Instructions on how to play the game were written by Romi in the post before you. If you have a problem with running the game or anything else, let me know. 😉
Okay then, just click on the green title of the game - Aviator and you will enjoy the game. If you need any advice, be sure to let me know.
What bet did you have when you lost money fast ? Did you try it only here on our site ? Do you have any tactics for this game ? 🙂
Hi, what account number please? What specifically are you talking about? Could you describe it a bit more?
is a game based on a very simple system. The plane you see during the game is only there to make the game itself attractive and interesting.
And in fact you invest money before the game starts. And the quota begins to rise during the flight of the plane. As the odds grow, so does your money. You can stop the game at any time by pressing a certain button and the current money will be transferred to your account. The aircraft will continue to fly until it disappears from sight. If you haven't picked up your novacon by then, it WILL DISAPPEAR.
THEREFORE, the whole game is based on the growth of odds that are multiplied by the amount of money invested.
In most cases, the plane flies away (disappears) very quickly. A few seconds after takeoff.
Money is lost VERY FAST in this game. This is a very dangerous game even for those who want to make a quick profit. Of course, this game can be played with very small stakes. You can have fun and earn or lose a little, but there is one big BUT...
YOU BECOME nervous quickly. Think now the plane will fly a little longer and it crashes. You start losing more money. You want your money back. And when the plane flies a little longer, you don't have the strength of will and courage to wait for the quota to rise to the figure you lost. Because the plane can take off EVERY SECOND. They will withdraw your money and wait for the next round to finally get your money back But the plane flies short again. YOU CANNOT GET YOUR MONEY BACK.
AVIATOR is a game that has turned many people into black. Don't play the aviator.
je igra zasnovana na jednom mnogo prostom sistemu. Avion koji vi gledate tokom igre je tu samo da samu igru učini atraktivnom i zanimljivom.
A u stvari vi ulažete novac pre početka igre. I kvota počinje da raste tokom leta aviona. Sa rastom kvote raste i vaš novac. Vi u svakom trenutku pritiskom na određeni taster možete prekinuti igru i trenutni novac će Vam biti prebačen na račun. Avion će nastaviti da leti do trenutka kada nestane iz vidnog polja. Ako do tog trenutka niste podigli vaš novacon ĆE NESTATI.
DAKLE,cela igra je zasnovana na rastu kvota koje se množe shvatim uloženih novcem.
U većini slučajeva Avion odleti ( nestane) veoma brzo. Nekoliko sekundi posle poletanja.
U ovoj igri novac se gubi VEOMA BRZO. Ovo je mnogo opasna igra i bamenjenaonima koji bi hteli brzu zaradu. Naravno ova igra moze da se igra sa veoma malim ulozima. Možete se zabaviti i nešto sitno zaraditi ili izgubiti ali postoji jedno veliko ALI...
POSTAJETE brzo nervozni. Pomislite sada će Avion leteti malo duže a on naleti. Vi počinjete gubiti više novca. Želite da povratite svoj novac. I onda kada Avion leti malo duže Vi nemate tu snagu volje i hrabrosti da dočekate da kvota porastae do one cifre koju ste izgubili. Jer avionmože da odleti SVAKE SEKUNDE. Podići će te novac pa čekati sledeću rundu da konačno vratite svoj novac Ali avion leti opet kratko. VI NE MOZETE POVRATITI SVOJ NOVAC.
AVIATOR je igra koja je mnoge ljudi zavila u crno. Nemojte igrati aviator.
There are 3 different types of flight length ie categorization. They are marked with 3 different colors.
1. blue, 2. purple, 3. pink
The blue color marks all flights that had a length below 2.00. (From 1.00 - 1.99) These are very short flights when you mostly lose money. There are the most of those flights.
Purple color indicates medium flights longer than 1.99 and less than 10.00 (From 2.00 to 9.99) those flights are the best for some profit but they happen in less number than blue flights.
The pink color indicates long flights longer than 9.99 and up to an indefinite length. (From 10.00 onwards...). You can earn HUGE MONEY with these flights, but there is NO such mentality of a person (player) who has the courage and nerve to calmly observe a long flight of a plane while it is growing at a high speed, while being aware that every tenth of a second the plane can disappear from the radar and all its money .
Therefore, it seems that the player calmly waits for his money to grow to some huge sum. Of course they won't. They will withdraw it at some realistic time that satisfies current earnings.
So, conclude: Such very long flights are useless for the players because nobody SHOULD WAIT that long.
Postoje 3 različite vrste duzine leta to jest kategorizacija. Označene su sa 3različite boje.
1. plav , 2. Ljubičast, 3. roze
Plava boja obeležava sve letove koji su imali dužinu ispod 2.00. (Od 1.00 - 1.99) To su veoma kratki letovi kada se uglavnom gubi novac. Tih letova ima najviše.
Ljubičasta boja označava srednje letove duže od 1.99 a manje od 10.00 (Od 2.00 do 9.99) ti letovi su najbolji za neku zaradu ali se događaju u manjem broju od plavih letova.
