The player from Sweden is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings because he cannot use a preferred payment method.
Deposited 10 euros in the casino, won 50 euros and made a withdrawal of 50 euros.
Sent in documents idhandling and bank card checked with customer service said I was fully verified.
The withdrawal was not approved, customer service thought I should try again,
same thing again not approved. tried a few times until it did not work.
It was alleged that my bank blocked the withdrawal. checked with my bank there was no bockering.
I thought it was just as good to play the money, to my surprise I started to win a lot of money in a few days 23300eur.
Customer service proposed to make withdrawals in cryptocurrency, made a new withdrawal in cryptocurrency (1000eur) which
was not further verfiering was required.
Submitted documents twice that were not approved
Received an email from maxcazino
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Customer Service < >
Date: our 16 sep. 2020 10:23
Subject: Financial operations
To: <*** @>
Dear Ingmar,
This letter is written with the help of online translators.
Yes, the withdrawal is limited during the time of the investigation according to clause 5.3 in our General Terms and Conditions. The gaming provider may perform the checks for regulatory, security or other business reasons from time to time. This is the standard procedure.
As soon as we receive the results of the survey from the game provider, we will notify you by e-mail. We appreciate your understanding.
Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Satte in 10 eur i casinot, vann 50eur och gjorde ett uttag på 50 eur.
Skickade in dokument idhandling och bankkort kollade upp med kundservice sa jag var fullt verfierad.
Uttaget blev inte godkännt, kundsevice tyckte att jag skulle prova igen,
samma sak igen inte godkännt. provade några gånger till det gick inte.
Det påstods att min bank blockerade uttaget. kollade med min bank där fanns ingen bockering.
Jag tyckte det var lika bra att spela upp pengarna, till min förvåning började jag vinna mycket pengar under några dagar 23300eur.
Kundtjänst förslog att göra uttag i kryptovaluta, gjorde nytt uttag i krytovaluta (1000eur) som
inte blev godkä krävdes yttligare verfiering.
Skicade in dokument 2 gånger som inte blev godkännda
Fick ett mail från maxcazino
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Från: Customer Service <>
Date: ons 16 sep. 2020 10:23
Subject: Financial operations
To: <***>
Kära Ingmar,
Det här brevet är skrivet med hjälp av online-översättare.
Ja, tillbakadragandet är begränsat under tiden för utredningen enligt klausul 5.3 i våra Allmänna villkor. Spelleverantören kan utföra kontrollerna av regleringsmässiga, säkerhetsmässiga eller andra affärsskäl då och då. Det är standardförfarandet.
Så snart vi får resultatet av undersökningen från spelleverantören kommer vi att meddela dig via e-post. Vi uppskattar din förståelse.
Ha en bra dag!
MaxCazino Team
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. Sometimes casinos cannot transfer your money to preferred payment method due to local regulations or contracts with the payment providers.
Also, the casino has the full right to carry out additional verification, especially if you won the significant amount of money. Did you submit the same documents twice, but they were approved only the first time?
Could you forward any other relevant communication between you and the casino to
Thank you in advance for your reply. I hope we will be able to help you with this case as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. Sometimes casinos cannot transfer your money to preferred payment method due to local regulations or contracts with the payment providers.
Also, the casino has the full right to carry out additional verification, especially if you won the significant amount of money. Did you submit the same documents twice, but they were approved only the first time?
Could you forward any other relevant communication between you and the casino to
Thank you in advance for your reply. I hope we will be able to help you with this case as soon as possible.
Best regards,
No, I did not send in the same document.
Submitted this first once and was not approved.
Then I asked customer service to explain how I should do and
received this email.
Tue 15 Sep. 2020 10: 10Customer Service < > wrote:
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to mention that both, your ID card and the paper which says, "Hi, MaxCazino and the current date" should be in one hand. At this moment that is all documents that are required from you. In case we need further information, we will contact you via email.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Sent this verfiering once again it was not approved again
Nej jag skickade inte in samma dokument.
Skickade in det här först en gång och blev inte godkännt.
Därefter bad jag kundtjänst förklara hur jag skulle göra och
fick detta mail.
Den tis 15 sep. 2020 10:10Customer Service <> skrev:
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to mention that both, your ID card and the paper which says, "Hi, MaxCazino and the current date" should be in one hand. At this moment that is all documents that are required from you. In case we need further information, we will contact you via email.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Skickade in denna verfiering en gång till det blev inte godkännt igen
Här kommer mail som jag fått av maxcazino
Den tis 15 sep. 2020 10:10Customer Service <> skrev:
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to mention that both, your ID card and the paper which says, "Hi, MaxCazino and the current date" should be in one hand. At this moment that is all documents that are required from you. In case we need further information, we will contact you via email.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Detta mail kom när jag ställde frågan varför det inte går att verifiera.
