ForumOther Casino GamesAnd, despite everything..., it is possible to make a living from roulette.

And, despite everything..., it is possible to make a living from roulette.

4 months ago by jotazeta
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4 months ago

It has been 35 years and they have given a lot. I have followed some basic rules and I have tried not to deviate from them. I have finally retired. I don't miss the game but I do miss the friends that I have left along the way over these years and, above all, those that, unfortunately, I will no longer be able to see again because they have left permanently; but life goes on...

Edited by author 4 months ago
Automatic translation:
4 months ago

Thank you for sharing. Life always brings us some changes, good ones and even bad ones. It is completely up to us how we process them.🙂

4 months ago

The best management we can do in life is to try not to waste time during the first 25 years, live off what we have learned during the next 25 and try to enjoy what we have achieved for the remaining 25. A priori, it is not that difficult, but we break the rule too often and then complain about the results.

Exactly the same thing happens with roulette; It's my experience...

Edited by author 4 months ago
Automatic translation:
4 months ago

Thank you for sharing this.

4 months ago

It's hard for me to believe that, at this point, there are still roulette players who don't know about Rx. Without a doubt the best programmable simulator that has existed since computing was invented.

It is not possible to take your PC to a live casino but if you play from home it is an invaluable help as long as you follow a few simple rules.

Version 2.0 is the one currently in circulation, with UX Software being the parent company of the invention.

Programming it from scratch is relatively simple and there are manuals in English and Spanish where you can consult any questions that may arise.

I advise all those who play regularly or those who do so in the future to do "tests with soda", they will save a lot of trouble and above all a lot of €...

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

I do not completely understand this. I just hope that you are not trying to tell people here to use some kind of software that is not allowed in online casinos.🤷‍♀️

4 months ago

The Rx software is allowed in all casinos since it is programmable by the user and uses the strategies that the program itself.

If this is not allowed, turn off and let's go,,,

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

Hey Romi! : To be an administrator of this Forum I see that you are more lost than the rice boat in most of the threads. Do you also not know the Psion that were used in the 80s in physical rooms or the extraperlo machines in the casinos of the 20s of the last century...?

I can give you some lessons after 35 years as a professional player.

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

I am really not aware of any software and thank you for explaining. I was never interested in something like that, actually, so thank you very much, but I will pass on your offer.🤷‍♀️

4 months ago

Hey Romi! : To be an administrator of this Forum I see that you are more lost than the rice boat in most of the threads. Do you also not know the Psion that were used in the 80s in physical rooms or the extraperlo machines in the casinos of the 20s of the last century...?

I can give you some lessons after 35 years as a professional player.

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

If I may add a more general point of view on this topic, and I'm doing so to keep this conversation a bit in line when it comes to unrealistic expectations, according to our internal experts, there is no working system allowing anyone to gain a steady income from a properly working roulette.

There are however ways to increase the odds. Specified in this well-written guide called "Best Roulette Strategies to Have Fun and Retain a Fair Chance of Winning Big" 👈

I think we can all benefit by keeping these facts in mind, aside from the others already mentioned. Thanks for your contribution.

4 months ago

Dear Radka: I do not know the experts who work on this website but I am afraid that they have not been, like me, professional players for 35 years. My father-in-law ran 2 casinos in Mar de Plata in the 50s/60s and later had his own casino in Spain. I followed his saga and, much to his dismay, I became a professional player in the 80s, something I promised not to do but failed to keep.

Since then I have lived from the game and of course I have helped myself with IT, why deny it. Rx offered me the opportunity to program hundreds of systems from the best players in the world and, obviously, I stayed with the best. I have a library of more than 150 copies of the roulette game and I have also programmed each and every one of the hundreds of systems that were advertised in them.

In the second half of this century, for me, the best Roulette Forum that has existed to date was opened. A professional forum called "Joker Forum" and many of the best systems were paraded and studied in depth by active and retired players at the time such as Manrique, Atila G.Gasof, Cat, Zechnas...etc, etc. . Everyone contributed their points of view and everyone collaborated with the forum.

There tests were done and conclusions were drawn and, obviously, the computer science and programming of Master Zechnas overwhelmingly prevailed over the old school. He was able to play a million real balls from any European casino in just over 1 hour and determine if a system was 3, 4 or 5 (***, ****, *****) stars.

