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Cheating Games Beware

5 days ago by carlanery201419
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5 days ago

Guys, be careful with this platform, it only released 40 reais and a different message keeps appearing outside that only has Telegram to talk to them and they don't respond file

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4 days ago

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. But from what I hear it has something to do with the VIP level. Does it mean that you get money based on the level you have in the casino, or that you can withdraw a larger amount at each level ? Did you see it somewhere in the Terms and conditions ? 

What other messages appear besides this one ?

I'd probably be wary of casinos like this where you don't even have anyone to contact. 

Nevertheless, did you manage to withdraw at least something or not ? 

Let me know, please. 

2 days ago

Good afternoon, I've been playing on this platform for about 5 or more days and to make the first withdrawal I had to put in 10 reais and only be able to withdraw 12 reais, that's because of the VIP they say, then I put in another 10 and withdrew 20 in total. 32 reais then I request a withdrawal but I can't, I contact them on Telegram because it's the only option they have and they say that you have to increase the VIP level to be able to withdraw and they said that starting from VIP 3/4 already You can withdraw unlimited amount but I don't know if it's really true

Automatic translation:

Hello. Could you provide the whole name of this casino, please? If we can call it that 🤷‍♀️

I would be very careful with sites like this. We do not include them in our reviews because we believe that they are not safe and cannot be trusted. Please stay safe and let us know how it goes with your withdrawal.

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