7 months ago
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I came in today I withdrew 700 but they still haven't authenticated.
There's something wrong with their platform and it doesn't upload the documents, I sent them by email and I'm still waiting for identification and withdrawal together, I hope everything goes well.
Μπήκα σήμερα έκανα ανάληψη 700 αλλά ακόμα Δεν έχουν κάνει ταυτοποίηση.
Κάτι έχει η πλατφόρμα τους Κ δεν κάνει upload τα έγγραφα, τά έστειλα με mail κ ακόμα περιμένω ταυτοποίηση κ ανάληψη μαζί, ελπίζω όλα νά πάνε καλά.
Hi, thanks for the info. Apparently you will have to go through verification first and wait to see if the documents are approved or what the casino actually writes you off.
If anything changes, be sure to let me know.
Identification was probably not needed, the money came in this morning.
I am very satisfied so far
I hope he continues to play like this.
Δε χρειαζόταν μάλλον ταυτοποίηση, σήμερα τό πρωί μπήκαν τα λεφτά.
Είμαι πολύ ικανοποιημένος μέχρι στιγμής
Ελπίζω να συνεχίσει νά παίζει έτσι.
That's great news. I see that verification was not necessary and you will probably have to do it later or with a larger withdrawal.
I also hope you will do well and win as much as possible.
One more question, which payment method did you use ? 😀
Except the first day I won 700 euros when I started playing every day all the games are under control and never take a money back.
Today i make a deposit of 30 Euros my money left my account but there s no moneys inside casinostar account.
My experience finally wasn't good enough
Have you contacted the casino to help you resolve this situation ? I know that this happens to players from time to time and it is quite a difficult situation. However, if you have a receipt that you sent money to the casino and it left your account okay, they should deal with this with you. I know sometimes it can take a while to get there but they should be able to help you somehow.
Will you try and let me know what they tell you ?
It's been 24 hours and my deposit is still being processed they say.
Meanwhile, the bank says that the deposits go to a bookstore.
Now imagine what happens.
I filed a complaint and am waiting to see the progress.
I am very angry with this particular casino and for gaming reasons because they gave me money on the first day and then they ruined me, everything I tried was a failure.
And when I somehow calmed down, they did this to me, without telling me the details.
Πέρασαν 24 ώρες κ η κατάθεση μου είναι ακόμα σέ επεξεργασία λένε.
Εν τω μεταξύ από την τράπεζα λένε ότι όι καταθέσεις πάνε σέ ένα βιβλιοπωλείο.
Φαντάσου τώρα τι συμβαίνει.
Έκανα κ παράπονο κ περιμένω να δω την εξέλιξη.
Είμαι πολύ θυμωμένος με το συγκεκριμένο καζίνο κ για παικτικους λόγους γιατί μου έδωσαν πρώτη μέρα λεφτά κ μετά με κατέστρεψαν, ότι δοκίμαζα ήταν αποτυχία.
Κ εκεί πού κάπως ηρέμησα μου έκαναν αυτό, χωρίς νά μου λένε λεπτομερείες.
Sometimes when I deposited in the casino, I got a message when I deposited with my card that the payment can be credited within a few days. Most of the time it took a while to process, but I've also waited three days. But that only happened once. I was also uneasy but it was solved because I also sent proof that I sent them the money. So I believe that it won't take long for you to get everything sorted out. If not you have a complaint and we will try to help.
It's just that when you're constantly lost and it happens, you get more irritated.
Also that the deposits go to a bookstore in Romania made me suspicious.
That's what the bank told me.
He asked if I ordered any books.
Απλά όταν είσαι συνέχεια χαμένος κ γίνεται κ αυτό εκνευριζεσαι περισσότερο.
Επίσης ότι όι καταθέσεις πάνε σε ένα βιβλιοπωλείο στη Ρουμανία με έκανε καχύποπτο.
Η τράπεζα αυτό μου είπε.
Ρώτησε αν παρήγγειλα βιβλία.
I am really sorry that you experienced this kind of issue and hope that it'll be solved shortly.
I believe that this casino uses a third-party payment provider, and that is why they see that the deposit goes to some bookstore in the bank statement. It is pretty common nowadays for online casinos to work this way.
Please keep us updated on how it goes, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you to be able to get it solved.🤞
The problem continues and while I sent them a copy from the bank, they only ask for documents that I don't understand.
People are unacceptable.
They have hurt me for their own mistake and they don't solve it. In the meantime they have to have me blocked in all their games. After the first win, where I put K only I lose. The luck suddenly stopped working and there is only the scrap. I feel stupid that even though I consider myself smart because of gambling I trust such scammers
Τό πρόβλημα συνεχίζεται κ ενώ τούς έστειλα αντίγραφο από την τράπεζα ζητάνε αλλά έγγραφα τά οποία Δεν καταλαβαίνω.
Οι άνθρωποι είναι απαράδεκτοι.
