5 days ago
If you want to discuss anything related to Winaura Casino, such as its games, bonuses, payment methods, issues with your account, responsible gambling features, or anything else, you can do so here.
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers.
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers
Zdravím přátelé hazardu. Můžete mě pomoci vybrat peníze na winaura casino. A též z ninecasino. Máte někdo už nějaké zkušenosti. Předem děkuji za odpovědi.
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers.
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers
Zdravím přátelé hazardu. Můžete mě pomoci vybrat peníze na winaura casino. A též z ninecasino. Máte někdo už nějaké zkušenosti. Předem děkuji za odpovědi.
Hello gambling friends. Can you help me withdraw money from winaura casino. And also from ninecasino. Does anyone have any experience? Thank you in advance for your answers
Could you please tell us what kind of issue you experience at Winaura?
Also, if there is a problem with Nine, write to its thread more regarding it, please. Here's the link.
We will try to help.
Hello. I won 290,000 CZK in the Winaura casino. Can someone please advise me how to apply for money so that I don't lose my winnings? I read that this casino is not good. They also write in the terms and conditions that when paying out the winnings, I require a statement of services. But I don't have any statement of services, what should I do? Thanks
Dobrý den . Vyhrál jsem v casinu winaura 290 000kč . Můžete mi prosím někdo poradit , jak zažádat o peníze abych o výhru nepřišel ? Četl jsem ze tohle casino není dobré. Dále píšou v podmínkách při vyplacení výhry požaduji výpis služeb . Já ale nemám žádný výpis služeb co mám dělat ? Diky
Hi, I would probably start by focusing on verification because without it it will not be possible to withdraw money. Have they asked you for any documents? If so, did you tell them that you cannot provide anything and would there be an alternative?
If you go through the process successfully, only then will you be able to withdraw money and then we can talk about how to withdraw. Anyway, I don't really know what you mean by that, it is usually recommended to withdraw money in the same way you deposited it, so that would probably be the most sensible thing to do.
However, if there is any problem, either during verification or later with the withdrawal, we will definitely get back to you.
Ahoj, začal by som asi tym, ze by som sa zameral na verifikaciu pretoze bez nej nebude mozne vytiahnut peniaze. Uz pozadovali od teba nejake dokumenty? Ak ano povedal si im ze nieco take nevies dodat a ci by k tomu nebola alternativa?
Ak prejdes procesom uspesne az potom budes moct vyberat peniaze a teda potom sa mozeme bavit o tom ako vybrat. Kazodpadne neviem moc co tym myslis, vacsinou sa odporuca vyberat peniaze tym istym sposobom akym si ich vkladal, takze to bude asi najrozumnejsie.
Avsak, ak by bol nejaky problem ci uz vo verifikacii alebo neskor s vyberom, urcite sa ozvi.
Everything is fine now, I didn't take into account that it's the weekend and withdrawals only work during the week. But deposits work on the weekend too. Thank you for the response. 🍀💯
Už je vše v pořádku, já nebral v potaz že je víkend a výběry fungují jen v týdnu. Ale vklady fungují i o víkendu. Děkuji za reakci. 🍀💯
We are very happy that the set is as it should be. If you find something you would like to share about this casino, feel free to do so.
Good luck. ☘️
Vyborne sme radi ze setko je tak ako ma byt. Ak by sa opat naslo nieco co by si chcel zdielat k tomuto kasinu kludne tak urob.
Nech sa ti dari. ☘️
I'm trying to verify my account but they want a photo of the front and back of my bank card. The problem is that I sent money from my bank's virtual card at Air Bank and I have a physical card to the same account as the virtual card, but it has different numbers than the virtual card from which the deposit was sent.
and I also have a card loaded on my account from my girlfriend, who played through my account but lost all her deposit. Then I sent money from my account and I won from that money. The casino wants to verify my girlfriend's loaded card as well, which I don't see as a problem, but I don't know if they will take it as a violation of the terms and conditions or something similar. I would like to point out that the casino account is in my name. Thank you for the advice
Snažím se ověřit účet jenze chcou po mě foto přední a zadní strany bankovní karty . Problem je v tom , ze peníze jsem posílal z virtuální karty u air bank moji banky a fyzickou kartu ke stejnému účtu jako je ta virtuální karta mam , ale ma jiné čísla, než ta virtuální karta , ze které byl poslán vklad .
a dále mam na uctu nahranou ještě kartu , od mé přítelkyně , která hrála přes můj účet ale veškerý vklad prohrála . Poté sem si já ze svého účtu poslal peníze z těch peněz jsem vyhrál . Casino chce ověřit i nahranou kartu moji přítelkyně v čem já problém nevidím , ale nevím jestli to nebudou brát jako porušení podmínek nebo něco podobného . Podotýkám že účet v casinu je vedeny na mě. Dekuji za radu
"and I also have a card loaded on my account from my girlfriend"
This may be considered a violation of the regulations; however, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be able to withdraw the money.
