The player from Germany has been blocked due to ongoing verification. As the player collected all the payments, he confirmed that the matter was resolved.
The player from Germany has been blocked due to ongoing verification. As the player collected all the payments, he confirmed that the matter was resolved.
The player from Germany has been blocked due to ongoing verification. As the player collected all the payments, he confirmed that the matter was resolved.
Dear Sir or Madam, I deposited €100 on October 29th, 2022 and used and won the 1st 100% deposit bonus welcome bonus! Since I was playing with the bonus, I naturally implemented the wagering requirement with allowed games and allowed wagers. My account is Verified (KYC) so the live chat(agent) told me. I have requested a payout after successful wagering requirements. I requested the payout on October 30th, 2022, after which I received an email from Axecasino that they wanted to carry out an extended (KYC) with me. Unfortunately, my account has been blocked and I can no longer log in to upload the required documents to my profile. I then contacted support and emailed my documents to support. Unfortunately, the support claims that they have not received any documents from me, but this is not true because I can prove them with screenshots. I have sent these documents as attachments by email several times, but unfortunately I get the same answer that no attachments can be seen.
I don't know my username anymore, I can't look it up either because I'm denied access to my profile.
I ask for a solution.
Kind regards
Ruben G
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe am 29.10.2022 100€ eingezahlt und den 1. 100% Einzahlbonus Willkommensbonus genutz und gewonnen! Da ich mit Bonus gespielt habe, habe ich natürlich die Umsatzanforderung umgesetzt mit Erlaubten Spielen und mit erlaubten Wetteinsatz. Mein Konto ist Verifiziert (KYC) so sagte es der Livechat(agent) mir. Ich habe eine Auszahlung beantragt nach erfolgreichem Umsatzbediungugen. Am 30.10.2022 habe ich die Auszahlung beantragt, daraufhin bekam ich eine Email von Axecasino das sie eine Erweiterte (KYC) mit mir durchführen wollen. Leider wurde mein Konto gesperrt und ich kann mich nicht mehr einloggen um die erforderlichen Dokumte in mein Profil hochzuladen. Daraufhin nahm ich kontakt mit dem Support auf und habe meine Dokumente dem Support per Email gesendet. Leider behauptet der Support, dass sie keine Dokumente von mir erhalten haben, dies stimmt aber nicht weil ich kann diese mit Screenshots belegen .Ich habe mehrmals diese Dokumente als Anhang per email gesendet aber leider bekomme ich die selbe antwort das keine Anhänge zu sehen sind.
Meinen Username weiß ich nicht mehr diese kann ich auch nicht nachschauen weil mir der Zutritt zu meinem Profile verwehrt wird.
Ich bitte um eine Lösung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruben G.
Dear Rubeng93,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Could you please advise which documents you have already provided and when exactly you sent the last one? Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format?
If there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to, alternatively, post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Could you please advise which documents you have already provided and when exactly you sent the last one? Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format?
If there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to, alternatively, post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hello casino guru,
A ticket was opened for the requested extended KYC verification (picture above) and I sent the casino a selfie with ID card (hand and elbow visible), the payslips from the last 6 months from my private account and bank statements from the last 2 months from mine 2. Bank account that I used to deposit at the casino. (My 2nd bank account that I used for the casino only existed for 2 months) but I sent both bank statements from my 2nd account including additional photos of ID card, bank card, internet bill with address, utility bill with address, selfies and screenshots of the Deposit of bank account sent by email.
The last time I sent the documents to Support as an email attachment was on November 13th, 2022. The account statements are all in PDF format, images and payslips in JPG, some JPG files even in PDF format.
Edges and corners are all visible from the documents.
Kind regards
Hallo Casinoguru,
Für die angeforderte erweiterte KYC Überprüfung wurde ein Ticket eröffnet(Bild oben) und ich sendete dem Casino ein Selfie mit ID-Card(mit Hand und Ellbogen sichtbar), die Lohnabrechnungen der letzten 6 Monate von meinem Privatenkonto und Kontoauszüge der letzten 2 Monate von meinem 2. Bankkonto , dass ich für die Einzahlung im Casino auch verwendet habe. (Mein 2. Bankonto das ich für das Casino verwendet habe Existiert erst seit 2 Monaten) aber ich habe beide Kontoauszügen von meinem 2. Konto gesendet inclusive zusätzlich Fotos von Personalausweis,Bankkarte, Internetrechung mit Adresse, Stromrechung mit Adresse, Selfies und Screenshots von der Einzahlung des Bankkontos per Email gesendet.