Den lör 19 sep. 2020 08:50Customer Service <> skrev:
Dear Ingmar,
We are writing to inform that your account is under review, and we will get back to you as soon as we get any update on this case.
Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Här kommer mail som jag fått av maxcazino
Den tis 15 sep. 2020 10:10Customer Service <> skrev:
Dear Ingmar,
Thank you for contacting us.
I would like to mention that both, your ID card and the paper which says, "Hi, MaxCazino and the current date" should be in one hand. At this moment that is all documents that are required from you. In case we need further information, we will contact you via email.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Detta mail kom när jag ställde frågan varför det inte går att verifiera.
Den lör 19 sep. 2020 08:50Customer Service <> skrev:
Dear Ingmar,
We are writing to inform that your account is under review, and we will get back to you as soon as we get any update on this case.
Have a nice day!
MaxCazino Team
Thank you very much Ingmar for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Thank you very much Ingmar for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hello Ingmar.
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
Hello Ingmar.
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
As with any big wins, we are required to check the gameplay and we were waiting for results from several game providers to cover the big wins gained during his winning sessions which took some time. With regards to his account verification, this was completed quickly and inline with our procedures and policies.
All checks on player have been completed and the gameplay is ok. We will inform the player that he is now eligible to withdraw his winnings. The player can withdraw €10,000 a week, €25,000 a month.
As with any big wins, we are required to check the gameplay and we were waiting for results from several game providers to cover the big wins gained during his winning sessions which took some time. With regards to his account verification, this was completed quickly and inline with our procedures and policies.
All checks on player have been completed and the gameplay is ok. We will inform the player that he is now eligible to withdraw his winnings. The player can withdraw €10,000 a week, €25,000 a month.
From: Customer Service
Date: Tue 22 Sep. 2020 16:56
Subject: Financial operations
Dear Ingmar,
We are pleased to inform you that the investigation of games from the gaming provider has ceased. We are really grateful for your patience and understanding.
Now we are also happy to mention that you can make a withdrawal request. But we would like to point out that you can make a successful payout only with the help of the debit card used to make a deposit in our casino. Keep in mind that according to the rules on our website, there are some restrictions on withdrawals. The maximum withdrawal amount is EUR 4,000 - per day, EUR 10,000 per week and EUR 25,000 per month.
Contact us if you have further questions or need help. We are always ready to help you!
The letter was written with the help of Google's translator.
MaxCazino Team
Maxcazino has previously said that it is not possible to make withdrawals on my debit card.
Has now made a new withdrawal on the same debit card and fears that it will be the same again.
Från: Customer Service <>
Datum: tis 22 sep. 2020 16:56
Ämne: Financial operations
Kära Ingmar,
Vi är glada att kunna informera dig om att utredningen av spel från spelleverantören har upphört. Vi är verkligen tacksamma för tålamodet och förståelsen från din sida.
Nu är vi också glada att kunna nämna att du kan göra en uttagsbegäran. Men vi vill påpeka att du kan göra en lyckad utbetalning endast med hjälp av det betalkort som användes för att göra en insättning i vårt casino. Tänk på att det enligt reglerna på vår webbplats finns några begränsningar för uttag. Det maximala uttagsbeloppet är 4000 EUR - per dag, 10 000 EUR per vecka och 25 000 EUR per månad.
Kontakta oss om du har ytterligare frågor eller behöver hjälp. Vi är alltid redo att hjälpa dig!
Brevet skrevs med hjälp av Googles översättare.
MaxCazino Team
Maxcazino har tidigare sagt att det inte går göra uttag på mitt betalkort.
Har nu gjort ett nytt uttag på samma betalkort och befarar att det blir detsamma igen.
Today a couple of emails came that it was not possible to transfer to my bank card
later in the day, 1000 euros had come into my bank account.
Let's hope that it now works to withdraw money in the future.
Idag kom ett par mail att det inte gick att överföra till mitt bankort
senare på dagen hade det kommit in 1000 eur på mitt bankonto.
Får hoppas att det nu fungerar att ta ut pengar framöver.
Hello Ingmar.
Glad to hear about that. Can we consider your case got resolved? 🙂
Hello Ingmar.
Glad to hear about that. Can we consider your case got resolved? 🙂
Absolutely not.
Have now tried to make 2 more withdrawals that can not be performed. my bank stops them, says the casino.
I have had a withdrawal that went through when you contacted the casino.
the casino has previously suggested that I change the withdrawal method to cryptocurrency.
I opened a crypto wallet deposited a minimum amount of 28eur. via it to verify the method
as they said.
