8 months ago
If you want to discuss anything related to CorgiSlot Casino, such as its games, bonuses, payment methods, issues with your account, responsible gambling features, or anything else, you can do so here.
After many emails I sent them, where I accused them of using fake play'n go games, CorgiSlot casino today removed play'n go from the list of providers and these games are no longer available at their casino. This company would it should have done that at all its casinos. It's just not right to use such things. As I mentioned in the review, regular games from projavder already give them a big advantage.
Nakon mnogo email-ova koje sam im poslao,gde sam im navodio i optuživao da koriste lažne play'n go igre,CorgiSlot casino je danas uklonio play'n go sa liste provajdera i te igre više nisu dostupne na njihovom cazinu.Ova kompanija bi trebala da to uradi na svim svojim kazinima.Prosto nije u redu koristiti se takvim stvarima.Kao što sam naveo i u recenziji,regularne igre od projavdera im daju već veliku prednost.
That sounds great, right? What did they tell you regarding this, if I may ask?
I'd really like to know the explanation of this whole situation with the games.
It's nice of you to help others this way, we really appreciate it.
Of course, they denied every time that the games were fake and if I told them about anomalies in the games that are not possible at the regular provider. I visit that casino because I have another bonus, since yesterday the play'n go games are no longer available. I still have some left, I will close the account permanently.
Naravno sa su negirali svaki put da su igre lažne i ako sam im navodio anomalije na igrama koje nisu moguće na redovnom provajderu.Posećujem taj kazino jer imam još neki bonus,od juče play'n go igre nisu više dostupne.Naravno čim odigram to što mi je još ostalo zatvoriću račun trajno.
So, now I hope everything will go well regarding the games and there won't be no issues, even though you have decided to close the account.
Are you going to "move" to some other casino now?
Of course. In principle, I like to research casinos, play responsibly, and never for big money. Unfortunately, many more negative experiences than positive ones. Unfortunately, with some companies, I don't want to name them here, I don't see any chance of winning. The same so I believe that in many casinos, unfortunately, the games are manipulated. With one company, I had probably over 50 accounts in different casinos. I was not even close to a win at any of them. Quite incredible, pure logic tells you that something is wrong there .I had the most positive experience at Genesis Global Limited casinos, never a single problem with account confirmation or payout, but unfortunately that company shut down all of its casinos.
Naravno.U principu ja volim da istražujem kazina,igram odgovorno,i nikada u veliki novac.Na žalost mnogo više negativnih iskustava nego li pozitivnih.Na žalost kod nekih kompanija,ne želim da ih imenujem ovde,ne vidim nikakvu šansu za dobitak.Isto tako verujem da su na mnogim kazinima,na žalost igre manipulisane.Kod jedne kompanije,imao sam sigurno preko 50 računa na različitim kazinima.Ni na jednom nisam bio ni blizu nekog dobitka.Poprilično neverovatno,čista logika vam govori da tu nešto nije u redu.Najpozitivnija iskustvo sam imao na Genesis Global Limited kazinima,nikada niti jedan problem sa potvrdom računa ili isplatom dobitka,ali na žalost ta kompanija je ugasila svaki svoja kazina.
I am very glad to hear how responsibly you take the whole online gaming world and I am sorry about the negative experiences. The good thing is that you can choose from many online casinos nowadays, and our goal is to get all of you informed about most of them. Even though it is not easy to go with the flow because it's really huge, we are doing our best.
Do you remember which games seemed to be manipulated, as you say?🤔
Have you ever learned the reason they closed all of the casinos, though? It seems strange to me if they were as good as you say.🤷♀️
I presented my personal experiences with Genesis Global Limited casinos. I really don't know the reason for the closure of the company. And as for the casino with which I don't have a very good experience in the main all the games offered. I know that every casino will deny it, but I firmly believe to have the possibility to take from game providers with different RTP. And of course the lower the RTP the more chances you will lose without any chance of winning. If Casino Guru needs someone to test casinos and post honest reviews in Serbian (Croatian-Bosnian-Montenegro) ) language, I would be very happy to do it for Casino Guru.
Izneo sam moja lična iskustava u vezi sa Genesis Global Limited kazinima.Razlog zatvaranja kompanije stvarno ne znam.A što se tiče kazina s kojim i nemam baš dobra iskustva u glavnom sve ponuđene igre.Znam da će svaki kazino da negira to,ali čvrsto verujem da imaju mogućnost da uzimaju od provajdera igre sa različitim RTP.I naravno što je RTP manji veće su šanse da izgubite bez ikakvih šansi za dobitak.Ako Casino Guru treba nekoga ko bi testirao kazina i postavljao iskrene recenzije na srpskom(hrvatski-bosanski-crnogorski) jeziku,veoma rado bi to radio za Casino Guru.
Thanks for the information. Of course it is true that some game providers offer casinos to have some RTP. But they can't change it from day to day as they like. However, if I had a similar feeling as you, I would probably ask what the RTP is on certain games and decide whether I would continue to play there or not.
As for testing casinos, thanks for the offer, if we ever consider it we might let you know. In the meantime, you can post your comments on the forum or in the user reviews. 🙂
That's exactly what I was talking about. I never even said that casinos can change the RTP from day to day. For example, the basic RTP of a game is 96.5%, of course the providers can adjust their software as they like, and now the casino takes the same game but with a reduced RTP to, say, 94.5%, basically it's not a big difference. Casino Guru as a well-rated, Swiper casino. Even if I got a bonus a couple of times, there was no chance for any profit. Three times on the smallest symbols (K, J, Q) the game sent me 7X, 11X, 22X winnings, plus one bonus where the game on the K symbol sends me 10 dead spins, of which 9 times for 2 K symbols, fair game, right? make a profit, but I'm convinced that it's very difficult to achieve. I've been playing this for a long time so I don't know how and what casinos do and what they don't use. And I have at least enough knowledge to know what and how everything can be done with the software. I play this for fun, not to make a living from the casino, and I just want fair conditions for the players. I can list the casinos where I made a couple of thousand in winnings with minimal deposits, and in the end lost everything again. It never happened to me. mind that I wish because the conditions were fair after all. And now if the casinos were obliged to display their RTP on the games and guarantee it, that would be great. I don't even remember the last time I saw a new casino where they show the RTP of the games.
