The player from Finland has requested personal data from several casinos to examine if he is entitled to reclaim his deposits. We’ve closed this complaint due to a lack of evidence.
The player from Finland has requested personal data from several casinos to examine if he is entitled to reclaim his deposits. We’ve closed this complaint due to a lack of evidence.
The player from Finland has requested personal data from several casinos to examine if he is entitled to reclaim his deposits. We’ve closed this complaint due to a lack of evidence.
I sent an email on February 21, 2021 regarding a game problem to several hundred casinos, I deleted these emails then and I only know who they were sent to according to the Gmail address book.
In June 2023, I put a request to all the casinos in the address book to get my own information, what they have in the database about me, and after that I started to investigate whether I have the right to demand deposits back according to the license's player protection directive.
At first, I only received a copy of the deposits and game history from boom casino, but I asked for more detailed information, so I received information on when I was registered in the database for the first time, and which game accounts were closed.
I have been registered in their database after I sent that common email where I report a game problem and ask that my account be closed, and I am also prevented from opening an account at their casinos.
That is, the date and time are the same, which can be seen in the e-mail discussions of the data protection request sent to me by another casino.
However, a couple of months after that joint message, I played at boom casino and lost probably about €1,000, and when I asked them for an explanation as to how I was registered with them 3 months earlier when I made a deposit, they stopped answering completely.
I'm still not getting a response from them, nor the information I've asked them to provide.
My message has gone to the e-mail of the casinoheroes site, which means they were aware of my gaming problem.
olen laittanut sähköpostin 21.2.2021 koskien peliongelmaa usealle sadalle kasinolle, olen poistanut silloin nämä sähköpostit ja ainostaan tiedän Gmail osoitekirjan mukaan kelle ne on silloin lähteneet.
Laitoin kesäkuussa 2023 kaikille osoitekirjan kasinoille pyynnön saada omat tietoni mitä heillä on tietokannassa minuun liittyen, ja sen jälkeen aloin tutkimaan onko minulla oikeus vaatia talletuksia takaisin lisenssin pelaajan suojelua koskevan direktiivin mukaan.
Sain boom kasinolta ensin vaan talletuksista ja pelihistoriasta kopion, mutta pyysin tarkempia tietoja, niin sain tiedon milloin minut on rekisteröity tietokantaan ensimmäisen kerran, ja pelitilit mitkä on suljettu.
Minut on rekisteröity heidän tietokantaan kun olen lähettänyt tuon yhteis sähköpostin missä ilmoitan peliongelmasta ja pyydän että tilini suljetaan, sekä minut myös estetään avaamasta tiliä heidän kasinoille.
Eli päivämäärä, ja kellonaika on sama, mikä näkyy toisen kasinon minulle toimittamissa tietosuojapyynnön sähköpostikeskusteluissa.
Kuitenkin tästä pari kuukautta tuon yhteis viestin jälkeen pelasin boom kasinolla ja jäin häviölle varmaan n.1000€, ja kun pyysin nyt heiltä selitystä miten minut on rekisteröity heille 3kk aikaisemmin kun olen tallettanut, he lopettivat vastaamisen kokonaan.
En edelleenkään saa vastausta heiltä, enkä tietoja mitä olen pyytänyt heitä toimittamaan.
Viestini on mennyt casinoheroes sivuston sähköpostiin, eli he olivat tietoisia peliongelmastani.
Dear Casinoguruhelp,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the Responsible Gaming section of Boo Casino, and this is what I found:
We provide a self-exclusion facility which can be activated by the players themselves by clicking here when you are logged in to your account, or by contacting Self-exclusion means that your account will remain closed for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or indefinitely.
Prior to confirming your self-exclusion request, you will be provided with information regarding the consequences of self-exclusion. Should you decide to self-exclude, we encourage you to consider extending your self-exclusion to other remote gambling operators where you have an active account. Any undetermined bets at the time of your self-exclusion will be settled in the normal way, according to the normal timescales and, if subsequently applicable, winnings will be paid out. A time-limited self-exclusion can be lifted before time has lapsed after a 24-hour cool-down, while an indefinite self-exclusion can only be reopened after a 7-day cool-down.
To reopen your account, a written request must be submitted to after which we will help you return to the website with our standard procedure.
