ForumCompetitionsI came 6th in last month's candy blitz bombs tournament and never received any email.

I came 6th in last month's candy blitz bombs tournament and never received any email.

3 weeks ago by santiagosaunier2
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3 weeks ago

Hello people, I am writing this in the forum to see if you can help me, in last month's tournament I came in 6th position and I am supposed to have won 25usd, I was watching and they are supposed to communicate by email to give you the prize, but still I didn't receive anything.

Automatic translation:
3 weeks ago

I will write to Juraj, but be a little patient, because only just now is the tournament over. I'm sure the email will reach you. If you still don't get anything after some time, be sure to get back to me. 😉

3 weeks ago

Hello, they already contacted me, on June 3, I already responded to the email, I still haven't received the voucher! I'm waiting excited!

Automatic translation:
3 weeks ago

Well you don't have to worry you will get the voucher for sure, but Juraj has to send the prizes first, so you just have to hold on. 😀

2 weeks ago

Hello Jaro! I wanted to notify you that the voucher has not arrived yet! greetings

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Yes, another player also wrote that he is in the same situation. It could be caused by the fact that Juraj doesn't have vouchers yet, so I wrote him to give me an update and when that happens, I'll let you know so I don't mislead you.

Thanks for being patient.

2 weeks ago

Voucher has been sent, tell me when you get it. 🙂


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