480€ herausgehen. Da steht auch keiner an der Tür und sagt: Sorry du musst noch 1500€ umsetzen bevor du wieder gehen darfst.
Den Betrag einmal umzusetzen ist schon grenzwertig, aber hält sich noch im rahmen. 3Fach ist und bleibt allerdings Betrug und solche Casinos sollten von euch besonders gekennzeichnet werden um die Leute davor zu wahrnen. Erst dann ändern sie vielleicht ihre prioritäten.
The another point of view says that such wagering requirements are part of the antimoney-laundering policy (AML rules) wich is usually actively enforced by the licencing authority. Though I agree it's quite obvious that casual player would not try to launder €500.
I think setting a reasonable treshold would be sufficient, and also, players would certainly appriciate the attitude.
Still, would not call it a fraud.
Or you can simply mark these casinos on your site. And they will probably change their strategy when they realize that nobody is gambling with them anymore.
What is always strange, of course, is that two casinos are supposedly under the same licensing authority, but despite this they have different terms and conditions, especially when it comes to the wagering requirements for deposited money as well as for withdrawals.
For example:
2 casinos same licensing authority
In one there is a turnover requirement of 1x for deposited money
In the other, the deposited money must be wagered 3 times.
In Casino 1 I can only withdraw in crypto if I also deposit with crypto.
In Casino 2 I can deposit with fiat and withdraw with crypto.
In this case, Casino 1 says that this is what the licensing authority requires. In Casino 2, which is under the same licensing authority, different rules apply.
I don't think so, and I think that the casinos will do whatever they want until someone makes an example of them.
As I said, a marking from your side would be enough, but apparently you earn too much from the casinos to change anything.
PS Simply being there more for the players and less crawling behind the casinos would sometimes help to change things.
Oder man markiert diese Casinos als einfach auf eurer Seite. Und sicherlich werden sie dann vielleicht mal ihre Startegie ändern, wenn sie irgendwann merken dass keiner mehr bei ihnen zockt.
Kurious ist natürlich immer dass 2 Casinos angeblich unter der gleichen Lizenzbehörde stehen, trotzdessen allerdings unterschiedliche AGBs aufweisen, vorallem was die Umsatzbedingungen für eingezahltes Geld als auch für Auszahlung angeht.
Als Bespiel:
2 Casinos gleiche Lizenbehörde
In dem einen gibt es für eingezahltes Geld eine Umsatzbedingung von 1x
In dem anderen muss das eingezahlte Geld 3x umgesetzt werden.
In Casino 1 kann ich nur in Krypto auszahlen wenn ich auch mit Krpto einzahle.
In Casino 2 kann ich mit Fiat einzahlen und mit Krypto auszahlen.
Casino 1 erzählt in diesem Fall dass es so von der Lizenzbehörde vorgeschrieben ist. In Casino 2 das unter der gleichen Lizenzbehörde steht, gelten andere Regeln.
Ich glaube wohl eher nicht, und dass die Casinos solange machen was sie wollen bis man mal ein exempel statuiert.
Dazu würde wie gesagt eine markierung von eurerseite aus ausreichen, aber anscheinend verdient ihr durch die Casinos zuviel um mal etwas zu ändern.
P.S. Einfach mal mehr für die Spieler da sein und weniger den Casinos hinten rein kriechen würde manchmal schon helfen etwas zu ändern.
May I ask what exactly do you mean by marking casinos on our sites? I truly do not understand what do you have in mind, to tell you the truth.🤷♀️
Anyway, when it comes to the terms in the casino, each casino has got their own department to write and publish their terms on their site. Licensing authority, as Radka mentioned above, provide the rules to every casino (for example the minimum wagering, or the deposit/withdrawal methods) which they should follow, but it is totally up to each casino what and how will they implement them. If they are willing to risk, they can choose for example to accommodate the players and change the withdrawal method in their terms. So the deposit method and the withdrawal method will not be the same.
Also it is worth of mentioning here that some of the casinos might have more licensing authorities as well. In this case, you could find different rules in the casinos terms, as we have experienced many times.
When it comes to the terms of every and each casino we are not able to change them, and we always try to do that whenever we believe it is not fair, of course. We're aiming for fairness when it comes to players and when it comes to casinos as well.
I hope you can somehow understand my meaning here.
By that I mean a red, big, fat exclamation mark:
!!! Attention, this casino requires you to wager your deposited money 3 times before a withdrawal can be made!!!
So just a warning for the players. That way you would actively take action against this fraud and the casinos would have to think twice about what they do before they just do what they want. Otherwise you are not much better and you are supporting this fraud.
Have you ever been to a regular casino in the city?
