The player's unable to get his balance as he was asked to verify his payment by a deposit which would need an additional wagering. The player withdrew their winnings successfully.
The player's unable to get his balance as he was asked to verify his payment by a deposit which would need an additional wagering. The player withdrew their winnings successfully.
The player's unable to get his balance as he was asked to verify his payment by a deposit which would need an additional wagering. The player withdrew their winnings successfully.
I have made a deposit at the Casino on a chip mobile. Played the required recycling and verified my account.
But the casino refuses to repatriate my winnings. At first, they kindly kept all my bank details and promised to make a manual withdrawal. I waited more than a week and asked afterwards. Next, they stated that withdrawal was not possible and demanded to make a new deposit with either an online wallet or bitcoin to change the payment method. (I think this is unreasonable because the minimum deposit is € 10 and the recycling is 3 times, in other words I have to pay € 30 to get the winnings for myself)
I have also clearly indicated in the Casino's instructions that it states that "the casino pays out winnings primarily by deposit method, but if this is not possible by bank transfer or even in a different currency (ie Bitcoin). But the casino does not respond when depositing profits the mother can be paid.
I’ve also tried to get their supervisors involved, but they have to hear more important things than my problems.
Next, I informed the Casino that I wanted to close my account and attached a section to their account terms and conditions which clearly states that the funds in the account will be refunded using either a deposit method or other possible payment method or even a different currency.
So now my account has been closed and no money has been refunded. Customer service still refuses to pay my profits and supervisors are not interested.
Is there anything left to do? The amount is small, but I still think it belongs to me
Olen tehnyt Casinolla talletuksen sirumobilella. Pelannut vaaditun kierrätyksen ja vahvistanut tilini.
Mutta casino ei suostu kotiuttamaan voittojani. Ensin he ystävällisesti pysyvät kaikki pankkitietoni ja lupasivat tehdä manuaalisen noston. Odotin yli viikon ja kyselin perään. Seuraavaksi he ilmoittivat että nosto ei ole mahdollinen ja vaativat tekemään uuden talletuksen joko nettilompakolla tai bitcoinilla maksutavan vaihtamiseksi. (Minusta tämä on kohtuutonta koska minimitalletus on 10€ ja kierrätys 3kertaa eli toisin sanoen joudun maksamaan 30€ saadakseni voitot itselleni)
Olen myös osoittanut Casinolla ohjeista selvästi kohdan missä kerrotaan että "casino maksaa voitot ensisijaisesti talletusmenetelmällä, mutta jos tämä ei ole mahdollista niin pankkisiirrolla tai jopa eri valuutalla (eli Bitcoin). Mutta tähän casino ei vastaa mitään eikä myöskään suostu säännöistä osoittamaan kohtaa missä kerrotaan että sirumobilella tallettaessa voittoja äiti voida maksaa.
Olen myös yrittänyt saada asian hoitoon mukaan heidän esimiehiään, mutta heillä on kuulema tärkeämpiä asioita kun minun ongelmani.
Seuraavaksi ilmoitin Casinolla että haluan sulkea tilini ja lähetin liitteeksi kohdan heidän tiliehdoistaan missä selvästi kerrotaan että tilillä olevat varat palautetaan joko talletustapaa käyttämällä tai muulla mahdollisella maksutavalla tai jopa eri valuutalla.
Nyt siis tilini on suljettu eikä kuitenkaan rahoja palautettu. Asiakaspalvelu ei edelleenkään suostu voittojani maksamaan eikä esimiehiä kiinnosta.
Onko enää mitään tehtävissä? Summa on pieni, mutta kuitenkin mielestäni kuuluu minulle
Hello Jylppis,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with CatCasino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
When exactly did you request for the withdrawal? Since when is your account closed? Is the casino still responding to you since they closed your account? Did you just close it or asked for a self-exclusion?
Looking forward to your answer.
Hello Jylppis,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with CatCasino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
When exactly did you request for the withdrawal? Since when is your account closed? Is the casino still responding to you since they closed your account? Did you just close it or asked for a self-exclusion?
Looking forward to your answer.
Hey. Thanks for answering me.
I first requested a repatriation on February 11, 2022
At first, they did promise a manual withdrawal and I sent all my bank details to them, but later they said it was not possible to withdraw.
My account has been closed since March 9th. I requested account closure myself because there was a section in the instructions and terms that said:
14.2 When you request that your account be closed in accordance with Section 14.1, we will refund the remaining balance of your account in accordance with Section 13.3.
14.4 When paying the outstanding balance of your account, we will use the same payment method you provided when registering your account, or any other payment method we may reasonably choose.
I wished they would have paid my winnings when I closed my account.
Now the casino has not responded for several days. And at no point have I received any direct answers from them to any question.
Hei. Kiitos kun vastasitte minulle.
Ensimmäisen kerran olen pyytänyt kotiutusta 11.2.2022
Alussa he tosiaan lupasivat manuaalisen noston ja lähetin kaikki pankkitietoni heille, mutta myöhemmin sanoivatkin että ei ole mahdollista nostaa.
Tilini on ollut suljettuna 9.3 alkaen. Pyysin tilin sulku itse, koska ohjeissa ja ehdoissa oli kohta missä sanottiin:
14.2 Kun pyydät tilisi sulkemista kohdan 14.1 mukaisesti, palautamme sinulle tilisi jäljellä olevan saldon kohdan 13.3 mukaisesti.
14.4 Maksaessamme tilisi erääntyneen saldon, käytämme samaa maksutapaa, jonka annoit tilisi rekisteröinnin yhteydessä, tai muuta maksutapaa, jonka voimme kohtuudella valita.
