The player from the Czech Republic has been waiting for his withdrawal for 3 weeks. The next day after submitting the complaint, the player informed us that he received his winnings from the casino, so the complaint is now resolved.
The player from the Czech Republic has been waiting for his withdrawal for 3 weeks. The next day after submitting the complaint, the player informed us that he received his winnings from the casino, so the complaint is now resolved.
The player from the Czech Republic has been waiting for his withdrawal for 3 weeks. The next day after submitting the complaint, the player informed us that he received his winnings from the casino, so the complaint is now resolved.
Almost three weeks ago I requested a withdrawal from my casino account to my cryptocurrency wallet. The selection was in cryptocurrency LTC (Litecoin). I confirmed the selection by email, which is always required. When the withdrawal did not arrive after two weeks, I sent an email to the casino asking why the withdrawal was taking so long this time, first via a classic email and then via a form directly on the casino's website. Not a single question was answered. So I went straight to the casino's Live Chat where I was told that my query had to be forwarded to colleagues. By the next day, Live Chat support had still not received a response from colleagues. Today is the third day since my Live Chat inquiry and when I went to ask if they had received a response yet, the Live Chat icon disappeared from the casino site. I can't find out anywhere how to contact Chat and there was no response to the email. while the selection still hasn't arrived.
I have made several similarly high withdrawals in the past and there was no problem with the casino. Support always explained everything quickly. Some past withdrawals have arrived on the same day, I have waited even more than a week for some, but waiting almost 3 weeks without any explanation is too much for me.
Therefore, I would like to ask if it is usual for this casino to wait such a long time to withdraw money, and if not, what would you recommend?
Thank you and kind regards,
Před téměř třemi týdny jsem požádal o výběr z mého kasinového účtu do moji kryptoměnové peněženky. Výběr byl v kryptoměně LTC (Litecoin). Výběr jsem potvrdil emailem, což je vždy požadováno. Když po dvou týdnech výběr nedorazil, poslal jsem do kasína email s otázkou, proč trvá výběr tentokrát tak dlouho, nejprve klasický email a poté i přes formulář přímo na stránkách kasína. Ani na jeden dotaz nepřišla odpověď. Šel jsem tedy přímo na Live Chat kasína, kde mi bylo řečeno, že můj dotaz musí být přeposlán kolegům. Do druhého dne podpora na Live Chatu stále neobdržela odpověď od kolegů. Dnes je to již třetí den od mého dotazu na Live Chatu a když jsem se šel zeptat, zda již obdrželi odpověď, ikonka Live Chatu na stránkách kasína zmizela. Nemohu nikde zjistit, jak Chat kontaktovat a na email nepřišla žádná odpověď. přičemž výběr stále nedorazil.
V minulosti jsem provedl již několik podobně vysokých výběrů a nidky s kasínem žádný problém nebyl. Podpora vždy vše rychle vysvětlila. Některé minulé výběry dorazily i ve stejný den, na některé jsem čekal i třeba více než týden, ale čekat téměř 3 týdny bez jakéhokoliv vysvětlení mi příjde hodně.
Proto bych se chtěl zeptat, zda je u tohoto kasína obvyklé čekat takovouto dobu na výběr peněz a pokud ne, co byste mi doporučili?
Děkuji a s pozdravem,
Dear mprovod,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Could you please advise when exactly you made your last successful withdrawal? Have you used the same withdrawal method for all withdrawals you have made so far?
Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus, please?
I hope, we will help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear mprovod,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Could you please advise when exactly you made your last successful withdrawal? Have you used the same withdrawal method for all withdrawals you have made so far?
Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus, please?
I hope, we will help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dear Ms. Kristýna,
thank you for the quick reply. Regarding your questions:
I made the last successful withdrawal on June 30. I received this selection in over a week but less than 2 weeks. The method of withdrawal was always the same, to the same crypto-wallet with the same address (I always confirmed the address by clicking on the link in the email I received).
Most of the current winnings were accumulated from the bonus, but since receiving the bonus I have bet more than the conditions, i.e. I believe that all the conditions for betting this bonus have been met (I have already successfully withdrawn part of my winnings from this bonus, therefore I believe , that there will be no problem with not meeting sufficient enforcement conditions).
If you have any other questions, write and I will answer as soon as possible.
