After the update, they added several good options, live chat, limits on payments, when the payment is scheduled, it is taken off immediately, etc... But as far as slot games are concerned, it's a total disaster. It's almost impossible to get something stronger, it literally limits you to a number and you can't exceed what bet you play, they say they have the best RTP, but I haven't experienced that, over 600,000 paid in, the most I had on credit was 140,000 and that's 800 din bet, I couldn't go over 60,000 on lower bets, disaster, I won't give the worst rating just because of those few new options and because before the update the casino was ok, now it's just for detours......
Posle update-a dodali su nekoliko dobrih opcija, livechat, limite na uplate, kad se zakaze uplata skine ti se odmah itd... Ali sto se tice slot igara, to je totalna katastrofa. Gotovo je nemoguce dobiti nesto jace, bukvalno te limitira na nekoj cifri i koji bet da igras ne mozes je preci, kazu da imaju najbolji RTP, ali ja to nisam doziveo, preko 600.000 uplaceno, najvise sto sam imao na kreditu je 140.000 i to na 800 din bet, na nize betove nisam mogao preci 60.000, katastrofa, necu dati najlosiju ocenu samo zbog tih nekoliko novih opcija i zato sto je pre update-a bio ok kazino, sad je samo za zaobici......