After seeing many questionable stats when playing Evolution Roulette and wondering what is normal I wonder
what percentages should reasonably by expected for any of the evens bets and the dozens and columns? Should three different line bets (18 numbers) be equal to any of the evens bets or two line bets (12 numbers) be on a par with any of the dozen or column bets? The same with multiple streets 3x4 for 12 numbers or 3x6 for 18 numbers, can you expect them to perform like any of the evens bets or dozen or column bets? What should you reasonably expect from all these after 1000 spins? 1500 spins? At what point should the results be close to 50% for any evens bet or 33.3% for any 12 number bet? What about 12 or 18 random numbers? Zeros excepted of course.