Με έχουν πρήξει για δικό τους λάθος Κ δεν τό λύνουν.Εν τώ μεταξύ πρέπει νά με έχουν μπλόκ σέ όλα τά παιχνίδια τούς.Μετα Την πρώτη νίκη, όπου Κ νά βάλω μόνο χάνω.Η τύχη ξαφνικά έπαψε νά ισχύει κ μόνο η χσσουρα υπάρχει.Νιωθω ηλίθιος που ενώ θεωρώ τόν εαυτό μου έξυπνο λόγο τού τζόγου εμπιστεύομαι τέτοιος απατεώνες
What exactly is it that you don't understand? Maybe we could be of any help here.
Also, could you be more specific what you mean by what you're saying about blocking the games for you? I truly don't think it is possible to do something like that. Just keep in mind that it is pure luck; sometimes we win and sometimes we don't.🤷♀️
Anyway, I will keep my fingers crossed so the issue can be resolved shortly.🤞
Issue Not Resolved.
My bank insists the money was sent, they still don't.
Who would you believe?
Anyway, I blocked this casino because they gave me money on the first day and then I kept losing in every slot I played.
Every day for a month in different games and played nothing.
Is it such a coincidence that on the first day I expect it to be gold and then a month later it doesn't give a single game?
I'm a gambler, I'm not an idiot.
Sometimes in the chat they told me which games to play, which means they know something.
But their proposals were for small victories.
Anyway, the casino is unacceptable with bad operation in terms of deposits, the system kept throwing me out and wanted to login again and the games were set.
Τό θέμα Δεν λύθηκε.
Η τράπεζα μου επιμένει ότι τά λεφτά στάλθηκαν, αυτοί πάλι όχι.
Ποιόν θά πίστευες εσύ;
Όπως κ νά χει μπλόκαρα αυτό τό καζίνο γιατί μου έδωσαν λεφτά την πρώτη μέρα κ μετά σέ ότι slot έπαιζα ήμουν συνέχεια χαμένος.
Κάθε μέρα ένα μήνα σέ διάφορα παιχνίδια κ δεν έπαιζε Τίποτα.
Τόση σύμπτωση πρώτη μέρα ότι ακουμπάω νά είναι χρυσός κ μετά ένα μήνα να μην δίνει ούτε ένα παιχνίδι;
Τζογαδόρος είμαι, ηλίθιος δεν είμαι.
Κάποιες φορές στο τσατ μου έλεγαν ποια παιχνίδια νά παίξω μάλιστα που σημαίνει ότι κάτι ξέρουν.
Όι προτάσεις τους όμως ήταν για μικρές νίκες.
Όπως κ νά χει τό καζίνο είναι απαράδεκτο με κακη λειτουργία όσον αφορά καταθέσεις,το σύστημα όλο με πετούσε έξω κ ήθελε ξανά login κ τά παιχνίδια τούς στημένα.
I'm just wondering, you mentioned they sometimes tell you in chat which games to play. What kind of games did they recommend to you? I'm quite confident they don't have any "special" knowledge about the games. When I worked in an online casino, players sometimes asked me which games to play as well.
When I felt that the player doesn't like sessions full of dead spins, I tried to recommend a game with a higher RTP plus low volatility. That means the player should win more often, but the winnings would be quite small. I assume they have a similar idea when you ask them about the games.
I have no idea, it may be so, however I think that escape games differ from company to company.
Do I win everywhere on the first day by chance? But everywhere.
And after a month every day losing everywhere?
Δεν έχω ιδέα, μπορεί κ νά είναι έτσι, πάντως θεωρώ ότι τά παιχνίδια απόδρασης εταιρία σέ εταιρία διαφέρουν.
Τυχαίο νά κερδίζω παντού την πρώτη μέρα; Παντού όμως.
Κ μετά ένα μήνα κάθε μέρα νά χάνεις παντού;
Hmm, I don't think this is exactly how it should be or how it is. That you win on the first day and then you don't.
However, if it was really happening to you and you felt like it was wrong, then I probably wouldn't play to avoid losing money. Have you thought about that scenario too ?
This is definitely a different situation and I can see that you have a complaint about it. I have also learned that everyone is telling you different things, so the bank is one thing and the casino is another.
So I am curious to know if they will appear or if the bank will eventually return the money to you as you mentioned.
This was probably the last experience for you in this casino.
If they come back it will be in 20 days.
I will update the forum if this happens.
However, this particular casino had general connectivity issues. Besides that, the system kept throwing me out, and when I entered the game, it wanted to login again.
Anyway, I wouldn't encourage people to play there.
Except that PLAYABILITY is then non-existent except for the first day.
Αν επιστρέψουν θά είναι σέ 20 μέρες.
Θα ενημερώσω το φόρουμ αν αυτό συμβεί.
Πάντως τό συγκεκριμένο καζίνο είχε γενικά θέματα συνδεσιμότητας Κ εκτός αυτού του έγινε με πετούσε συνέχεια έξω τό σύστημα κ κάθεται φορά πού έμπαινα σέ παιχνίδι ήθελε ξανά login.
Τεσπά εγώ πάντως δε θά προετρεπα κόσμο νά παίξει εκεί.
Εκτός ότι η ΠΑΙΚΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ τότε εκτός τής πρώτης μέρας είναι ανύπαρκτη.
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