Made a new one a new outlet via it and it was rejected as usual.
Yesterday I asked the chat if I could make withdrawals via cryptocurrency, they replied that I did not get it
the only withdrawal method i can use is my debit card.
Called my bank to ask if there was any block that did this. they replied this card should work
Absolut inte.
Har nu provat att göra 2 uttag till som ej går att genomföra. min bank stoppar dom säger casinot.
jag har haft ett uttag som gick igenom när du tog kontakt med casinot.
casiniot har tidigare föreslagit att jag skulle byta uttagsmetod till kryptovaluta.
jag öppnade en krytoplånbok satte in en minimal summa 28eur. via den för att verfiera metoden
som de sa.
Gjorde ett nytt ett nytt uttag via den och det blev avslag som vanligt.
Igår frågade jag chatten om jag kunde få göra uttag via kryptovaluta de svarade att det fick jag inte
den enda uttagsmetod jag kan andvända är mitt bankort.
Ringde min bank fråga om där var någon spärr som gjorde detta. de svarade detta kortet ska fungera
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
This post is private for now. It’s waiting to get approved by Casino Guru. We only make new posts public after a manual review to make sure that they don’t contain any sensitive information meant to be only seen by the involved parties.
Here comes a chat Hello! My name is Mila and I'd be happy to help you.
How can I help you?
can you answer me why my withdrawal today 1000 eur did not go through
yesterday 09-23 there were no problems with withdrawals and I got my money
I will use online translators. Your bank rejects your transaction. Please contact your bank and ask them if you do not have restrictions on receiving international withdrawals. As you can see, we have withdrawn your money three times before and now we also want to do it as quickly as possible. But unfortunately, the problem is with your bank.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. But we ask you to contact your bank and ask if you have any limits and tell us about the result. Thank you for understanding.
another issue before I was recommended to withdraw money in cryptocurrency I have a crypto wallet
Unfortunately, we can not send your money via crypto wallet. Please, go to your bank and ask them about limits and tell them about the results. I'm extremely sorry again.
I have deposited in etherum 28 eur as you approved I made a withdrawal 1000 eur which was not approved as usual
23 hours ago, seen
Thanks for your message! The team will get back to you soon here or by email (
Consider adding any details that might help the team to answer your question.
We can not withdraw your money via crypto wallet. We have already withdrawn your funds before and would like to make it possible now. We ask you to contact your bank and clarify if you have any restrictions on accepting money or other restrictions from your banking side. If there are any of them, please let us know as soon as possible.
Här kommer en chatt Hello! My name is Mila and I’d be happy to help you.
How can I help you?
kan ni svara mig varför mitt uttag idag 1000 eur inte gick igenom
igår 09-23 var det inga problem med uttag och jag fick mina pengar
Jag kommer att använda online översättare. Din bank avvisar din transaktion. Vänligen kontakta din bank och fråga dem om du inte har begränsningar för att ta emot internationella uttag. Som du ser har vi tagit ut dina pengar tidigare tre gånger och nu vill vi också göra det så snabbt som möjligt. Men tyvärr är problemet med din bank.
Vi är ledsna för besväret. Men vi ber dig att kontakta din bank och fråga om du har några gränser och berätta om resultatet. Tack för att du förstår.
en annan fråga förut blev jag rekomenderad att ta ut pengar i kruptovaluta jag har en krypto wallet
Tyvärr kan vi inte skicka dina pengar via kryptoplånbok. Snälla, gå till din bank och fråga dem om gränser och berätta om resultaten. Jag är ytterst ledsen en gång till.
jag har satt in i etherum 28 eur som ni godkännt jag gjorde ett uttag 1000 eur som inte blev godkännt som vanligt
23 hours ago, seen
Thanks for your message! The team will get back to you soon here or by email (
Consider adding any details that might help the team to answer your question.
Vi kan inte ta ut dina pengar via kryptoplånbok. Vi har redan tagit ut dina medel tidigare och skulle gärna göra det möjligt nu. Vi ber dig att kontakta din bank och förtydliga om du har några begränsningar för att acceptera pengar eller andra begränsningar från din banksida. Om det finns några av dem, snälla, låt oss veta om det så snart som möjligt.
We are still in a constant contact with a player. We are trying to pay out his winning, but every time we get a decline. We have got a RNN number 0270154444** from our payment processor, they told that the player can refer with this number to his bank and they will be able to locate one of the payouts that were declined. Hopefully, this will help.
We are still in a constant contact with a player. We are trying to pay out his winning, but every time we get a decline. We have got a RNN number 0270154444** from our payment processor, they told that the player can refer with this number to his bank and they will be able to locate one of the payouts that were declined. Hopefully, this will help.