This same man invented a way to test the strength of a system by competing directly with the Van Keelen Method and improving it. Naturally, due to his skill with Rx, he was number one worldwide in November 2011, even surpassing the creators of Rx and employees of Ux Software.

There are many Zechnas students around the world and with its simple philosophy and some practice you can be a professional player. It won't make you a millionaire but you can live from working in the roulette room; In fact, there have always been casino pawns tolerated by businesses as mere entertainers at the tables.

Any roulette Forum, Website, etc. has and knows the programs that came from its keyboard: Joker Forum, VLS Roulette, La Roulette. it, Roulette Forumotivo, etc, etc.

He does not sell and has never sold anything, he distributes his programs among his followers and teaches how to play and program Rx for free without profit and without any interest in the game; That's right, you can't blame him for selling smoke because he doesn't charge anything.

And, as I said in the opening heading of the post..., despite everything, you can make a living from roulette.

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

Since there is no better way to demonstrate the movement than walking, here I send what I said, which at the time was a bombshell... file

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

Here is some of what was said:

system "Zechnas - Francisco Delaguagua v2.0"


Francisco Delaguagua has ended up almost blind due to cataracts associated with others

serious unsolvable vision problems.

This is a system that he used frequently and that he claimed as his own.

The dynamics are so easy that there is no need to explain how they work.

Its publication is a tribute to this tireless fighter against the wheel he had,

Like everyone, bad and good days, but he survived.



method "main"


while starting a new session


// Call to the start and progression bet.

call "begin";


// Call subroutines

call "bets";

call "check";


method "begin"


copy list [corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6 ), corner(14:18), corner(26:30) ,

corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner (14:18),corner(26:30),

corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner (14:18),corner(26:30),

corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner(14:18),corner(26:30),corner(2:6),corner (14:18),corner(26:30)] for record "sliding" layout;

copy list [corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5 ),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),

corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner (13:17),corner(25:29),

corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner (13:17),corner(25:29),

corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner(13:17),corner(25:29),corner(1:5),corner (13:17),corner(25:29)] for record "sliding2" layout;

copy list [corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12 ),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),

corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner (20:24),corner(32:36),

corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner (20:24),corner(32:36),

corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner(20:24),corner(32:36),corner(8:12),corner (20:24),corner(32:36)] for record "sliding3" layout;

copy list [corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11 ),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),

corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner (19:23),corner(31:35),

corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner (19:23),corner(31:35),

corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner(19:23),corner(31:35),corner(7:11),corner (19:23),corner(31:35)] for record "sliding4" layout;

set list [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] record "sequence" data; // Typical progression for dozens or columns game.

put 1 in record "sliding" layout index;

put 1 in record "sliding2" layout index;

put 1 in record "sliding3" layout index;

put 1 in record "sliding4" layout index;

put 3 in column b


method "check"


//Gain check

if net > 0


put 1 in record "succession" data index;


if net < 0

//loss check


add 1 in record "succession" data index;


if record "succession" data index > record "succession" data count


put 1 in record "succession" data index;



method "bets"


put 100% record "succession" data in record "sliding" layout;

put 100% record "sucesion" data in record "sliding2" layout;

put 100% record "sucesion" data in record "corridizas3" layout;

put 100% record "sucesion" data in record "corridizas4" layout;

put 3 in column b

if record "sliding" layout index >= record "sliding" layout count


put 1 in record "sliding" layout index;




add 1 in record "sliding" layout index;


// 2

if record "sliding2" layout index >= record "sliding2" layout count


put 1 in record "sliding2" layout index;




add 1 in record "sliding2" layout index;



if record "sliding" layout index >= record "sliding3" layout count


put 1 in record "sliding3" layout index;




add 1 in record "sliding3" layout index;


// 4

if record "sliding4" layout index >= record "sliding4" layout count


put 1 in record "sliding4" layout index;




add 1 in record "sliding4" layout index;


if bankroll > 0



"You just won at least 2 chips.

It was the minimum provided for the system.

The session will be closed. Start again."


if bankroll < -30



"You just lost enough.

It was the maximum planned for the system.

