Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM)

Online casinos in Italy are regulated by the gaming division of the Excise, Customs and State Monopolies Agency. Online gambling has been legal in Italy since 2006, but was originally only allowed for localized operators. Since 2010, the market has gradually become more accessible to foreign operators, but all must obtain a license from the ADM and meet stringent criteria to be able to offer their services to Italian players.

How to check a license

To check that an online gambling site is registered with the ADM, there is a list of authorized dealers for remote gaming. All legitimate operators and the websites that they offer can be found here. Additionally, there is a list of blocked websites that the ADM has inhibited due to offering online gambling without the proper authorizations, and any illegal gaming websites should be reported by sending an email to

Complaints and disputes

Players wishing to make a complaint regarding an operator that they feel has violated ADM regulations must first download the relevant document and complete the complaints and suggestions form. The form should then be submitted to The regulator will respond within 30 days, investigate the situation and take any action deemed appropriate.


As part of the ADM's responsible gambling initiative, players have the option to exclude themselves from all remote gambling sites at once by registering on the Unique Self Exclusion Registry, which was launched in 2018 due to growing popularity of betting services among younger players (18-25).

A period of 30, 60 or 90 days can be chosen, or the exclusion can be set indefinitely. Excluded players will not be able to place bets or open any new accounts, but they will not be prevented from withdrawing any outstanding winnings or balances. Any indefinte exclusion will be for a minimum period of 6 months, and there is no way to cancel the ban until after this time.

If the player has a SPID (Italian digital Identity document), it is possible to access the ADM portal and request the exclusion there. If the player does not have a SPID, the exclusion should be requested via a licensed operator's website. That operator must then immediately close the player's account and register their details in the self-exclusion registry.

Contact Information

Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM)

Address: Piazza Mastai, 12 — 00153 Rome

Tel: 800 217213