Thank you for your help and best regards,
Vážená paní Kristýno,
děkuji za rychlou odpověď. Co se týče Vašich otázek:
Poslední úspěšný výběr jsem provedl 30. června. Tento výběr jsem obdržel za více než týden, ale méně než 2 týdny. Způsob výběru byl vždy stejný, do stejné kryptopeněženky se stejnou adresou (adresu jsem vždy potvrdil kliknutím na odkaz v emailu, který mi přišel).
Většina současných výher byla nashromážděna z bonusu, kde jsem ale již celkem od obdržení bonusu vsadil více, než byly podmínky, tj. věřím, že všechny podmínky na sázení tohoto bonusu byly splněny (již jsem úspěšně vybral část svých výher z tohoto bonusu, proto věřím, že problém s nesplněním dostatečných podmínek prosázení nebude).
Pokud budete mít jakékoliv další dotazy, tak napište a co nejdříve odpovím.
Děkuji za pomoc a s pozdravem,
Thank you very much for your reply, mprovod. Could you please advise what is the current status of your withdrawal request? Is it marked as pending or processed in your account?
Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to, if there is any? Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Thank you very much for your reply, mprovod. Could you please advise what is the current status of your withdrawal request? Is it marked as pending or processed in your account?
Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to, if there is any? Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Dear Ms. Kristýna,
Thank you very much for your answer. As for the status of the withdrawal request, I did not find any such box in the BitDice casino. I requested a withdrawal, then I immediately received an email with the option to confirm the withdrawal, and after clicking on confirmation, the amount was deducted from the casino account, but I could not find the option to track the "request status" anywhere. Is it possible that BitDice is not showing the withdrawal request status?
I sent you screenshots of the casino support chat by email. If it helps, you can post them here too (or email me and I'll post them).
Thank you and kind regards,
Vážená paní Kristýno,
děkuji moc za odpověď. Co se týče stavu žádosti o výběr, tak žádnou takovou kolonku jsem v kasínu BitDice nenašel. O výběr jsem zažádal, poté mi hned přišel email s volbou na potvrzení výběru a po kliknutí na potvrzení se částka odečetla z kasinového účtu, ale nikde jsem nenašel možnost sledovat "stav žádosti". Je možné, že BitDice stav žádosti o výběr nezobrazuje?
Screenshoty chatu s podporou kasína jsem Vám poslal emailem. Pokud to pomůže, můžete je zveřejnit i zde (nebo mi napište a já je zveřejním).
Děkuji a s pozdravem,
Thank you very much mprovod for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Natalia ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Thank you very much mprovod for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Natalia ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hi mprovod,
I've reviewed your case and fully understand your concerns. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino.
Dear BitDice Casino, I'd like to invite you to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of the complaint. Could you please share some more information about the player's withdrawal request? Are there any specific reasons for the delay?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hi mprovod,
I've reviewed your case and fully understand your concerns. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino.
Dear BitDice Casino, I'd like to invite you to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of the complaint. Could you please share some more information about the player's withdrawal request? Are there any specific reasons for the delay?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hi Natalia,
I would like to write that about an hour ago I received 9.999 LTC in my Litecoin wallet, which is certainly a withdrawal from BitDice casino (10 LTC withdrawal and 0.001 sending fee).
I would like to thank you very much for all the help and information, but since I have already received the withdrawal, this case can be closed as resolved.
Have a nice day and best regards,
Ahoj Natálie,
chtěl bych napsat, že asi před hodinou jsem do své Litecoinové peněženky obdržel 9.999 LTC, což je jistě výběr z kasína BitDice (10 LTC výběr a 0.001 poplatek za poslání).
Chtěl bych moc poděkovat za veškerou pomoc a informace, ale jelikož jsem již výběr obdržel, je možné tento případ uzavřít jako vyřešený.
Přeji hezký den a s pozdravem,
Dear mprovod,
I'm very glad to hear that you finally managed to receive your funds. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, I will now close it respectively in our system.
Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. Our complaints resolution center is always here to help.
Best regards,
Dear mprovod,
I'm very glad to hear that you finally managed to receive your funds. As the complaint has been successfully resolved, I will now close it respectively in our system.
Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. Our complaints resolution center is always here to help.
Best regards,
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