9 months ago
His text was good except for the money laundering thing. From what I know here in Sweden, it is enough for the bank to hear the word money laundering and the account will be closed
Hans text var bra förutom det där med penningtvätt. Av vad jag vet här i Sverige, det räcker att banken hör ordet penningtvätt så kommer kontot bli stängd
I was completely honest about my transactions. I said that the money has gone to casinos where, among other things, many of them lack a license such as casinos in Costa Rica. I also said that these transactions should be voided because the information is misleading and the customer does not find out how the payment will be made. As a customer, you have a right to know that. I also said that these stores, which in fact according to the transaction are merchants, I have not done business with or approved. Also tell me that several times I have had withdrawals canceled for some small implemented rule. All because they won't pay out any money. I had deposits for 28k euros without a single withdrawal..
Jag var helt ärlig om mina transaktioner. Jag sa att pengarna har gått till casino där b.l.a många av dom saknar licens som typ casino på costa rica. Jag sa också att dessa transakrioner bör ogiltiligförklarad eftersom att informationen är vilseledande och att man som kund inte får reda på hur betalningen kommer att ske. Man har som kund en rättighet att få veta det. Jag sa också att dessa butiker som faktist enligt transaktionen är handlare har jag inte gjort affärer med eller godkänt.Berätta också att jag flera gånger fått uttag makulerade för någon liten implenterad regel. Allt för att dom inte ska betala ut några pengar. Jag hade insättningar för 28k euro utan ett enda uttag..
Hi There,
I recently came across transactions on my bank statements there do not look familiar but i think they are related to my casino transactions. Does anyone know if this is illegal? I've contacted my bank to query but had no luck with them. What should I do?
His text was good except for the money laundering thing. From what I know here in Sweden, it is enough for the bank to hear the word money laundering and the account will be closed
Hans text var bra förutom det där med penningtvätt. Av vad jag vet här i Sverige, det räcker att banken hör ordet penningtvätt så kommer kontot bli stängd
What did the bank say then and how did you post it. Did you make complaints. Which bank?
Vad sa banken då och hur la du upp det. Gjorde du reklamationer. Vilken bank?
I don’t have those specific merchants, but I do have others with websites with the very same look. And the customer service person cant give any clear answers at all. They ask you to send the card details + transaction to their email address.
Only got a response one time and it was from unlimit casino I think. I was only able to find "worldlinecheckout" in the checkout page but don’t know any other traces. Worldline just ignored me.
a strange things is that it appears that many of the websites similar to those you listed has been shut down recently
I guess luck. Been in contact before with Quickbit and they turned me down, but this time they refunded me.
But still not sure if it was Quickbit or Santeda/GoldenBet who initiated the refund
I see that quickbit is a Swedish company. What would the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority say about this? Is it an option to report them or could it be that they have been taken advantage of
Jag ser att quickbit är ett svensk företag. Vad skulle finansinspektionen säga om detta. Är det ett alternativ att anmäla dom eller kan det vara vara så att dom blivit utnyttjade
They are certainly aware of this and collaborate with the Casinos to earn a lot of extra money on the sly.
The Swedish Tax Agency and the Financial Supervisory Authority are probably interested if they refuse to pay back these transactions.
Dom är helt säkert medvetna om detta och sammarbetar med Casinon för att tjäna in massa extra pengar i smyg.
Skatteverket och Finansinspektionen är nog intresserade ifall dom vägrar betala tillbaka dessa transaktioner.
Quickbit has replied. They want to know which website I made a purchase on. Remember the hell intez I don't even know which transaction goes to them. Anyone that can help me.
have: deposit by crypto, bitsent and another one just called deposit
Quickbit har svarat. Dom vill veta vilken hemsida jag gjort köp på. Minns fan intez jag vet inte ens vilken transakrion som går till dom. Någon som kan hjälpa mig.
har: deposit by crypto, bitsent och en annan som bara heter deposit
https://www.slotmonster.com/en and https://gxmble.com/ are sites where I have had transactions through them.
Slotmonster - Coinshop.work (crypto) at first there was only a deposit on the transactions, then they were changed to Coinshop.work
Gxmble - Goriwire (quickbit)
Otherwise, you can try making deposits on the sites you think you played on, just deny settings via Revolut until their names appear on the screen, which may take a while.
https://www.slotmonster.com/en och https://gxmble.com/ är bla sidor där jag haft transaktioner via dom.
Slotmonster - Coinshop.work (krypto) först stod det bara deposit på transaktionerna, sedan ändrades dom till Coinshop.work
Gxmble - Goriwire (quickbit)
Annars kan du testa göra insättningar på dom sidor du tror du spelat på, bara neka inställning via Revolut tills deras namn kommer upp på skärmen, kan ta en stund.
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