Have again been in contact with my bank regarding Rnn 0270154444 **
The answered number does not exist
The bank does not deny repurchases
The strange thing is that a repurchase is possible
through.the error must be on the casino.
Made a new withdrawal of 3000 eur
rejection again. The casino wants me to lower it to not exceed 1000eur
HAS THE MONEY run out?
That's what I think.
Har återigen varit i kontakt med min bank angående Rnn 0270154444**
De svarade numret finns inte
Banken nekar inte återköp
Det konstiga är att ett återköp går
igenom.felet måste ligga på casinot.
Gjorde ett nytt uttag på 3000 eur
avslag igen. Casinot vill att jag ska sänka till att inte överstiga 1000eur
HAR PENGARNA tagit slut?
Det är vad jag tror.
Dear Maxcazino Casino team.
Please, is there any new info?
Dear Maxcazino Casino team.
Please, is there any new info?
There were more withdrawals attempts by the players. We have processed all of them, however 2 payouts have returned back with a decline status. Our support has suggested to split the payouts in less than 1000€ withdrawal requests, maybe that will help. From our side were are trying all the best.
There were more withdrawals attempts by the players. We have processed all of them, however 2 payouts have returned back with a decline status. Our support has suggested to split the payouts in less than 1000€ withdrawal requests, maybe that will help. From our side were are trying all the best.
It is very slow to get my 16500eur.
This week I have made withdrawals for 3500 eur in smaller withdrawals.
On 09/29, 820 euros came into my bank account
The casino blames my bank for blocking withdrawals
which I do not believe in, in total it has come in 1820 eur.
These 1820 euros would not have come if the bank blocked my withdrawals.
Once again I want to say to max casino, the bank never blocks a repurchase and there is no limit to repurchases. It is not difficult to figure out what this is about, you start to reveal yourself more and more.
In my eyes right now, Max Cazino is a real j **** shit casino that does not pay out winnings.
Det går väldigt trögt att få in mina 16500eur.
Denna vecka har jag gjort uttag för 3500 eur i mindre uttag.
Den 09\29 kom det in 820eur på mitt bankonto
Casinot skyller på min bank att de blockerar uttagen
vilket jag inte tror på,totalt har det kommit in 1820 eur.
Dessa 1820 eur hade inte kommit om banken blockerar mina uttag.
Ännu en gång vill jag säga till max cazino, banken blockerer aldrig ett återköp och det finns ingen limit för återköp.Det är inte svårt att räkna vad detta handlar om,ni börja att avslöja er själv alltmer.
I mina ögon just nu är Max Cazino ett riktigt j**** skitcasino som inte betalar ut vinster.
Dear Ingmar.
First of all, I highly recommend you to avoid playing with the amount so you get the whole amount without losing it.
Have you received any additional payments? It is clear that the casino really wants to pay your winnings and please be aware, that so far we have had only good experiences with this casino. Sometimes the problem may not be the fault of the casino either the player. Please, be patient, I am sure we can find a proper solution for you to get all your winnings.
Dear Ingmar.
First of all, I highly recommend you to avoid playing with the amount so you get the whole amount without losing it.
Have you received any additional payments? It is clear that the casino really wants to pay your winnings and please be aware, that so far we have had only good experiences with this casino. Sometimes the problem may not be the fault of the casino either the player. Please, be patient, I am sure we can find a proper solution for you to get all your winnings.
Hey Ingmar.
Is there any new information about your case, please? The casino provided us with relevant information that there are obvious payment difficulties and they are trying hard to solve the problem. However, we may require your assistance.
Hey Ingmar.
Is there any new information about your case, please? The casino provided us with relevant information that there are obvious payment difficulties and they are trying hard to solve the problem. However, we may require your assistance.
Ingmar, there is an obvious problem in your bank, since they are clearly rejecting these payments. There are two options, you can wait and then choose Swedish licensed casino or go to your bank and find out what is wrong (it may also help you to get your winnings much faster). What do you think? Could you do it?
Ingmar, there is an obvious problem in your bank, since they are clearly rejecting these payments. There are two options, you can wait and then choose Swedish licensed casino or go to your bank and find out what is wrong (it may also help you to get your winnings much faster). What do you think? Could you do it?
Hi Jozef, I have been in contact with the bank 3 times that the casino has difficulty transferring my money to
my bank card. the bank has said all 3 times that they never reject any repurchase to bank card and there is none
limit how much you can receive. What the bank rejects is when you have to pay with a bank card and there is no money on the card. This is the information the bank provides. I do not think they would lie to me.
But to meet you Jozef, I have once again contacted the bank and sent a message.
we'll see what the answer will be.