Has anyone ever stopped you from leaving because you haven't gambled away all your money? I don't think so. But online casinos do that every day.
Damit meine ich ein rotes, dickes, fettes Ausrufezeichen:
!!! Achtung, dieses Casino fordert den 3 Fachen Umsatz eures eingezahlten Geldes, bevor eine Auszahlung stattfinden kann!!!
Also einfach eine Wahrnung für die Spieler. So würdet ihr aktiv gegen diesen Betrug vorgehen und die Casinos müssten sich 2mal überlegen was sie nun tun. Bevor sie einfach tun was sie wollen. Andernfalls seid ihr nicht wesentlich besser und unterstützt diesen Betrug.
Warst du mal in einem normalen Casino in der Stadt?
Hat dich da schonmal jemand am gehen gehindert, da du noch nicht dein ganzes geld verzockt hast? Ich glaube nicht. Die onlinecasinos machen das allerdings tag täglich.
I find the links above very questionable. I also wonder why something like this is even allowed here.
Doesn't look very serious to me.
And Casinoguru just watches.
Ich halte die oben stehende Links für sehr Fragwürdig. Zudem frage ich mich wieso soetwas hier überhaupt erlaubt ist.
Sieht für mich nicht sehr seriös aus.
Und Casinoguru schaut einfach zu.
I have seen in some casino reviews here in guru that's added in "interesting facts" on grey text, something like: "deposits need to be wagered x times" or something like that, I'm not sure.
The review is a summarized way to look into a casino but it's the players who need to check the specifics on each site, normally these type of things are mentioned in reviews made by users
By that I mean a red, big, fat exclamation mark:
!!! Attention, this casino requires you to wager your deposited money 3 times before a withdrawal can be made!!!
So just a warning for the players. That way you would actively take action against this fraud and the casinos would have to think twice about what they do before they just do what they want. Otherwise you are not much better and you are supporting this fraud.
Have you ever been to a regular casino in the city?
Has anyone ever stopped you from leaving because you haven't gambled away all your money? I don't think so. But online casinos do that every day.
Damit meine ich ein rotes, dickes, fettes Ausrufezeichen:
!!! Achtung, dieses Casino fordert den 3 Fachen Umsatz eures eingezahlten Geldes, bevor eine Auszahlung stattfinden kann!!!
Also einfach eine Wahrnung für die Spieler. So würdet ihr aktiv gegen diesen Betrug vorgehen und die Casinos müssten sich 2mal überlegen was sie nun tun. Bevor sie einfach tun was sie wollen. Andernfalls seid ihr nicht wesentlich besser und unterstützt diesen Betrug.
Warst du mal in einem normalen Casino in der Stadt?
Hat dich da schonmal jemand am gehen gehindert, da du noch nicht dein ganzes geld verzockt hast? Ich glaube nicht. Die onlinecasinos machen das allerdings tag täglich.
Hello. Allow me to correct you here: This is hardly a fraud action. I think you could use more advanced insights on the AML policy casinos have to apply. It's a standard, and when it is clearly stated in the rules, it's up to you to decide whether it is okay for you. to do so.
This free course called "iGaming Player Verification and AML" will help you significantly
Please try to be better informed. 🙏
I find the links above very questionable. I also wonder why something like this is even allowed here.
Doesn't look very serious to me.
And Casinoguru just watches.
Ich halte die oben stehende Links für sehr Fragwürdig. Zudem frage ich mich wieso soetwas hier überhaupt erlaubt ist.
Sieht für mich nicht sehr seriös aus.
Und Casinoguru schaut einfach zu.
As you may see, the thread is clear now. Thank you for your comment.
We are not robots working tirelessly 24/7. It is also stated in our rules, by the way, 🙂
We appreciate your kind understanding.
Just keep making excuses and supporting these fraudulent casinos.
I wrote you something about it so that you can have a comparison.
So if you've ever been stopped on your way out of a regular casino and someone forced you to stay because you hadn't gambled away the money you brought with you, feel free to reply to me.
Redet euch nur weiter heraus und unterstützt diese betrügerischen Casinos.
Ich habe euch ja etwas dazu geschrieben, damit ihr mal einen vergleich habt.
Also falls ihr mal in einem normalen Casino beim rausgehen angehalten worden seid, und euch jemand zum bleiben gezwungen hat, da ihr noch nicht euer mitgebrachten Geld verzockt habt, könnt ihr mir gerne antworten.
Free professional educational courses for online casino employees aimed at industry best practices, improving player experience, and fair approach to gambling.
An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
A platform created to showcase all of our efforts aimed at bringing the vision of a safer and more transparent online gambling industry to reality.
An ambitious project whose goal is to celebrate the greatest and the most responsible companies in iGaming and give them the recognition they deserve.
Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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