For additional information about how we treat self-exclusion, such as potential closure of other accounts on sites managed and operated by the license holder, please visit the Terms and Conditions section. As per our license obligations, if you state that you have gambling problems, you will automatically be excluded from other websites managed or operated by us.
Could you please advise if you have any confirmation of the casino your account was previously self-excluded?
Is your current account in the casino accessible to you?
Could you please explain which email was saved in your email contacts that are associated with Boom Casino?
Could you please send me any correspondence between you and the casino to my email at
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear Casinoguruhelp,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the Responsible Gaming section of Boo Casino, and this is what I found:
We provide a self-exclusion facility which can be activated by the players themselves by clicking here when you are logged in to your account, or by contacting Self-exclusion means that your account will remain closed for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or indefinitely.
Prior to confirming your self-exclusion request, you will be provided with information regarding the consequences of self-exclusion. Should you decide to self-exclude, we encourage you to consider extending your self-exclusion to other remote gambling operators where you have an active account. Any undetermined bets at the time of your self-exclusion will be settled in the normal way, according to the normal timescales and, if subsequently applicable, winnings will be paid out. A time-limited self-exclusion can be lifted before time has lapsed after a 24-hour cool-down, while an indefinite self-exclusion can only be reopened after a 7-day cool-down.
To reopen your account, a written request must be submitted to after which we will help you return to the website with our standard procedure.
For additional information about how we treat self-exclusion, such as potential closure of other accounts on sites managed and operated by the license holder, please visit the Terms and Conditions section. As per our license obligations, if you state that you have gambling problems, you will automatically be excluded from other websites managed or operated by us.
Could you please advise if you have any confirmation of the casino your account was previously self-excluded?
Is your current account in the casino accessible to you?
Could you please explain which email was saved in your email contacts that are associated with Boom Casino?
Could you please send me any correspondence between you and the casino to my email at
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
I have asked the operator to close the game account and block any future accounts.
I have sent a blocking message from the same address and it has all the information I was able to use to create an account at boomcasino.
olen pyytänyt operaattorilta pelitilin sulkemista ja mahdollisien tulevien tilien estämistä.
Olen laittanut estoviestin samasta osoitteesta ja siinä on kaikki tiedot millä olen pystynyt luomaan tilin boomcasinoon.
Thank you for your email and reply.
Could you please forward the information about the account you received from Boom Casino for us to review?
Please send the information to my email at
Thank you for your email and reply.
Could you please forward the information about the account you received from Boom Casino for us to review?
Please send the information to my email at
I went over the information you submitted, Casinoguruhelp.
Unfortunately without your self-exclusion request or any acknowledgement from the casino that this was requested, we are unable to assist you with your request to refund your deposits.
Also, please understand it's our policy to not engage with cases that are older than a year. It's because information about any relevant details of the incident older than this might be reasonably lost. Since your game history shows your last activity was on May 2021, we are forced to consider this a 'cold case'.
I would recommend you contact the casino and ask for the information about self-exclusion status of your account in the casino, to ensure the self-exclusion is active and since when.
If your account is not self-excluded I would recommend you request self-exclusion in the casino informing the casino about your gambling problem as soon as possible.
Please let me know about the result.
I went over the information you submitted, Casinoguruhelp.
Unfortunately without your self-exclusion request or any acknowledgement from the casino that this was requested, we are unable to assist you with your request to refund your deposits.
Also, please understand it's our policy to not engage with cases that are older than a year. It's because information about any relevant details of the incident older than this might be reasonably lost. Since your game history shows your last activity was on May 2021, we are forced to consider this a 'cold case'.
I would recommend you contact the casino and ask for the information about self-exclusion status of your account in the casino, to ensure the self-exclusion is active and since when.
If your account is not self-excluded I would recommend you request self-exclusion in the casino informing the casino about your gambling problem as soon as possible.
Please let me know about the result.
Dear Casinoguruhelp,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Dear Casinoguruhelp,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
The casino gives vague answers about it and I have asked them for all my information, but they are not sending all that I am legally entitled to receive.
I have asked them in my message not to open an account for me at their operator's casinos due to a gaming problem, but this request has not been implemented.