Ps. I play at more casinos without a Swedish license with this bank card, where I have been able to pay with this, it has never been a problem to withdraw winnings on the bank card.
Hej Jozef, jag har varit i kontakt med banken 3 gånger om att casinot har svårt att överföra mina pengar till
mitt bankkort. banken har sagt alla 3 gångerna att de aldrig avvisar något återköp till bankort och det finns ingen
gräns hur mycket man får ta emot.Det banken avvisar är när man ska betala med bankort och det inte finns pengar på kortet. Detta är den information banken lämnar ut. Jag tror inte dom skulle ljuga för mig.
Men för att gå dig Jozef tillmötes har jag än en gång kontaktat banken och skickat ett meddelande .
vi får se vad det blir för svar.
Ps. jag spelar på fler casino utan svensk licens med detta bankort, där jag har kunnat betala med detta har det aldrig varit problem att ta ut vinster på bankortet.
Today my bank called me to respond to the message I sent.
It was almost the same answer I got as before.
They could see that some repurchases had taken place earlier, if the bank had stopped
refunds from foreign casinos I had not received them.
The refunds that the casino sends are rejected before they reach the bank, it can be for various reasons.
Why can the casino not send the money to the Iban number that is linked to your bank account. then comes the money
to you.
That's what the bank told me
Idag ringde min bank upp mig för att svara på meddelandet jag skickat in.
Det var nästan samma svar jag fick som tidigare.
De kunde se att det gått igenom några återköp tidigare,om det var så att banken stoppar
återbetalningar från utländska casinon hade jag inte fått de.
De återbetalningar som casinot skickar blir avvisade innan de når banken, det kan vara av olika anledningar.
Varför kan casinot inte skicka pengarna på Ibannummer som är knutet till ditt bankonto. då kommer pengarna
till dig.
Det var vad banken sa till mig
As per the reply that the client claims came from his bank, we have thoroughly answered and commented on this whole case with our CEO’s response last week. Furthermore we have taken and provided proof of everything that we have been communicating up to this point in form of transfer codes, screen shots from the payment provider themselves and even going as far as sharing some other size-able payouts we have made during that given week to our other players.
As you well know the payment processors work in very strict and automated ways, it is not us doing a manual wire transfer to his Iban form our personal accounts. We are not only bound by regulations but by the processes of our payment providers and his suggestion counts as a separate payment method in the gaming operations world.
We will be taking a defensive here because the client himself has not provided you with any proof of any of his statements and communications while at the same time we see that he has managed to get some more money withdrawn from us in the meantime. Our stance is clear, we continue to pay him out when the payments go through. Whether they do or not is most definitely not an issue on our behalf nor in our control.
MaxCazino Management
As per the reply that the client claims came from his bank, we have thoroughly answered and commented on this whole case with our CEO’s response last week. Furthermore we have taken and provided proof of everything that we have been communicating up to this point in form of transfer codes, screen shots from the payment provider themselves and even going as far as sharing some other size-able payouts we have made during that given week to our other players.
As you well know the payment processors work in very strict and automated ways, it is not us doing a manual wire transfer to his Iban form our personal accounts. We are not only bound by regulations but by the processes of our payment providers and his suggestion counts as a separate payment method in the gaming operations world.
We will be taking a defensive here because the client himself has not provided you with any proof of any of his statements and communications while at the same time we see that he has managed to get some more money withdrawn from us in the meantime. Our stance is clear, we continue to pay him out when the payments go through. Whether they do or not is most definitely not an issue on our behalf nor in our control.
MaxCazino Management
Hello there,
Dear MaxCazino team.
Thank you for your response, we highly appreciate your cooperation.
Dear Ingmar.
I can fully confirm the casino statement, they are really trying hard to get your winnings into your bank account. I highly recommend you to stay patient, wait for all the payments and then, if you are not satisfied I recommend you to choose a different casino. However, to be clear, we do not believe this is the fault of the Maxcazino team. Your bank is clearly rejecting the payments (maybe their automated system and they do not know about it), however, from the casino site, it is everything right and sustained with proofs.
I am extending the timer by 10days, could you inform us when you receive the rest?
Hello there,
Dear MaxCazino team.
Thank you for your response, we highly appreciate your cooperation.
Dear Ingmar.
I can fully confirm the casino statement, they are really trying hard to get your winnings into your bank account. I highly recommend you to stay patient, wait for all the payments and then, if you are not satisfied I recommend you to choose a different casino. However, to be clear, we do not believe this is the fault of the Maxcazino team. Your bank is clearly rejecting the payments (maybe their automated system and they do not know about it), however, from the casino site, it is everything right and sustained with proofs.
I am extending the timer by 10days, could you inform us when you receive the rest?
Hi Joseph
Has received new information from my bank and they know why withdrawals are denied.