Roze boja označava duge letove duže od 9.99 pa do neodređeno dužine. (Od 10.00 pa dalje...). Naovim letovima se može zaraditi OGROMAN NOVAC ali NE POSTOJI takav mentalni sklop ličnosti ( igrača) koji ima hrabrosti i nerve da može mirno posmatrati dugi let aviona dok njegov raste velikom brzinom a svestan da svakog desetog dela sekunde avion može nestati sa radara i sav njegov novac .
Dakle,da liće igrač mirno čekati da njegov novac poraste do neke ogromne sume. Pa neće naravno. Povući će ga u nekom realnom trenutku koji zadovoljava trenutnu zaradu.
Tako da, zaključite: Takvi mnogo dugi letovi su za igrače beskorisni jer niko NE SME DA ČEKA toliko dugo.
This is an example from a few days ago. I took a picture of it on the mozzart casino app that I play.
This is an example of a VERY LONG FLIGHT. This rarely happens, maybe only once a day.
And now imagine that you only invested €10 on this flight. And at this moment the flight reached the quota of 5,445.60.
5445.60× €10 = €54,450
Hello!!! FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND EUROS!!! I will ask you just once.
Would any of you have the courage to wait for the plane to fly this long and not withdraw your money. Of course I wouldn't. You would have withdrawn the money before the flight reached the quota of 50..or 100 max.
There is no such type of Player in the world that would wait such a long flight without cashing out.
So what do we conclude? You can't win big money on the aviator game. This game is dangerous for health, it causes increased heartbeat. Forget this game. You have many nice games for fun and for money. As who likes.
Ovo je primer od pre nekoliko dana. Ja sam to slikao na aplikaciji mozzart casino koji ja igram.
Ovo je primer VEOMA DUG LET. Ovo se retko događaja, možda samo 1 x dnevno.
I sada zamislite da ste uložili samo 10 € na ovaj let. I uovom trenu let je dostigao kvotu 5.445,60.
5445,60× 10 € = 54.450 €
Halo!!! PEDESET ČETIRI HILJADE EURA!!! Pitaću Vas samo jednom.
Da li bi neko od Vas imao hrabrosti da čeka da avion ovako dugo leti i da ne podiže svoj novac. Naravno ne bih. Podigli bi ste novac pre nego što bi let dostigao kvotu 50..ili 100 max.
Ne postoji takva vrsta Igrača na svetu koja bi čekala ovako dug let a da ne podiže novac.
Dakle, šta zaključujemo? Ne može se osvojiti veliki novac na aviator igri. Ova igra je opasna po zdravlje, uzrokuje pojačan rad srca. Zaboravite ovu igru. Imate mnogo lepih igara za zabavu i za zaradu. Kako ko voli.
This is an example of the 3 types of flight length I explained. During the game, in the upper part of the screen above the plane, you have a record of the last 50 flights. When you join the game, you have a record of the last 20 flights, and if you do not leave the application, you will have a record of the last 50 flights. If you exit the application (game) and come back again, you have the last 20. This is the record in casino mozzart. Different settings are possible in other casinos.
As you can see in the example from the picture, you have the last 31 flights. Of these, there were only 13 short flights and as many as 4 long flights. This percentage is good for players. This was a good session. But that's not always the case. Blue dominates.
Also, note the odds of 1.00 in the second row from the top. That's the tragic quota. So there is no summer. The plane disappears before take off.
ALL PLAYERS LOSE MONEY! And that "DEAD FLIGHT" happens around 3%. So, 3 times per 100 flights. Of course, this is based on a minimum of 10,000 flights. Which means that in 100 flights there can be up to 7-8 dead flights. And it doesn't have to be once. It is a SURE PROFIT FOR THE CASINO.
Ovo je primer 3 vrste duzine leta koji sam objasnio. Tokom igranja u gornjem delu ekrana iznad aviona imate evidenciju poslednjih 50 letova. U trenutku kad se uključite u igru imate evidenciju zadnjih 20 letova a ako ne napustite aplikaciju imaćete evidenciju zadnjih 50 letova. Ako izađete iz aplikacije ( igre) pa se vratite opet imate zadnjih 20. Ovo je evidencija u casinu mozzart. Moguće su drugačije postavke u drugim kazinima.
Kao što vidite na primeru sa slike imate zadnjih 31 let. Od toga je bilo samo 13 kratkih letova i čak 4 duga leta. Ovaj procenat je dobar za igrače. Ovo je bila dobra sesija. Ali nije to uvek tako. Plava boja dominira.
Takodje, obratite pažnju na kvotu 1.00 u drugom redu odozgo. To je ta tragična kvota. Dakle tu nema leta. Avion nestaje pre poletanja.
SVI IGRAČI GUBE NOVAC ! I taj "MRTAV LET" se događa oko 3 %. Dakle na 100 letova 3 x. Naravno to se posmatra na minimum 10.000 letova. Što znači da u 100 letova moze biti i do 7 - 8 x mrtav let. A ne mora biti nijednom. To je SIGURAN DOBITAK ZA KAZINO.
Holding my breath for the grand finale - good piece of work!
I explicitly appreciate the level of responsibility you showed us once more. I'll make sure to memorize taking casino flight is a very risky endeavor!
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