Winaura withdrawals to bank accounts are processed only during business days from what I know.
Where can I find the casino's terms and conditions? I haven't commented on this yet. I read that the withdrawn money must be sent to the same account as the deposit and I comply with this. The deposit from my girlfriend's account has already been lost. There must be something that can be done to get around this. Who can help me with this? I am willing to give a Fin. Reward for advice that will lead to a successful withdrawal of money. Thank you.
Kde se dají najít podmínky casina ? Zatím sem se k tomu nijak nevyjádřil . Četl jsem , ze vybrané peníze musí být odeslány na stejný účet jako byli vloženy a tohle splňuji . Vklad z účtu moji přítelkyně už byl prohraný . Musí byt něco , čím tohle lze obejít . Kdo mi s tím může pomoci ? Jsem ochoten za radu která povede k úspěšnému výběru peněz dát Fin. Odměnu . Dekuji .
I'm trying to verify my account but they want a photo of the front and back of my bank card. The problem is that I sent money from my bank's virtual card at Air Bank and I have a physical card to the same account as the virtual card, but it has different numbers than the virtual card from which the deposit was sent.
and I also have a card loaded on my account from my girlfriend, who played through my account but lost all her deposit. Then I sent money from my account and I won from that money. The casino wants to verify my girlfriend's loaded card as well, which I don't see as a problem, but I don't know if they will take it as a violation of the terms and conditions or something similar. I would like to point out that the casino account is in my name. Thank you for the advice
Snažím se ověřit účet jenze chcou po mě foto přední a zadní strany bankovní karty . Problem je v tom , ze peníze jsem posílal z virtuální karty u air bank moji banky a fyzickou kartu ke stejnému účtu jako je ta virtuální karta mam , ale ma jiné čísla, než ta virtuální karta , ze které byl poslán vklad .
a dále mam na uctu nahranou ještě kartu , od mé přítelkyně , která hrála přes můj účet ale veškerý vklad prohrála . Poté sem si já ze svého účtu poslal peníze z těch peněz jsem vyhrál . Casino chce ověřit i nahranou kartu moji přítelkyně v čem já problém nevidím , ale nevím jestli to nebudou brát jako porušení podmínek nebo něco podobného . Podotýkám že účet v casinu je vedeny na mě. Dekuji za radu
But it is quite possible that they could see it as a violation of the rules since every payment method and everything you have on your account from data to payments should always be in the player's name. In any case, if they ask you for it, you will have to provide it too and see what they say. As for the virtual card, can't you get some document from the bank that you deposited with this card to the casino? So I would try to stick to what they ask for and see what they say next.
No je dost mozne ze by to mohli vidiet ako porusenie pravidiel kedze kazda platobna metoda a vsetko co na ucte mas od udajov az po platby ma byt vzdy v mene hraca. Kazdopadne ked ju od teba pozaduju, budes ju musiet tiez dodat a uvidis co ti povedia. Co sa tyka virtualnej karty, nemozes od banky dostat nejaky dokuemnt ze si touto kartou depozitoval do kasina? Skusil by som sa teda drzat toho co pozaduju a uvidis co ti povedia dalej.
So I solved the virtual card by confirming with the bank that it is mine, but I still have to solve the other account. I can only think of a sworn statement that my girlfriend used my account, wouldn't it be enough? Or can I still think of signing up for her account as an authorized person who can use her account? Thanks for your responses.
Tak virtuální kartu jsem vyřešil potvrzením banky , že je moje ale ještě musím dořešit ten druhý účet . Napadá me jen , čestné prohlášení , že moje přítelkyně použila můj účet by nestačilo ? Nebo mě ještě napadá nechat se zapsat k jejímu účtu jako oprávněná osoba , která může disponovat s jejím účtem ? Díky za vaše reakce .
Hi, I don't know if I would complicate it this much and I honestly don't know if the casino would take it or not. It's always best to tell the truth because the casino could theoretically find out similar things. Try to follow what they told you and see what happens next.
Ahoj, neviem ci by som to az takto komplikoval a popravde netusim ci by to kasino vzalo alebo nie. Najlepsie je vzdy povedat pravdu pretoze kaino by teoreticky mohlo zistit podobne veci. Skus postupovat podla toho co ti povedali a uvidis co budee dalej.
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