I have sent the message to the casino. get to see what they answer.
Hej Jozef
Har fått ny information från min bank och dom vet varför uttagen nekas.
Jag har skickat meddelandet till casinot . får se vad dom svarar.
Hello there,
We still constantly communicate with the player and trying to do our best to ensure all payouts will be delivered to the recipient.
Hello there,
We still constantly communicate with the player and trying to do our best to ensure all payouts will be delivered to the recipient.
Dear Ingmar,
I am extending the timer by 7 days. Please, let us know if there is any new info.
Dear Ingmar,
I am extending the timer by 7 days. Please, let us know if there is any new info.
The deposits of my profit of 16183 eur in small sums seem to have stopped completely.
I was told by the bank that the denied withdrawals were due to the fact that my information on my bank card had been entered incorrectly.
So apparently the repurchases work when the card details are written correctly.
Who slices in incorrect information ????????????
Insättningarna av min vinst på 16183 eur i mindre summor verkar att ha stannat av helt.
Jag fick veta av banken att de nekade uttagen berodde på att mina uppgifterna på mitt bankort har skivits i felaktigt.
Så tydligen fungerar återköpen när kortuppgifterna skrivs rätt.
Vem är det som skiver i felaktiga uppgifter????????????
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Dear MaxCazino team.
Please, could you react?
Dear MaxCazino team.
Please, could you react?
Hi Joseph
I have decided to give up getting paid by the casino
it is completely pointless to make withdrawals nothing goes through
had I not contacted casinoGuru I would not have received anything
thanks for all the help.
I'll play up all the money left
Hej Jozef
Jag har bestämt mig att ge upp med att få betalt av casinot
det är helt meningslöst att göra uttag ingenting går igenom
hade jag inte tagit kontakt med casinoGuru hade jag inte fått någonting
tack för all hjäp.
jag spelar upp alla pengarna som finns kvar
Hello Ingmar.
Please, be aware that the casino is still researching your case and trying to find the right option to get the amount to you and your amount is still locked in your account. Are you open to get it through another payment method?
Hello Ingmar.
Please, be aware that the casino is still researching your case and trying to find the right option to get the amount to you and your amount is still locked in your account. Are you open to get it through another payment method?
This post has been made private by Casino Guru. It contains sensitive information meant to be seen only by the involved parties.
Hi Joseph
I have always been open to that
get my money via another payment method.
The casino suggested that I could get them in cryptocurrency but when I was going to make withdrawals the casino was no longer interested in this. The only payment method I could use was my debit card.
When my bank contacted me regarding all denied withdrawals could
they see that the card details did not match my bank card
The bank asked me to contact
the casino to correct this which
I did that would return.
Never got an answer back.
It seems completely pointless
to keep up with this casino.
But I am open to getting the money via another payment method.
Hej Jozef
Jag har hela tiden varit öppen för att
få mina pengar via annan betalningsmetod.
Casinot föreslog att jag kunde få dem i kryptovaluta men när jag skulle göra uttag var casinot inte intresserad av detta längre. Den ända utbetalningsmetoden jag kunde använda var mitt bankkort.
När min bank kontaktade mig angående alla nekade uttag kunde
de se att kortuppgifterna inte stämde överens med mitt bankort
Banken bad mig att ta kontakt med
casinot för att rätta till detta vilket
jag gjorde som skulle återkomma.
Har aldrig fått något svar tillbaka.
Det verkar vara helt meningslöst
att hålla på med detta casino.
Men jag står öppen för få pengarna via annan betalningsmetod.
We would like just to confirm that the player may continue using his account and continue withdrawing his available balance. He just has to contact our support agents to open his account.
We would like just to confirm that the player may continue using his account and continue withdrawing his available balance. He just has to contact our support agents to open his account.
Dear Ingmar.
Could you contact the casino support and continue with your withdrawals, please?
Dear Ingmar.
Could you contact the casino support and continue with your withdrawals, please?
I am extending the timer by 7 days. Please, inform us when you receive the rest of the amount.
I am extending the timer by 7 days. Please, inform us when you receive the rest of the amount.
Hello Ingmar.
Have you managed to withdrawl the rest, please?
Hello Ingmar.
Have you managed to withdrawl the rest, please?
Hello Joseph
Has received money for 2 withdrawals of 500 euros each
I have made more withdrawals but it seems that there will be no more money now.
Hello Jozef
Har fått pengar för 2 st uttag om 500 eur vardera
Jag har gjort fler uttag men det verkar som att det inte kommer mer pengar nu.
Ingmar, I have been informed by the casino that your balance is 0 (all withdrawals passed). Can we consider your case as resolved?
