Unfortunately many players play for different reasons. When you say it's like a hobby, do you prefer slots or live casino games? I always found live casino game more appealing.
When I read this article about How L&L Europe Ltd implemented their responsible gambling tools and how they generally approach the responsible gambling, this forum thread came to my mind. Take a look at the article if you're interested in the RG topic. It's necessary to say that there are incredible differences in approach, tools and possibilities, when it comes to Responsible gambling topic in various casinos.
For example, I find it very good that many casinos offer the possibility to set limits.
Loss Limits/Deposit Limit.
With this you can protect yourself if you almost have feelings of slipping in the wrong direction.
When I play I always think to myself that I lost the moment I deposited. 🙂 and if you win, you're happy
I can only advise everyone to really play so much that it doesn't affect other things in life.
Slots can be really addicting. 😀
Ich finde es zum Beispiel sehr gut das viele casinos die Möglichkeit bieten Limits zu setzen.
Verlust Limits/Einzahlungs Limit.
Damit kann man sich such schützen fals man fast Gefühle hat in die falsche Richtung zu rutschen.
Wenn ich spiele denke ich mir immer das ich schon in dem moment verloren habe in dem ich eingezahlt habe. 🙂 und wenn man dann doch gewinnt freut man sich
Ich kann jedem nur raten wirklich so viel zu spielen das es andere Dinge im Leben nicht beeinflusst.
Slots können echt süchtig machen. 😀
I only think the biggest issue of loss and deposit limits is the simple fact that when you reach the limit, you can go to another casino and nobody will ask about the limit you reached in the previous casino. Otherwise, setting the limits is a great and simple thing you can do to protect yourself.
I worked in a casino so I noticed how people play and make deposits. Many people can control themselves, but they sometimes reach a point when they feel some injustice or they feel like the moment of the great winnings is coming so they start depositing more and more until they have nothing to deposit. They lose the control for 1 gambling session, but it costs them a fortune. Those people often come the next day and claim that someone hacked their account etc.
Deposit limits would easily protect you against this and even when players feel they can control themselves, they should set the limits. Loss limits can be very helpful in a case when you're lucky and you win some nice amount of money. When it happens, many people tend to start betting higher bets and try to win more which only results in a quick loss. Loss limits can protect you from losing you winnings.
I'd also like to highlight that unfortunately there are enormous differences in how those limits work in different casinos so it's always important to read the terms and conditions or ask the customer support. It happened many times that a player thought that the limit would protect them, but it didn't, because it behaved differently than the player expected. Fortunately, we have a team of testers in CasinoGuru and they're already reviewing how those responsible gambling tools work in different casinos so we should have some data about it in the future as well.
Thanks for your detailed explanation!
Yes, unfortunately there are some people who become weak for a brief moment and lose a lot.
Personally, I always set these limits when I've won so that I don't lose it again.
Unfortunately, there are many casinos, which is why it is difficult to hold back.
As you say, the limits will not be valid in other casinos, so everyone should set a limit for themselves so that they don't lose everything.
I play for a long time and I know that sometimes you lose control 🙂
But the functions in general have changed well since then. 🙂
Thank you for being there dear Daniel!
You do so much for us and I just wanted to thank you again for that!!!
Best regards
Danke für die ausführliche Erklärung!
Ja es gibt leider einige Menschen die einen kurzen Moment schwach werden und viel verlieren.
Ich persönlich setze diese Limits immer wenn ich gewonnen habe damit ich diesen nicht wieder verliere.
Ea gibt leider viele casinos weswegen es schwer wird sich zurück zu halten.
So wie du sagst die Limits werden in anderen casinos nicht gültig sein weswegen jeder für sich ein Limit setzen sollte damit er nicht alles verliert.
Ich spiele sehr lange und weiß das man manchmal die Kontrolle verliert 🙂
Aber die Funktionen im allgemeinen hat sich zu damals gut verändert. 🙂
Danke das es euch gibt lieber Daniel!
Ihr tut so viel für uns und dafür wollte ich mich einfach nochmals bedanken!!!
Beste Grüße
I also think that as you get older, you become more aware of gambling.
When I was young, for example, I had a few moments where I really exaggerated so that it caused problems in my life.
When you are young and have no children and therefore no responsibility, it is all the more difficult to control yourself.
But as soon as you grow up and have children, you really learn to control yourself.
I hope for the people out there that they learn to control themselves because in the background the family and children often suffer, which is very unpleasant.
Gambling really is everywhere in our time.
That's why it's all the more important to learn to control yourself.
Ich glaube auch das man mit dem Alter bewusster wird was Glücksspiel angeht.
Als ich jung war hatte ich zum Beispiel auch einige Momente wo ich echt übertrieben habe so das es mir Probleme im Leben bereitet hat.