Toivoin että he olisivat maksaneet voittoni kun suljen tilini.
Nyt casino ei ole enää useaan päivään vastannut mitään. Ja missään vaiheessa en ole saanut heiltä yhtään suoraa vastausta mihinkään kysymykseen.
Dear Jylppis,
I'm pretty sure that the casino will ask for another payment method anyway, which may still require the minimum deposit to verify it. Wagering of the deposit is to prevent money laundering, which you basically skipped with the account closure. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Tomas who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Dear Jylppis,
I'm pretty sure that the casino will ask for another payment method anyway, which may still require the minimum deposit to verify it. Wagering of the deposit is to prevent money laundering, which you basically skipped with the account closure. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Tomas who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Hello Jylppis,
I went over the complaint and will assist you from now on.
In cases like this, it's often the best course of action to deposit the minimum amount required, in order to be allowed to withdraw.
In the situation where you only need to deposit due to payment method restrictions and the casino is customer-oriented there often is no need to wager deposits in order to be able to withdraw. In this scenario, you would not have to wager 30€ but only would have to deposit the minimum amount of 10€. Allow me to ask a few questions.
Did the casino tell you the deposit will need to be wagered or did you only assume this was the case?
If the casino would allow reopening your account would you consider depositing the minimum amount to the casino in order to withdraw your winnings under such circumstances?
Hello Jylppis,
I went over the complaint and will assist you from now on.
In cases like this, it's often the best course of action to deposit the minimum amount required, in order to be allowed to withdraw.
In the situation where you only need to deposit due to payment method restrictions and the casino is customer-oriented there often is no need to wager deposits in order to be able to withdraw. In this scenario, you would not have to wager 30€ but only would have to deposit the minimum amount of 10€. Allow me to ask a few questions.
Did the casino tell you the deposit will need to be wagered or did you only assume this was the case?
If the casino would allow reopening your account would you consider depositing the minimum amount to the casino in order to withdraw your winnings under such circumstances?
Hey. Thanks for the answer.
I have asked the Casino a question about this deposit recycling, but I did not receive an answer. Only prompt to make a new deposit. So I assumed recycling would be done.
The biggest problem here is that customer service doesn’t answer any questions directly, but circumvents the answers so they don’t take responsibility for what they say.
I could make a € 10 deposit if it doesn’t need to be recycled and I can withdraw it right away. Because after this experience, I no longer want to play a single game at this Casino.
Hei. Kiitos vastauksesta.
Olen esittänyt Casinolla kysymyksen juuri tästä talletuksen kierrättämisestä, mutta en saanut vastausta. Ainoastaan kehoituksen tehdä uusi talletus. Joten oletin että kierrätys olisi tehtävä.
Suurin ongelma tässä on se että asiakaspalvelu ei vastaa mihinkään kysymykseen suoraan, vaan kiertää vastauksissa ettei joutuisi vastuuseen sanomisistaan.
Voisin tehdä 10€ talletuksen, jos sitä ei tarvitse kierrättää ja voin nostaa sen heti pois. Koska tämän kokemuksen jälkeen en enää tällä Casinolla halua pelata yhtään ainoaa peliä.
Thanks for the reply, Jylppis.
I'll contact the casino and see how can they help in resolving your issue.
CatCasino, could you advise how to enable the withdrawal of Jylppis' winnings?
Thanks for the reply, Jylppis.
I'll contact the casino and see how can they help in resolving your issue.
CatCasino, could you advise how to enable the withdrawal of Jylppis' winnings?
Hello Jylppis!
Thank you for your request.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, we had some technical issues with the IBAN withdrawal, but we are already working on your request, and we have sent to you the confirmation email to clarify the bank information and waiting for your respond.
Best regards, Cat Casino!
Hello Jylppis!
Thank you for your request.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, we had some technical issues with the IBAN withdrawal, but we are already working on your request, and we have sent to you the confirmation email to clarify the bank information and waiting for your respond.
Best regards, Cat Casino!
Thanks to the Cat Casino team for your reply. We appreciate your effort to find a way to return Jylppis' remaining balance.
Dear Jylppis,
let us know if you experience any issues with the method the casino proposes and I wish you luck withdrawing your remaining balance. Keep us informed about the result. Much appreciated!
Thanks to the Cat Casino team for your reply. We appreciate your effort to find a way to return Jylppis' remaining balance.
Dear Jylppis,
let us know if you experience any issues with the method the casino proposes and I wish you luck withdrawing your remaining balance. Keep us informed about the result. Much appreciated!
Hello, Jylppis and Tomas!
The withdrawal was successfil from our side, and the player is welcome to check the Bitcoin wallet.
Thanks a lot for your cooperation.
Hello, Jylppis and Tomas!
The withdrawal was successfil from our side, and the player is welcome to check the Bitcoin wallet.
Thanks a lot for your cooperation.
Thanks for the help Tomas!
I finally got my winnings raised. This would hardly have been possible without your help. Because the casino did not cooperate with me in the past.
But now luckily the thing is okay.
Good sequel 🙂
Kiitos avusta Tomas!
Sain vihdoin nostettua voittoni. Tämä tuskin olis ilman sinun apua onnistunut. Koska aiemmin casino ei kanssani tehnyt yhteistyötä.
Mutta nyt onneksi asia kunnossa.
Hyvää jatkoa 🙂
I am glad to hear you received your winnings, Jylppis! Thank you for letting us know. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
I am glad to hear you received your winnings, Jylppis! Thank you for letting us know. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
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