ForumComplaints DiscussionQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (page 99)

8 months ago by kirekin
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2 weeks ago

Casinoguru should know which betting sites he recommends on his website to protect players.

2 weeks ago

They won't take this into consideration and put it on their webpage more than this thread though.

They say they don't want to get into legal issues deciding what is right or wrong, but it's just a way for them not to have to do anything, as they would have to put the warning on every Estonian, Curacao and MGA casino as all of them are doing this. And that would hurt their business.

2 weeks ago

There are times when it is better to stop betting. All this has made me learn. so im happy.

2 weeks ago

Yea same here, and everything is better after I stopped gambling.

2 weeks ago

npgon that received a response from the bank

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

I contacted Canapay and received feedback immediately where I was asked to submit KYC, did so and now received feedback again that they will verify the documents. Will I get no feedback after this? Has it been quiet for several from their side after receiving KYC? Hope is the last thing that leaves you

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

I contacted Canapay and received feedback immediately where I was asked to submit KYC, did so and now received feedback again that they will verify the documents. Will I get no feedback after this? Has it been quiet for several from their side after receiving KYC? Hope is the last thing that leaves you

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

They put you in their so-called "Fraud list" nothing more after that

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2 weeks ago

come out…

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

It's so fucking strange that they first paid out to everyone, and then now nothing more than requesting KYC from everyone who emailed. In that they paid everyone back in the beginning, they have already admitted that they made a mistake...

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Does anyone know approximately when the last payment may have been made to someone?

What can you write if you don't get feedback, any ideas?

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Yes, they totally screw up now. At least I got a response from the bank today

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Does anyone know approximately when the last payment may have been made to someone?

What can you write if you don't get feedback, any ideas?

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2 weeks ago

Basically whatever you want. They simply stop responding. That's what they did to everyone else. However, I hope for your sake that they pay

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2 weeks ago

thought if anyone had a good "template", not going to give it to me without a bit of fighting 🙂

I hope so too... thanks for that 😊

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

What do they say?

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2 weeks ago


I'll wade into this as well here.

My bank, Revolut, have just frozen my banking facilities including my crypto assets whilst they investigate a potential breach of AML regulations on some of the payments I made to a non-UK casino(I'm in the UK but I'm Irish!). At the moment all I know is that these transactions have appeared and are not the name of the casino but shell companies and also the name of a scam dating site called MyDate. My bank haven't gone into a lot of detail other than asking every single thing about the transactions from device used to IP address, payment popups etc. They are treating this incredibly seriously and my account may be locked out for up to 30 DAYS whilst this is happening.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES pay to these offshore operators with a debit or credit card is my advice. I'm told it is a direct contravention of current UK Law and falls into the AML regulations and is known as 'Transaction Masking'.

I have no idea what will happen with this now but heed my warning.

2 weeks ago

Is it worth trying a card complaint from twin -> Topcom PL.. Does Nordea have it?

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Is it worth trying a card complaint from twin -> Topcom PL.. Does Nordea have it?

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2 weeks ago

Is there anyone who can answer whether it is worth it or not.. If you are going to commit fraud, it is not worth it. To be honest, it's worth a chance

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

Someone who can give a template of what you wrote to the banks (Honestly)

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

That's exactly my humour, Revolut blocks accounts because of suspicion of money laundering hahahahahha

2 weeks ago


I'll wade into this as well here.

My bank, Revolut, have just frozen my banking facilities including my crypto assets whilst they investigate a potential breach of AML regulations on some of the payments I made to a non-UK casino(I'm in the UK but I'm Irish!). At the moment all I know is that these transactions have appeared and are not the name of the casino but shell companies and also the name of a scam dating site called MyDate. My bank haven't gone into a lot of detail other than asking every single thing about the transactions from device used to IP address, payment popups etc. They are treating this incredibly seriously and my account may be locked out for up to 30 DAYS whilst this is happening.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES pay to these offshore operators with a debit or credit card is my advice. I'm told it is a direct contravention of current UK Law and falls into the AML regulations and is known as 'Transaction Masking'.

I have no idea what will happen with this now but heed my warning.

2 weeks ago

Maybe Revolut started looking into this now, unfortunately, that made someones account to be blocked at the moment. Which is you, that sucks. Or they just use it as an excuse. I don't know with Revolut you never know.

Hope you manage to get your account and assets back.

For the rest of us, read this, stay away from these scam casinos, it's not worth the risk.

2 weeks ago

It's so fucking strange that they first paid out to everyone, and then now nothing more than requesting KYC from everyone who emailed. In that they paid everyone back in the beginning, they have already admitted that they made a mistake...

Automatic translation:
2 weeks ago

It started from a few, and then it became 100s

so that is probably one of the reasons.

2 weeks ago

Where have you registered quickbit? Which authority?

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