Dem Support habe direkt am 13.11.2022 das letzte mal die Dokumente als Email-Anhang gesendet. Die Kontoauszüge alle im PDF-Format,Bilder und Lohnabrechungen in JPG ,manche JPG Dateien sogar als PDF-Format.
Kanten und Ecken sind alle Sichtbar von den Dokumenten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thank you very much Rubeng93 for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Thank you very much Rubeng93 for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hi Rubeng93,
I've reviewed your case and fully understand your concerns. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino.
I'd like to ask Axecasino to join this conversation and share more information regarding the case. Can you please provide any reasons why the player's account has been blocked? Upon checking the player's evidence, it's clear that he has provided you with the requested documents. If you haven't received these documents, is there any other option for the player to send them to you?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Hi Rubeng93,
I've reviewed your case and fully understand your concerns. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino.
I'd like to ask Axecasino to join this conversation and share more information regarding the case. Can you please provide any reasons why the player's account has been blocked? Upon checking the player's evidence, it's clear that he has provided you with the requested documents. If you haven't received these documents, is there any other option for the player to send them to you?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
We are sorry that verification process hasn't been as fast as you expected it to be.
I'd like to point out that all actions are dictated by the security measures that are provided by the license and the Terms and Conditions of Axe Casino.
In case of any suspicious activity, additional verification may be requested.
The Casino reserves the right to retain payments, if suspicion or evidence exists of manipulation of the casino system.
At the moment it is requested to get the following documents from you in order to finish the verification process:
We kindly ask you to send the following documents via email: Payslip for June, October, November and a detailed bank statement for November.
They will be checked as soon as we receive them and we will provide you with the further information.
Respectfully, we hope for your understanding and patience as it is really important for the process.
Dear Rubeng93,
We are sorry that verification process hasn't been as fast as you expected it to be.
I'd like to point out that all actions are dictated by the security measures that are provided by the license and the Terms and Conditions of Axe Casino.
In case of any suspicious activity, additional verification may be requested.
The Casino reserves the right to retain payments, if suspicion or evidence exists of manipulation of the casino system.
At the moment it is requested to get the following documents from you in order to finish the verification process:
We kindly ask you to send the following documents via email: Payslip for June, October, November and a detailed bank statement for November.
They will be checked as soon as we receive them and we will provide you with the further information.
Respectfully, we hope for your understanding and patience as it is really important for the process.
Dear Axecasino, Dear Casinoguru team,
I sent the necessary and requested documents to the support of your casino on November 13th, 2022 ( see screenshot.!
Do you need the payslip and bank statement for November?
But this is not possible because we are in the middle of November and the month is not over yet, it is impossible to request these documents!
I would be happy to send you the payslip and the bank statement from Novemberg as soon as I receive them in December. Unfortunately, you can't get something from me if it's impossible in terms of time (account statement and pay slip from November if today is November 22nd, 2022)
I sent the requested documents to on November 13th, 2022, but unfortunately the casino claims that my documents never arrived, although the screenshots I posted in the previous posts prove that I sent them!
Liebes Axecasino, Liebes Team von Casinoguru,
Die benötigten und geforderten Unterlagen habe ich am 13.11.2022 gesendet an den Support ihres Casinos ( siehe Screenshot.!
Sie benötigen die Gehaltsabbrechnung und den Kontoauszug von November?
Dies ist aber nicht möglich weil wir mitten im November sind der Monat noch nicht zu ende ist, ist es unmöglich diese Dokumente anzufordern !
Gerne sende ich ihnen die Gehaltsabbrechnung und und den Kontoauszug von Novemberg sofort zu wenn ich diese im Dezember bekomme. Leider können sie nicht von mir etwas vordern wenn es Zeitlich unmöglich ist (Kontoauszug und Gehaltsabbrechnung von November wenn heute der 22.11.2022 ist )
Die angeforderten Unterlagen habe ich schon am 13.11.2022 an gesendet, aber leider wird behauptet von Casino das meine Dokumente nie angekommen sind obwohl die Screenshots die ich in den Beiträgen davor gepostet habe , beweißen das ich es ihnen zugesendet habe!
Dear Axecasino,
Could you please advise if you have received the payslips for June and October from the player?
On the other side, as the player claims, we really need to wait until December to get the requested documents for November, considering it's a common bank process.
Meanwhile, can you please state if there is any suspicion raised with the player's account?
Thank you both.
Kind regards,
Dear Axecasino,
Could you please advise if you have received the payslips for June and October from the player?
On the other side, as the player claims, we really need to wait until December to get the requested documents for November, considering it's a common bank process.
Meanwhile, can you please state if there is any suspicion raised with the player's account?
Thank you both.
Kind regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
We appreciate your cooperation and would like to add that we have all needed pay-slips except June and October.
