I have a question.
These your tournaments. Are the prizes real money?
I haven't paid attention to tournaments until now.
How can I play the tournament?
Imam pitanje.
Ovi vaši turniri. Jesu li nagrade stvarni novac?
Nisam do sada obratio pažnju na turnire.
Kako mogu igrati turnir?
I have a question.
These your tournaments. Are the prizes real money?
I haven't paid attention to tournaments until now.
How can I play the tournament?
Imam pitanje.
Ovi vaši turniri. Jesu li nagrade stvarni novac?
Nisam do sada obratio pažnju na turnire.
Kako mogu igrati turnir?
Hi, you can win some money or other prizes in our tournaments! Also, you can find information relevant to our tournaments and answers to your questions here: https://casino.guru/tournaments
So how about you try them too ? It's totally free and you can't lose anything, only gain. 🙂
I read that the rewards are in Amazon vouchers! So I don't know how someone can use it if they are in a country where it is not possible to order on Amazon, for example. because of the very high postage?
Pročitao sam da se nagrade dobijaju u Amazon vaucerima! Tako da ne znam kako da neko iskoristi to ako se nalaze u zemlji gdje nije moguće naručivati na Amazonu npr. zbog veoma visoke postarine?
If I receive a prize...a voucher...what should I do with it...for example, the second place says $250...is there a voucher in that amount...where can I buy something with it...
Ukoliko dobijem nagradu...vaucer..sta da radim s njim...npr drugo mesto pise 250$.… da li.je vaucer u tom iznosu...gde mogu kupiti nesto njime...
I read that the rewards are in Amazon vouchers! So I don't know how someone can use it if they are in a country where it is not possible to order on Amazon, for example. because of the very high postage?
Pročitao sam da se nagrade dobijaju u Amazon vaucerima! Tako da ne znam kako da neko iskoristi to ako se nalaze u zemlji gdje nije moguće naručivati na Amazonu npr. zbog veoma visoke postarine?
Hi, you should try looking for another seller on Amazon that offers cheaper postage to your country.
We also notice that players sometimes have this problem with Amazon, so we are going to launch a new player reward system this year where we are not dependent on Amazon. 🙂
If I receive a prize...a voucher...what should I do with it...for example, the second place says $250...is there a voucher in that amount...where can I buy something with it...
Ukoliko dobijem nagradu...vaucer..sta da radim s njim...npr drugo mesto pise 250$.… da li.je vaucer u tom iznosu...gde mogu kupiti nesto njime...
It would be good if I can write Western Union, I think in all countries the player can collect the prize in the bank in his country!?
Dobro bi bilo ako smijem da napišem Western Union, mislim da u svim državama igrač tako može podići nagradu u banci u svojoj zemlji!?
And is it possible to get something else... and what is the value of the voucher... if I win second place... $250... How much is the voucher... or whatever, why can't I get money or something not amazon..
A moze li nesto drugo da se dobije...i u kojoj vrednosti je vaucer...ako ja osvojim drugo mesto..250$... Koliki je vaucer..ili sta vec bude zasto ne moze novac da se dobije ili nesto sto nije amazon..
And is it possible to get something else... and what is the value of the voucher... if I win second place... $250... How much is the voucher... or whatever, why can't I get money or something not amazon..
A moze li nesto drugo da se dobije...i u kojoj vrednosti je vaucer...ako ja osvojim drugo mesto..250$... Koliki je vaucer..ili sta vec bude zasto ne moze novac da se dobije ili nesto sto nije amazon..
When you enter the tournament, all these details as well as the prizes for the winning places are pre-written. We don't have any prizes other than the amazon vouchers for now, so it's not possible to get anything else at the moment. As I already mentioned, this year we will launch a new reward system where we will not offer only these vouchers.
But players will have to wait a while for that.
You said that you will start a new reward system this year, so that you don't depend on Amazon! So I just made a suggestion in which way they could!
Rekli ste da će te ove godine pokrenuti novi sistem nagrađivanja, da ne zavisite od Amazona! Pa sam samo dao prijedlog na koji bi način mogli!
Hello, to follow up on this topic one more time. If I win a prize in a tournament and receive an Amazon voucher, can I give that voucher to one of my friends who already has experience with Amazon shopping, and have them use the voucher on their Amazon.com account? Or do I have to use the voucher I received in my Amazon account? Thank you
Zdravo, da se još jednom nadovežem na ovu temu. Ako osvojim neku nagradu na turniru i dobijem Amazon vaučer, da li taj vaučer mogu dati nekom od mojih prijatelja, ko vec ima iskustva sa Amazon kupovinom, i da on iskoristi vaučer na svom Amazon.com nalogu? Ili ja moram iskoristiti vaučer koji sam dobio na svom Amazon nalogu? Hvala
The voucher cannot be used when you try to checkout, it says Jo's, enter something and then it... the continue button cannot be pressed... and the voucher is there... But continue to pay with it... it can't... in amazon they say like refresh and then again But it doesn't work
Vaucer ne moze da se iskoristi kad se pokysa checkout pise Jo's uneti nesto pa ono...continue dugme nije moguce pritisnuti...a vaucer stoji tamo...Ali continue to pay sa njim...ne moze...u amazonu kazu kao refresh pa opet Ali ne ide
Has anyone else had a case like this, did you buy with a voucher? I know that they take for tax and postage almost as much as the item costs, but if you can't buy it with a voucher, it means you can't use the prize
Da li je neko još imao ovakav slučaj, da li ste kupovali sa vaucerom? Znam da uzimaju za porez i za poštarinu skoro koliko košta i artikal, ali ako se ne može nikako kupiti sa vaucerom, znaci ne možeš iskoristiti nagradu
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