Ingmar, I have been informed by the casino that your balance is 0 (all withdrawals passed). Can we consider your case as resolved?
Hi Joseph
The balance stated by the casino is probably wrong.
Today 20-12-16, the balance is 20223 eur.
I make withdrawals all the time and there is no money.
Hej Jozef
Saldot som casinot uppgivet är nog fel.
Idag 20-12-16 är Saldot 20223 eur.
Jag gör uttag hela tiden och det kommer inga pengar.
Yes, the balance now is much bigger since there were another big win for Ingmar. We keep trying to withdraw the funds.
Yes, the balance now is much bigger since there were another big win for Ingmar. We keep trying to withdraw the funds.
Hello Joseph
We can close the case now.
I am tired of making withdrawals when there is no money left
Now that the balance is 0, I received an email from the casino that it was possible to use another payment method
Hello Jozef
Vi kan avsluta ärendet nu.
Jag har tröttnat på att göra uttag när det inte kommer några pengar åndå
Nu när Saldot är 0 fick jag ett mail från casinot att det gick att använda en annan utbetalningmetod
The email that came from the casino
Dear Ingar,
We will contact you regarding your withdrawal request of 500 EUR. Unfortunately, it was canceled due to technical problems on the part of the payment provider. We apologize for the inconvenience. We ask you to use one of the other available methods, which can be found in the "Withdrawals" section.
In order to withdraw your funds via an alternative method, you must make a minimum deposit from the selected payment system and verify this form of payment.
Thank you for waiting.
Contact us if you have further questions. We are happy to help you.
MaxCazino Team
MaxCazino has cheated me of a huge amount of money, tens of thousands of euros because they have entered the wrong bank card details
This is most like a criminal act.
Hope this casino shuts down
so that no more players experience the same thing.
Mailet som kom från casinot
Kära Ingar,
Vi kontaktar dig angående din uttagsbegäran på 500 EUR. Tyvärr avbröts den på grund av tekniska problem från betalningsleverantörens sida. Vi ber om ursäkt för besväret. Vi ber dig att använda någon av de andra tillgängliga metoderna, som finns i avsnittet "Uttag".
För att kunna ta ut dina medel via en alternativ metod måste du göra en minsta insättning från det valda betalningssystemet och verifiera denna betalningsform.
Tack för att du väntar.
Kontakta oss om du har ytterligare frågor. Vi hjälper dig gärna.
MaxCazino Team
MaxCazino har lurat mig på enormt mycket pengar, flera tiotusentals eur för att de har skrivit in fel bankortsuppgifter
Det här liknar mest en kriminell handling.
Hoppas att detta casino stängs ner
så att inte fler spelare råkar ut för samma grej.
We can confirm that Ingmar has 0.08 euro on his balance and that in total he was able to withdraw 4008.00 euro. Other withdrawal attempts were declined (we have uploaded before the report from PSP with all the withdrawal attempts).
As for the email - we have checked it with our support department and received an answer that this email was sent on 17.12.2020 by a new support agent, who used the standard template they are trained to use at the start of such a case (we have in fact send him a similar email in September) and was not aware of the player’s case & the difficulties we were facing with him being from Sweden. We would like to state that nothing has changed since our very first message - we were trying to do our best to proceed all withdrawal requests, however most of them got declined for the reasons beyond our control.
Regarding Ingmar’s statement that we have been entering the wrong bank card details - As you know, we as an operator, have no possibility to store and access the card details, everything is done via PSP. We have provided above the report from PSP with all the attempts and it is possible to see that every time there were the same card details. Ingmar keep accusing us of cheating, however we have done nothing to prevent these withdrawal attempt to go through. We would like to remind, that the player also asked us several times to close his account and then open it again, threatened us, requested for his winnings to be donated only to return and play more time and again.
With this being said I expect us to be able to move further with this case. Let us know please if you will need any additional information.
MaxCazino Management
We can confirm that Ingmar has 0.08 euro on his balance and that in total he was able to withdraw 4008.00 euro. Other withdrawal attempts were declined (we have uploaded before the report from PSP with all the withdrawal attempts).
As for the email - we have checked it with our support department and received an answer that this email was sent on 17.12.2020 by a new support agent, who used the standard template they are trained to use at the start of such a case (we have in fact send him a similar email in September) and was not aware of the player’s case & the difficulties we were facing with him being from Sweden. We would like to state that nothing has changed since our very first message - we were trying to do our best to proceed all withdrawal requests, however most of them got declined for the reasons beyond our control.