We also need your pay-slip and bank statement for November.
We are aware that getting the documents for November might be difficult at the moment as the month isn’t over yet.
We will wait until December for you. If you are able to send us any of the documents now, please, do so.
We kindly ask you to send those documents via email and they will be checked right after receiving.
We hope for your patience and understanding. Our team do their best to check everything and provide you with the needed information as fast as possible.
Dear Rubeng93,
We appreciate your cooperation and would like to add that we have all needed pay-slips except June and October.
We also need your pay-slip and bank statement for November.
We are aware that getting the documents for November might be difficult at the moment as the month isn’t over yet.
We will wait until December for you. If you are able to send us any of the documents now, please, do so.
We kindly ask you to send those documents via email and they will be checked right after receiving.
We hope for your patience and understanding. Our team do their best to check everything and provide you with the needed information as fast as possible.
Dear Axecasino, dear Casinoguru team,
I just wrote the email and sent it to the support of your casino, it contains the salary statement from June and October see screenshot.
Salary slips from November will only be made available to me in December. I will send them to you as soon as I have them.
Kind regards
Ruben G
Liebes Axecasino, liebes Casinoguru Team,
die Email habe ich gerade verfasst und ihnen zugesendet an den Support ihres Casinos, sie beinhaltet den Gehaltsnachweiß von Juni und Oktober siehe Screenshot.
Gehaltsnachweiß von November wird erst im Dezember mir zur Verfügung gestellt dies werde ich ihnen dann sofort zusenden wenn ich diese besitze .
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruben G.
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm in direct touch with a casino representative and most probably there are some unspecified issues with receiving your emails because they haven't received anything indeed. Upon agreement, you can provide me with those requested documents by sending them to my email address: and I will send them to the casino in order to verify your account. Please note that we consider all the information confidential and as such it will not be shared with third parties.
Please let me know if this is an acceptable solution for you.
Kind regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm in direct touch with a casino representative and most probably there are some unspecified issues with receiving your emails because they haven't received anything indeed. Upon agreement, you can provide me with those requested documents by sending them to my email address: and I will send them to the casino in order to verify your account. Please note that we consider all the information confidential and as such it will not be shared with third parties.
Please let me know if this is an acceptable solution for you.
Kind regards,
Dear Casino Guru Team,
I'm sorry that there were technical problems with the receipt of my emails. I am happy to send you the documents so that you can send them to the Axecasino.
Kind regards
Ruben G
Liebes Casino Guru Team,
Es tut mir Leid, dass es technische Probleme mit dem Empfang meiner Emails gab. Gerne sende ich Ihnen die Dokumente zu, damit Sie sie dem Axecasino zusenden können.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruben G.
Hello Rubeng93,
I can confirm that I have received your documents and forwarded them to the casino's representatives.
I will now set the timer for 7 days for the casino and will keep you updated on any developments.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
I can confirm that I have received your documents and forwarded them to the casino's representatives.
I will now set the timer for 7 days for the casino and will keep you updated on any developments.
Kind regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm glad to let you know that we received almost all needed documents for you.
Your payslip and bank statement for November are left to be received.
We understand that this may take a few more days until it's December. There is no rush and we will wait until you are able to send the needed documents.
As soon as we receive them, everything will be checked.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm glad to let you know that we received almost all needed documents for you.
Your payslip and bank statement for November are left to be received.
We understand that this may take a few more days until it's December. There is no rush and we will wait until you are able to send the needed documents.
As soon as we receive them, everything will be checked.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Axecasino,
Thank you for your confirmation.
I will now extend the timer for an additional 14 days to the player.
Rubeng93, please update us once you have the requested documents available.
Kind regards,
Dear Axecasino,
Thank you for your confirmation.
I will now extend the timer for an additional 14 days to the player.
Rubeng93, please update us once you have the requested documents available.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
Thank you for updating us. We are waiting for your documents, so let us know once you have them.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
Thank you for updating us. We are waiting for your documents, so let us know once you have them.
Kind regards,
Hello Thomas,
I'll get my payslip in the mail in the course of the next week, then I'll send you the documents.
Kind regards
Ruben G
Hallo Thomas,
Meine Gehaltsabrechnung bekomme ich im Laufe der nächsten Woche per Post, dann sende ich Ihnen die Dokumente zu.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruben G
Thank you, Rubeng93, for your confirmation.
Please update us next week if you have got the documents.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Rubeng93, for your confirmation.
Please update us next week if you have got the documents.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
I can confirm I have received them and already forwarded to the casino's representatives.
Dear Axecasino,
Please update us once you have reviewed the documents and let us know of any developments.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
I can confirm I have received them and already forwarded to the casino's representatives.