Upravo sam o tome i pričao.Nikada nisam ni rekao da kazina mogu iz dana u dan da menjaju RTP.Na primer, osnovni RTP jedne igre je 96.5%,naravno da provajderi mogu da nameste svoj softer kako im je volja,i sada kazino uzima istu tu igru ali sa umanjenim RTP na recimo 94.5%,u osnovici gledano i nije velika razlika.Ali tih malih 2% su upravo to što će vam onemogućiti bilo kakve značajnije dobitke.Evo danas sam igrao na jednom od novih kazina koji sam našao na Casino Guru kao dobro ocenjen,Swiper kazino.I ako sam dobio par puta bonus,nije bilo šanse za bilo kakav profit.Tri puta na najmanjim simbolima(K,J,Q) igra mi pošalje 7X,11X,22X dobitak,plus jedan bonus gde mi igra na K simbol pošalje 10 mrtvih spinova od toga 9 puta po 2 K simbola fer igre zar ne.Meni je odmah jasno o čemu se tu radi,i da tu nemam šta da tražim.Ne kažem da nije 100% moguće da se ostvari dobitak,ali sam uveren da je to jako teško ostvarljivo.Dugo ja ovo igram da ne bi znao kako i šta kazina rade i čime se sve ne služe.A imam i barem toliko znanja da znam šta i kako se sve može sa softverom.Ja ovo igram iz zabave,ne da živim od kazina,i samo želim fer uslove za igrače.Mogu da vam nabrojim kazina na kojima sam sa minimalnim depozitima ostvarivao i po par hiljada dobitke,i na kraju ponovo sve izgubio.Nikada mi nije palo na pamet da se želim jer su uslovi na kraju krajeva bili fer.E sada kada bi kazina bila obavezna da prikazuju svoj RTP na igrama i da garantuju za njega ,to bi bilo odlično.Ja se više i ne sećam kada sam zadnji put video novi kazino gde prikazuju RTP igara.
It would certainly be a good thing if casinos displayed the RTP on games. Alternatively, if you ask in chat, they have no problem answering you. But I understand that in many casinos it doesn't work like that. Game providers give casinos several RTP options to choose from and it's up to them what the casino takes. Of course not every provider has this possibility, but some do.
As for bonuses and such, I just saw a player yesterday who bought a €300 bonus and got 10 cents out of it. I think that would have beaten me. But on the same game he managed to hit big and got €1800 out of one euro. It's a high volatility game and it can give a lot of dead spins but when a player hits big, it's usually worth it.
Dear CasinoGuru Team,
I have complete trust in you and your colleagues at AskG and I value your work very much. Your complaints system has also helped me many times.
I am also aware that your security index uses complex formulas , but in my opinion it simply cannot be the case that a casino has a rating of 6.1/10 if it does not respond to player complaints here and on AskG. On top of that, another player reported to you about fake slots.
A casino that is proven not to pay out and is not cooperative should - regardless of what other factors there are - definitely fall below 5 and a clear warning should appear like with other warnings.
I also realize that every website on the Internet is financed through affiliates, but I believe you when you say you are advocating fair gambling. Just because there are casinos like this here without warnings means a lot of trust is lost.
Best regards
Liebes CasinoGuru Team,
ihr und eure Kollegen von AskG geniessen bei mir höchstes Vertrauen und ich schätze eure Arbeit sehr, euer Beschwerdesystem half mir auch schon oft.
Mir ist auch bewusst, das euer Sicherheitsindex komplexe Formeln anwebdet aber meiner Meinung nach darf es einfach nicht sein, das ein Casino eine Bewertung von 6.1/10 hat, wenn es auf Apielerbeschwerden hier und auf AskG nicht reagiert. Hier kommt noch dazu, das ein anderer Spieler euch von gefälschten Slots berichtete.
Ein Casino welches nachweislich nicht auszahlt und nicht kooperativ ist sollte - egal welche anderen Faktoren es gibt - zwingend unter 5 fallen und eine klare Warnung wie bei anderen Warnungen auch erscheinen.
Mir ist auch klar, das sich jede Seite im Internet über Affiliate finanziert, aber ich glaube euch das Ihr für faires Glücksspiel eintretet. Nur dadurch das es hier solche Casinos ohne Warnungen hat geht sehr viel Vertrauen verloren.
Liebe Grüsse
Hi, I'm glad you managed to find some help with us.
But to move on to this casino. I've been looking and we have one complaint. So, in my opinion, that's why it has the safety index that it has. When there are more outstanding issues, then it will probably go down, but for now, the casino will probably have a rating that is still "below average", which I think says a lot.
When more players come in and the casino doesn't try to resolve the issues, then it's quite possible that this will change.
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An ambitious project whose goal is to celebrate the greatest and the most responsible companies in iGaming and give them the recognition they deserve.
Casino.guru is an independent source of information about online casinos and online casino games, not controlled by any gambling operator. All our reviews and guides are created honestly, according to the best knowledge and judgement of the members of our independent expert team; however, they are intended for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, nor relied upon as, legal advice. You should always make sure that you meet all regulatory requirements before playing in any selected casino. Copyright ©2025
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