I would never consider taking my life. It's such a selfish thing to do. I love myself to much. I love my wife, 3 children, 2 daughter in-laws, 3 grandchildren, 5 sisters, & all of my nieces, nephews & their children.
Only once I thought about doing that. In 1986, I was 27 years old & 9 years into my job a the largest Ford Dealership in the state. I was hired on August `16, 1977. The day Elvis Presley passed. It was my first job. I was the service dept. shop janitor, earning $2.65 an hour. After 8 months of cleaning powertrain fluid, coolant spills, & emptying 15, 55 gallon trash barrels. I was gonna resign. The day I was to give my 2 week notice, the service lot porter/ attendant was fired. He was sneaking rentals out after work & back in before work. He opened & closed the shop. He was caught when he was drinking & crashed the car. His job was to clear the service drive of cars coming in for service & repairs & maintaining the area where those cars were parked. He also brought the cars to the customer when picking up their cars. I was given that job until a replacement was found. Replacement was found? I thought that this replacement was gonna be for my janitor job. Back then Ford cars were P.O.S. Service Advisors were quiting left & right due to the stress of new car buyers complaining of problems with their cars. About a year an Advisor quit on the spot without notice. I was called to my managers office & was offered the Advisors job as a trainee. I had to think about it. The customers were vicious, I was 19 & didn't know if I would be able to handle the stress that the Advisors got everyday. I asked my dad if I should take the promotion. He said, "I'm not gonna tell you to accept it or not" I was pissed, but he continued with, all I'm gonna say is that, you can never be satisfied where you stand in life, you must always be learning & bettering your lot in life. Do you wanna be a lot attendant all your life? My manager said the same thing about being a lot attendant. I accepted the job. Eventually the Advisors before me had left. I was receiving many glowing customer surveys as I moved into the top 20 of advisors in our District of over 250 Dealerships.
As time went on, the owner had opened 7 other dealerships. It was then coming up on my 9th year that my Manager was gonna become the Service Director overseeing all of the other Dealerships. That's when I was offered the position as Service Manager of the largest Ford dealership in the state. There were 33 people in the department. 24 Technicians, 4 Advisors, 3 shop attendants, my secretary, & Warranty Clerk..
I was 27 years old. Started at 18, earning $2.65 an hour & 9 years later, Manager earning $70K a year. Almost all of the Techs were still there when I started cleaning their stalls.
I, in just doing the best job that I could. Doubled the net profit, increased our customer CSI, Customer Satisfaction Index, from 5 to10, As well as several other benchmarks earning me the Bronze Managers Medallion award for Excellence in Service Management. In the 14 years the dealership has been in business no other service manager had received the award.
My manager who became the director wasn't as happy as I was. Doing better than him wasn't even on my mind. I didn't' even know the numbers of the dept. It was only after both the Ford & Isuzu district reps brought to my attention the dismal numbers of the dept.
Long story this has become. My manager had accused me of misappropriation of funds, not true, & after 2 years at the helm, I was fired. My life was turned upside down. This was the first time I thought about taking my life, but as bad as things have gotten, I still loved life. I remembered a sentence from a PMA book I read years before. It said, "With every adversity, comes the seed of an equal or better benefit" Also "Winners never quit, & quitters never win." The next 6 years proved to be difficult, that ended up with me going along with a cousins husband with robbing a bank. That's right. I'm a convicted bank robber. Got 52 months in Federal Prison, based on the Federal Sentencing Guideline, for a first time offender. The irony of this is, that the only time I had procured the most money at a once was robbing the bank, & more winning at roulette & I can say that I'm better at roulette than bank robbery. LOL Go make your own luck! Cheers!