Wenn man jung ist und keine Kinder und somit keine Verantwortung hat ist es umso schwieriger sich zu kontrollieren.
Sobald man aber erwachsener wird und Kinder bekommt lernt man echt sich zu kontrollieren.
Ich hoffe für die Leute da draußen das sie lernen sich zu beherrschen da im Hintergrund oft die Familie und Kinder leiden was sehr unschön ist.
Glücksspiel ist echt überall in unserer heutigen Zeit.
Deswegen ist es umso wichtiger zu lernen sich zu beherrschen.
I'm not a well-experienced gambler myself, but I would like to add that even the loss limits must be set reasonably because even being a great tool, it is still up to the player to define how much he/she can afford to lose in a different time period.
A top of that, was yesterday when a player posted a screenshot showing that one casino sets its minimum limits that can be put into the responsible gambling loss limit tool, otherwise you are not allowed to set these limits at all.
Well, not a good approach. If the casino fails to change that, there will be penalization very soon. It's a freshly opened casino, so there is still a fair chance that it is not a bad intention, just luck of knowledge, or simply an error. We asked our affiliate team to get in touch with the casino and let them know about the issue.
One has to be still cautious, I'd say. 🤔
Are you absolutely right?
Everyone has to decide for themselves and determine how much they want to play and above all you have to really control yourself otherwise it can quickly backfire.
I think time will tell what it is. 🙂
I wish you a nice day ♥️
Hast du absolut recht.
Es muss jeder für sich entscheiden und festlegen wieviel er spielen möchte und vorallem muss man sich da echt beherrschen sonst kann es schnell nach hinten los gehen.
Ich denke die Zeit wird zeigen woran es liegt. 🙂
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag ♥️
Exactly, the limits should not be regulated by the casinos, otherwise, it is pointless to even set any. 🙁
Stay well and sound! 💚
Thanks for your detailed explanation!
Yes, unfortunately there are some people who become weak for a brief moment and lose a lot.
Personally, I always set these limits when I've won so that I don't lose it again.
Unfortunately, there are many casinos, which is why it is difficult to hold back.
As you say, the limits will not be valid in other casinos, so everyone should set a limit for themselves so that they don't lose everything.
I play for a long time and I know that sometimes you lose control 🙂
But the functions in general have changed well since then. 🙂
Thank you for being there dear Daniel!
You do so much for us and I just wanted to thank you again for that!!!
Best regards
Danke für die ausführliche Erklärung!
Ja es gibt leider einige Menschen die einen kurzen Moment schwach werden und viel verlieren.
Ich persönlich setze diese Limits immer wenn ich gewonnen habe damit ich diesen nicht wieder verliere.
Ea gibt leider viele casinos weswegen es schwer wird sich zurück zu halten.
So wie du sagst die Limits werden in anderen casinos nicht gültig sein weswegen jeder für sich ein Limit setzen sollte damit er nicht alles verliert.
Ich spiele sehr lange und weiß das man manchmal die Kontrolle verliert 🙂
Aber die Funktionen im allgemeinen hat sich zu damals gut verändert. 🙂
Danke das es euch gibt lieber Daniel!
Ihr tut so viel für uns und dafür wollte ich mich einfach nochmals bedanken!!!
Beste Grüße
Thank you for the kind words, but it's not just me or Radka who help others. Yes, we are those who are the most visible, but we currently have approximately 15 people who only deal with player complaints (over 1000 submitted every month), we have Simon who's focused on responsible gambling activities and our academy, that should help online casino employees to do their job better and better understand the players' needs. At the end of the day, I'm the face of the academy, but it's Simon and content writers who prepare the topics and texts. I'm only the one in front of the camera 😀
When we had the last company event in 2022, there were over 70 people, but only a few of us are "visible" 🙂
15 people who only deal with complaints is a lot and I can well imagine that you have a lot of work to do with it.
We all the more appreciate your work!!!!
It's remarkable of all of you for helping so many people! All this is not a matter of course!!!
Without you, dear Casino Guru team, many people would be stuck and would have little chance of getting their rights!
So I'm honored to be a part of it. 🙂
You, dear Daniel, are the face of the whole thing, which I personally think is good because you seem to be a very nice person and only deserve the best!!!
The celebration was definitely super cool!!!
It would be really cool if there was some kind of raffle where members of Guru could go to the party. 😀
That would be really cool to see you all live 😀
I hope it doesn't get annoying when I write this hehe but I'm really very grateful to you.
Since I came across your site and pay attention to where I play thanks to your tips I have almost NO problems anymore!