Regarding Ingmar’s statement that we have been entering the wrong bank card details - As you know, we as an operator, have no possibility to store and access the card details, everything is done via PSP. We have provided above the report from PSP with all the attempts and it is possible to see that every time there were the same card details. Ingmar keep accusing us of cheating, however we have done nothing to prevent these withdrawal attempt to go through. We would like to remind, that the player also asked us several times to close his account and then open it again, threatened us, requested for his winnings to be donated only to return and play more time and again.
With this being said I expect us to be able to move further with this case. Let us know please if you will need any additional information.
MaxCazino Management
Cazinomax seems to have difficulty understanding or does not want to understand.
All withdrawals that have been denied, the bank card information is incorrect
All withdrawals at 4008eur. that I received in my bank account, the bank card information is correct
someone has to change the bank card information, I have a hard time believing it changes itself.
Had now the denied withdrawals had the right card information then I could have received all my money,
thus several tens of thousands of euros.
Earlier before Casino Guru came into the picture, Casinomax offered that I could change the withdrawal method, I did exactly as the casino support said, deposited cryptocurrency and would seduce me. All of a sudden this did not work.
I was only allowed to use my bank card. Maxcasino does not stand by what they say.
I ask Maxcazino to close my account permanently, I think it is completely pointless to play without being able to make withdrawals. The casino closes down.
Later on one occasion I tell jozef my account is closed, not long after that the casino offers to open it again, a permanently closed account that will never be able to be opened again. The casino opens it again.
I start playing again at the castle Magic Mirror Delux and win a lot of money, soon after that the game is no longer there, then the casino has removed it.
When I have lost all the money, the email comes that it is possible to change the withdrawal method.
The casino comes with new evasions, it was a standard message that went away by a beginner in support.
This rogue casino is one of the worst I've ever been through.
For my part, I close this case.
Cazinomax verkar ha svårt att förstå eller vill inte förstå.
Alla uttag som som blivit nekade är bankortsinformationen felaktig
Alla uttagen på 4008eur. som jag fått in på mitt bankonto är bankortsinformationen korrekt
någon måste ändra på bankortsinformationen, jag har svårt att tro den ändrar sig själv.
Hade nu dom nekade uttagen haft rätt kortinformation då kunde jag fått alla mina pengar,
alltså flera tiotusentals eur.
Tidigare innan Casino Guru kom med i bilden erbjöd sig Casinomax att jag kunde ändra uttagsmetod, jag gjorde precis som casinosupporten sa,satte in kryptovaluta och skulle verfiera mig.hel plötsligt gick inte detta för sig.
Jag fick endast andvända mitt bankort. Maxcasino står inte till vad dom säger.
Jag ber Maxcazino stänga mitt konto permanent,tycker det är helt meningslöst att spela utan att kunna göra uttag. Casinot stänger ner.
Senar vid ett tillfälle säger jag till jozef mitt konto är stängt,inte långt därefter erbjuder sig casinot att öppna det igen, ett permanent stängt konto som aldrig mer ska kunna öppnas.Casinot öppnar det igen.
Jag börjar spela igen på slottet Magic Mirror Delux och vinner mycket pengar, stax därefter finns inte spelet kvar, då har casinot tagit bort det.
När jag spelat bort alla pengarna då kommer mailet om att det går ändra uttagsmetod.
Casinot kommer med nya undanflykter, det var ett standardmeddelande som gick iväg av en nybörjare i supporten.
Detta oseriösa casino är något av det värsta jag varit med om.
För min del avslutar jag detta ärende.
Dear Ingmar.
We believe the case is on its end now. Unfortunately, I will not provide you with a satisfactory resolution.
Since the casino provided us with relevant proofs it is obvious that there is no problem with withdrawals on their side (you even received the first disputed amount) and we cannot punish the casino for the faults of the payment processor or your bank.
About the second winnings, it clear that you would be eventually paid but with the fact that you have legitimately lost it, there is no relevant reason for you to receive the refund.
Therefore, we are forced to close the complaint as rejected.
However, you have a complete right to do not agree with our decision. There is another option, you can file an official complaint at ADR and/or licensing authority of the casino. I will gladly help you with it. Please, contact me if you have any question.
Best regards, Jozef
Dear Ingmar.
We believe the case is on its end now. Unfortunately, I will not provide you with a satisfactory resolution.
Since the casino provided us with relevant proofs it is obvious that there is no problem with withdrawals on their side (you even received the first disputed amount) and we cannot punish the casino for the faults of the payment processor or your bank.
About the second winnings, it clear that you would be eventually paid but with the fact that you have legitimately lost it, there is no relevant reason for you to receive the refund.
Therefore, we are forced to close the complaint as rejected.
However, you have a complete right to do not agree with our decision. There is another option, you can file an official complaint at ADR and/or licensing authority of the casino. I will gladly help you with it. Please, contact me if you have any question.
Best regards, Jozef
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