Dear Axecasino,
Please update us once you have reviewed the documents and let us know of any developments.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
Hope you're doing well.
It has been a bit of time since our last update, however, we wanted to reassure your inquiry hasn’t been left behind.
Respectfully be informed that your documents have been checked and approved by the relevant team.
As for withdrawals, they will be approved and sent to your side at the earliest possible time.
We highly appreciate your patience and understanding.
Please also note that you have remaining 200 euros on the account balance which will be refunded.
In order to process your refund, we would like to ask you to email us with the following information:
Account holder's name: X (full name should be provided)
Account holder's address: X (physical address: city, street, building)
Account holder's email address: X
Bank name: X (full name of your bank)
Bank address: X (physical address: city, street, building)
Account number / IBAN: X
Please, send that details directly to ours casino support email
Thank you in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear Rubeng93,
Hope you're doing well.
It has been a bit of time since our last update, however, we wanted to reassure your inquiry hasn’t been left behind.
Respectfully be informed that your documents have been checked and approved by the relevant team.
As for withdrawals, they will be approved and sent to your side at the earliest possible time.
We highly appreciate your patience and understanding.
Please also note that you have remaining 200 euros on the account balance which will be refunded.
In order to process your refund, we would like to ask you to email us with the following information:
Account holder's name: X (full name should be provided)
Account holder's address: X (physical address: city, street, building)
Account holder's email address: X
Bank name: X (full name of your bank)
Bank address: X (physical address: city, street, building)
Account number / IBAN: X
Please, send that details directly to ours casino support email
Thank you in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, Axecasino, for providing the information.
Dear Rubeng93,
I hope you are doing well. Could you please update us once you have received the payments and once you provide the casino with the payment details for a refund?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Axecasino, for providing the information.
Dear Rubeng93,
I hope you are doing well. Could you please update us once you have received the payments and once you provide the casino with the payment details for a refund?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hello Thomas,
I have sent my data for the refund to the Axecasino. As soon as I have received the payments I will definitely let you know.
Kind regards
Ruben G
Hallo Thomas,
Mein Daten für die Rückerstattung habe ich dem Axecasino gesendet. Sobald ich die Zahlungen erhalten habe werde ich Sie auf jeden Fall informieren.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ruben G
Thank you, Rubeng93, for your confirmation.
I will now extend the timer for an additional 7 days.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Rubeng93, for your confirmation.
I will now extend the timer for an additional 7 days.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
I'm glad to hear that! Regarding the refund of 200 EUR, did you provide the casino with the payment details by email as per their request?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hello Rubeng93,
I'm glad to hear that! Regarding the refund of 200 EUR, did you provide the casino with the payment details by email as per their request?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear Axecasino,
Have you received the payment details from the player in order to process the refund?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear Axecasino,
Have you received the payment details from the player in order to process the refund?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hi Rubeng93,
First of all we want to wish you all the best in 2023.
Thank you for providing us with Your bank details. We have already received the bank details needed for the refund. It has been transferred to our relevant department.
Due to the holidays the department was on weekends for a few days which can cause the delay.
However, they have already received the request for refund. After refund is approved , we will send you a proof of it. Usually refunds take from 2 to 5 working days.
Thank you for understanding. We appreciate your patience.
Hi Rubeng93,
First of all we want to wish you all the best in 2023.
Thank you for providing us with Your bank details. We have already received the bank details needed for the refund. It has been transferred to our relevant department.
Due to the holidays the department was on weekends for a few days which can cause the delay.
However, they have already received the request for refund. After refund is approved , we will send you a proof of it. Usually refunds take from 2 to 5 working days.
Thank you for understanding. We appreciate your patience.
Thank you, Axecasino, for providing the information.
Dear Rubeng93,
Could you please update us once you have received the payment?
Thank you both for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Axecasino, for providing the information.
Dear Rubeng93,
Could you please update us once you have received the payment?
Thank you both for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Hello, everyone,
I have now received the refund and am pleased that the case is now resolved. Thanks to the Axecasino and especially to you Thomas for your work at Casino Guru.
All the best and kind regards
Ruben G
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe nun auch die Rückerstattung erhalten und freue mich, dass der Fall nun geklärt ist. Danke an das Axecasino und auch besonders an dich Thomas für deine Arbeit bei Casino Guru.
Alles Gute und freundliche Grüße
Ruben G.
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues in the future. We are here to help.
Big thanks to Axecasino for cooperation as well.
Best regards,
Dear Rubeng93,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues in the future. We are here to help.
Big thanks to Axecasino for cooperation as well.
Best regards,
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