I have also asked them to forward the emails I sent, but they claim that there are none, even though my information was created to the minute in their system when I emailed them on February 21, 2021.
I know it's been a while, but I didn't know about my rights and the casino's responsibilities regarding responsible gaming and player protection, what is written in their license terms.
I would ask that you contact them and ask for the reasons, they are lying to me.
casino antaa epämääräisiä vastauksia asian suhteen ja olen pyytänyt heiltä kaikkia tietojani, mutta he eivät lähetä kaikkia mitä lain mukaan minulla on oikeus saada.
olen pyytänyt viestilläni heiltä että eivät aukaise minulle tiliä peliongelman takia heidän operaattorin kasinoihin, mutta tätä pyyntöä ei ole toteutettu.
Olen myös pyytänyt heitä välittämään lähettämäni sähköpostit, mutta he väittävät että niitä ei ole, vaikka tietoni on luotu minuutilleen heidän järjestelmään kun olen laittanut heille sähköpostia 21.2.2021.
Tiedän että tästä on aikaa, mutta en ole aikaisemmin tiennyt oikeuksistani ja kasinon velvollisuuksia vastuullisen pelaamisen ja pelaajan suojelua koskien mitä heidän lisenssiehdoissa lukee.
Pyytäisin että otatte heihin yhteyttä ja pyydetty perustelut, minulle he valehtelevat.
I am sorry for the situation you are in, but our hands are tied in helping you request a refund.
In order to make sure you are self-excluded, we would recommend you request a self-exclusion in the casino anyway in the following way:
Clearly state the reason for deactivating your account and specify the time period. Also, the email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable. If it is marked visibly you will stand a better chance of having your request granted as soon as possible.
Email subject: Self-exclusion
Player’s info:
First name:
Last name:
Casino login:
Email address:
I’m writing to inform you that I wish to exclude immediately from this casino and from receiving any gambling-related marketing material for a minimum period of xxx months/years (permanently).
The reason for my decision is xxx (gambling problems)
I acknowledge that I will not be allowed to rescind my self-exclusion during this period and that the self-exclusion cannot be lifted before the end of the agreed period.
Please send another email to (you can CC me at in the copy) and keep me informed about any further developments. Thank you in advance.
Regarding all your casino information you can also try contacting the casino's alternative dispute resolution entity eCogra here and submit a dispute or contact the casino's regulatory authority directly here: or here
I am sorry for the situation you are in, but our hands are tied in helping you request a refund.
In order to make sure you are self-excluded, we would recommend you request a self-exclusion in the casino anyway in the following way:
Clearly state the reason for deactivating your account and specify the time period. Also, the email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable. If it is marked visibly you will stand a better chance of having your request granted as soon as possible.
Email subject: Self-exclusion
Player’s info:
First name:
Last name:
Casino login:
Email address:
I’m writing to inform you that I wish to exclude immediately from this casino and from receiving any gambling-related marketing material for a minimum period of xxx months/years (permanently).
The reason for my decision is xxx (gambling problems)
I acknowledge that I will not be allowed to rescind my self-exclusion during this period and that the self-exclusion cannot be lifted before the end of the agreed period.
Please send another email to (you can CC me at in the copy) and keep me informed about any further developments. Thank you in advance.
Regarding all your casino information you can also try contacting the casino's alternative dispute resolution entity eCogra here and submit a dispute or contact the casino's regulatory authority directly here: or here
Thank you for your email however,
The list of casinos will not be sufficient for us to continue with the case.
We think your best chance will be to request a self-exclusion again in the casino to make sure you are protected going forward. Regarding your other inquiries, kindly contact the casino's ADR or the gambling authority.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Thank you for your email however,
The list of casinos will not be sufficient for us to continue with the case.
We think your best chance will be to request a self-exclusion again in the casino to make sure you are protected going forward. Regarding your other inquiries, kindly contact the casino's ADR or the gambling authority.
Due to the reasons mentioned above, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Free professional educational courses for online casino employees aimed at industry best practices, improving player experience, and fair approach to gambling.
An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
A platform created to showcase all of our efforts aimed at bringing the vision of a safer and more transparent online gambling industry to reality.
An ambitious project whose goal is to celebrate the greatest and the most responsible companies in iGaming and give them the recognition they deserve. is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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