I don't even know how to thank you. 🙂
I wish you and your family a wonderful day dear Daniel 🙂
Everyone stay safe and healthy. 🙂
Best regards!!!
15 Leute die sich nur um Beschwerden kümmern ist sehr viel und ich kann mir gut vorstellen das ihr damit viel arbeit habt.
Umso mehr wissen wir eure Arbeit zu SCHÄTZEN!!!!
Es ist bemerkenswert von euch allen das ihr so vielen Menschen helft! All dies ist nicht selbstverständlich!!!
Ohne euch liebes Casino Guru Team wären viele Menschen aufgeschmissen und hätten wenig Chancen an ihr Recht zu kommen!
Deswegen fühle ich mich geehrt ein Teil davon sein zu dürfen. 🙂
Du lieber Daniel bist eben das Gesicht des ganzen was ich persönlich gut finde da du wie es den Anschein hat ein sehr netter mensch bist und nur das beste verdienst!!!
Die Feier war sicher mega Cool!!!
Es wäre echt mal cool wenn es eine Art Verlosung geben würde wo mitglieder von Guru zu der Feier dürften. 😀
Das wäre echt mal cool euch alle live zu sehen 😀
Ich hoffe es wird nicht langsam nervig wenn ich das schreibe hehe aber ich bin euch wirklich sehr dankbar.
Seit dem ich auf eure Seite gestoßen bin und darauf achte wo ich spiele dank euren Tipps habe ich so gut wie KEINE Probleme mehr!
Ich weiß garnicht wie ich euch danken kann. 🙂
Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie einen wunderschönen Tag lieber Daniel 🙂
Bleibt alle gesund und munter. 🙂
Beste Grüße!!!
Another Guru Gathering is held at the end of March, so check our social media for pictures 😉.
I honestly have to admit that I'm very little on social media and never thought of looking for you there 😀
I'm really curious right now and will take a look around. 🙂
Ich muss ehrlich gestehen das ich sehr wenig in sozialen Medien bin und nie daran gedacht habe mal euch dort zu suchen 😀
Ich bin momentan echt neugierig und werde mich mal umschauen. 🙂
I was feeling the same before I started working for Casino Guru 😀.
No pressure, it's just another way how we try to educate the public a bit in a positive manner - and it's not mandatory for anyone! 😂😁
A hug 😁
I think if you're wondering when to stop because you play every day, you should stop now. Addictions are insidious
I agree that when you start thinking about when is the right time to stop, then you should probably stop now. Maybe not forever, but to take a break at least and think about how you want to control your gambling in the future.
I honestly have to admit that I'm very little on social media and never thought of looking for you there 😀
I'm really curious right now and will take a look around. 🙂
Ich muss ehrlich gestehen das ich sehr wenig in sozialen Medien bin und nie daran gedacht habe mal euch dort zu suchen 😀
Ich bin momentan echt neugierig und werde mich mal umschauen. 🙂
I really believe you'll find some posts interesting. We try to post a lot about events that we attended and inform about all activities that we do since Casino Guru isn't just an online casino database. It's much more! (Complaints, CasinoGuru Academy, News, Global Self-Exclusion initiative etc.)
The latest addition is Gamtegrity
Sounds very interesting!!!
I'll take a little more time today and take a closer look! 🙂
It's really amazing what you've built up in such a short time!!! And it keeps getting bigger and bigger 🙂🤜🏻🤛🏽
Constantly new ideas that also enrich us players.
All in all, you are doing a really great job, for which we players are very grateful!
I think you can look forward to more new topics in the future ♥️
Long live the guru team 🙂‼️
Klingt sehr interessant!!!
Ich werde mir heute etwas mehr Zeit nehmen und mir das mal genauer anschauen! 🙂
Es ist wirklich erstaunlich was ihr euch in so kurzer Zeit aufgebaut habt!!! Und es wird immer größer und größer 🙂🤜🏻🤛🏽
Ständig neue Ideen die auch uns Spieler bereichern.
Im großen und ganzen macht ihr echt tolle Arbeit wofür wir spieler sehr dankbar sind!
Ich denke man darf sich in Zukunft auf mehr neuer Themen freuen ♥️
Lang lebe das Guru Team 🙂‼️
Keep track of the Casino Guru News - section "Gambling Industry" sub-category: Casino Guru🙌
Free professional educational courses for online casino employees aimed at industry best practices, improving player experience, and fair approach to gambling.
An initiative we launched with the goal to create a global self-exclusion system, which will allow vulnerable players to block their access to all online gambling opportunities.
A platform created to showcase all of our efforts aimed at bringing the vision of a safer and more transparent online gambling industry to reality.
An ambitious project whose goal is to celebrate the greatest and the most responsible companies in iGaming and give them the recognition they deserve.
Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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