The session will be closed. Start again."

stop session



Automatic translation:
4 months ago

I see you like to keep repeating you're professional.

This is also another aspect worth mentioning since as far as I know for certain, casinos treat regular casual players a bit differently from your kind of players. Surely a specialist like you has heard about an approach called "forbidden betting strategies", going in hand with the forbidden usage of 3rd party apps or tools, running in the background when playing.

This is the forum and we all have a chance to add our point of view. I added mine focused on safety.

I understand you probably consider my words as an opposition, but actually, these are additions.

Let each player form his own opinion on the matter.

Anyway, thanks for the details, I intend to ask the Data Team for a brief check.

4 months ago

Hello. As Radka mentioned before, we've had our data team look into the information you write in your posts.

I would like you, and everyone else, to know that we do not recommend using any software of this kind. All the players should see online gaming as a hobby and play for themselves. In every casino, software of this kind is strictly prohibited, and using it can lead to a lot of problems, such as that a casino could confiscate your money and you could be blacklisted in other casinos as well. The player could even have some kind of regulation in online casinos.

We believe that if a player uses his own cleverness or even some mathematics to play at online casinos, there is nothing wrong with it, and the casino has no right to confiscate any winnings from the account. To use a third-party program, we see it as a huge violation of the rules at online casinos.

I hope that you will not try to promote any kind of software on our forum, because we won't like to see your account banned.

Edited by author 4 months ago
4 months ago

Stas Romi and Radka: I see that you still don't understand anything, I clarify the situation to put you in your place:

1st) I have already retired from the game due to retirement; I'm not a professional anymore, I was once.

2º) I do not promote any type of software, nor do I sell it or advertise it, I simply comment that it exists and is of great help to any self-respecting player.

3º) The Rx software from Ux Sotware is a home simulator that helps choose and test gaming systems, so it is easily deduced that it is for PHYSICAL casino players, although I know that people use it with magnificent results in online betting. -line and is neither detectable nor can it be prohibited since from home, a player can use any means at his disposal to achieve his goal, which is to win at the casino.

4º) I know the Law since I am a labor lawyer, among other things, and I know the rules that govern the pre-established agreement between the player and the online website to use the programs.

5º) I do not want to be repetitive in my statements but I see that, either due to your youth or due to inexperience in the pit, you have little or no experience at the tables of a real casino and yes, to make you think a little I can tell you that in the Gran Kursaal de S.Sebastian where I played regularly in the 80s, Psion-type personal computers were allowed since it was a novelty not contemplated in the rules established since the founding of the casino. Then, obviously the rules were changed in favor of the bank, of course...

Edited by author 4 months ago
Automatic translation:
4 months ago


Edited by author 4 months ago
4 months ago

This little PDA delighted players in many casinos in Spain, Andorra and Monte Carlo in the 80s...

Automatic translation:
4 months ago

You failed to understand that we are here to put you in place:

"I would like you, and everyone else, to know that we do not recommend using any software of this kind. All the players should see online gaming as a hobby and play for themselves. In every casino, software of this kind is strictly prohibited, and using it can lead to a lot of problems, such as that a casino could confiscate your money and you could be blacklisted in other casinos as well. The player could even have some kind of regulation in online casinos.

We believe that if a player uses his own cleverness or even some mathematics to play at online casinos, there is nothing wrong with it, and the casino has no right to confiscate any winnings from the account. To use a third-party program, we see it as a huge violation of the rules at online casinos."

Masking the obvious by sending a calculator and mentioning 80' won't work. 👈

Have you noticed?

Your bio:

"Retired former professional player. Programmer. Expert in Rx and casino software. No. 1 in the world (Nov/2011) as best programmer for quantity and quality of contributions to the UX Software Rx. Inventor of the systems qualification tester in (*)."

3.7. We reserve the right to remove or edit any User generated content, including but not limited to posts, links, and promotional information posted to the forum that we consider to be added by gambling-related websites, casinos, or their affiliated parties for promotional or link building purposes at our sole discretion.

Find yourself a more appropriate forum full of experts on cheating and breaking rules if you like; this is not the place. Moreover, your unwavering attitude assures me the ban is inevitable.

This is my last and final warning.

Edited by author 4 months ago
Post by jotazeta Hidden by Radka
Reason: Abusive language

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