ForumGeneral DiscussionNever share your password with a third party!

Never share your password with a third party! (page 2)

2 months ago by Daniel
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2 weeks ago


when I wanted to withdraw money and asked me to send the number of my bank account to the email address and I did that but nobody helped me and didn't write back either

can anyone help

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

We surely will try to help you out. Please let me start with the name of the casino where you have experienced this. Could you provide it, please, along with some more information as well?

Are you able to log in to your account? When was the last time you spoke to support, please?

2 weeks ago

My name in koto is Javid10

I have written email three days ago and just said thank you

does not help

I wrote an email today as usual but unfortunately no answer

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I meant was the name of the casino where you play and experience the issue. Which casino is it, please? Does the situation remain the same?

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