"In my experience, electronic roulettes are equipped with an NGA random number generator."
- That's right. The GRN system is designed in such a way that even the one who programmed it cannot operate it.
When you start playing you can win several times based on the assumed chance, then the house watching you prevents you from continuing to win. How? ... change the mode, press the button and automatically monitor you to start losing again and again while don't empty. "
Tens of thousands of players play online roulette at any given time. Who can follow every player. Don't get carried away by conspiracy theories. There is no button. Nobody is watching you.
Just in case you make a big profit, someone can check your game to see if there was any irregularity.
If 500 players play a big series, 500 a small series and 500 orfanelles, someone has to make money in a certain period of time. But most will lose. Roulette will be in the black but NO ONE AND NO ONE CAN FOLLOW THE PLAYERS AND DECIDE WHERE THE BALL WILL FALL.
People, do not insult your intelligence or ours.
Mathematics works for roulette. It has been so since its inception, and it will be so.
Loser gamblers who believe a lot believe in magnets. And he will always believe.
I'll ask you a question.
If there are people who can press YOUR BUTTON and choose where the ball will fall, then what do you think if they tell their friends, family. BECAUSE NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO MONEY. What will happen ??? Someone will make millions in the short term.
I suggest the editors lock the topic. There is no point in discussing roulette magnets in the 21st century.
And about people in secret rooms who have a button.
"Po mom iskustvu, elektronski ruleti su opremljeni NGA generatorom slučajnih brojeva."
- Tačno. GRN sistem je tako konstruisan da ni onaj koji ga je programirao ne moze upravljati sa njim.
"Kada počnete da igrate možete dobiti nekoliko puta na osnovu pretpostavljene šanse, tada vas kuća, koja vas posmatra, sprečava da nastavite da dobijate. Kako?...promijene mod, pritisnu dugme i automatski te nadziru da počneš gubiti iznova i iznova dok se ne isprazniš."
Na online ruletima u svakom trenutku kod jednog priređivača igra na desetine hiljada igrača. Ko to moze da prati svakog igrača. Ne zanosite se teorijama zavere. Nema nikakvog dugmeta. Niko vas ne posmatra.
Samo ukolimo ostvarite veliki dobitak neko moze proveriti vasu igru da li je postojala neka nepravilnost.
Ako igra 500 igrača veliku seriju, 500 malu seriju a 500 orfanele, neko id njih u odredjenom vremenskom periodu mora zaraditi novac. Ali ċe veċina izgubiti. Rulet ċe biti u plusu ali NIKO I NIKO NE MOŽE PRATITI IGRAČE I odlučivati gde će kuglica pasti.
Ljudi, ne vredjajte ni Vašu ni našu inteligenciju.
Matematika radi za rulet. Tako je bilo od nastanka, tako ċe i biti.
Kockari ovisnici koji gube mnogo veruju u magnete. I uvek ce verovati.
Postavicu Vam jedno pitanje.
Ako postoje ljudi koji mogu da pritisnu TO VAŠE DUGME i biraju gde ċe kuglica padati, pa sta mislite ako to jave svojim prijateljima, familiji. JER NIKO NIJE IMUN NA PARE. Sta će biti??? Neko će zaraditi na milione u kratkom roku.
Predlazem urednicima da zaključaju temu. Nema svrhe raspravljati u 21 veku o magnetima na ruletu.
I o ljudima u tajnim sobama koji imaju dugme.
Automatic translation: