I have a dispute with a MGA licensed operator. They have several brands which I signed up to. A few years back, at least one of the brands had terms and conditions that said that all self-exclusions would be applied across the entire license.
The thing though is that I wasn't self-excluded across the entire license, only for that specific brand.
The difficult part though is to provide that this is the case. I know from memory that the terms and conditions said self-exclusions were to be applied license wide. I have tried using Wayback machine and found evidence of this, but not for the correct date.
I tried reached out to the operator, but they said they didn't store any records of historical Terms and conditions. Also reached out to the MGA email, but no reply yet (has gone over a week).
Does anyone know if there should be some kind of record of historical terms and conditions?
For example - if I self excluded on Jan 1 2023, I would like to see a copy of which version of the terms and conditions were valid on that specific date, so I can prove that I should have been self excluded from the other brands registered after Jan 1 2023.