ForumCasinosCasino’s become litle greddy

Casino’s become litle greddy

5 months ago by Gez80
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5 months ago

I remember from the time 2010-2015 when it was much more fun to play slots. Slots were more generous and you could actually win, nowadays you win 1 in 20 deposits. Casinos at that time cared more about their customers, getting a bonus after a bad streak was not unusual and usually they were not stingy.

TODAY, a lot has changed, you almost never win at slots. Casino does not care about keeping customers. I played at winslycasino and made deposits totaling 1740 euros, went in and talked to support about a possible bonus... Of course I would get a bonus, she gave me 12 euros in bonus and wished me a lot of luck.. According to her, she had gave me the biggest bonus in the world. I just think it's crazy, don't they analyze their players? If she had watched my gaming session, she sees that I spin for 16 euros per spin.. How can you give a customer 12 euros, it's very humiliating and maybe better not to give anything at all. I have experienced this at a number of casinos, there are some casinos that give you 100 spins with a value of 0.10 cents after a deposit of 1000 euros.

Are there more than me who feel that they don't care about customers anymore. Are there really so many customers that they can just throw one in the trash like nothing..

Edited by author 5 months ago
Automatic translation:
5 months ago

Wasn't old enough - or barely - to have played it around this period, but I have a real question though.

Do you think it is because online casinos are less reliables in general ? Or is this feeling related to the massive number of online casino that popped up since (and thus the best ones being drowned amongst them).

Edited by author 5 months ago

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