Hei! Pelasin tällä kasinolla viime vuonna ja voitin pelin jättipotin. Jättipotti oli noin 5500 dollaria. Minun piti tehdä useita nostoja summan vuoksi. Lähetin sellaisen Coindraw'n kautta 1900 dollarilla. Loput lähetin Bitcoinin kautta, koska olisin saavuttanut Coindraw'n kuukauden enimmäisnostorajan. Coindraw-nosto 1900 dollarilla hyväksyttiin ja lähetettiin tililleni viikkoa myöhemmin. Olin hermostunut, että kokonaissummaa ei hyväksytty, mutta kun ensimmäinen hyväksyttiin, luulin, että loput rahat oli taattu. Minun piti odottaa vielä viikko Bitcoinin nostoja ja sitten ne evättiin. Keskustelin asiakaspalvelun kanssa ja he sanoivat, että tililläni sekoitettiin varoja kupongista ja tämän vuoksi he ovat antaneet minulle ensimmäisen noston kohteliaisuuden vuoksi, mutta sitten kielsivät muut nostot. En usko, että se on reilua, koska he eivät katsoneet nostoja samaan aikaan, tai minun ei olisi tarvinnut odottaa toista viikkoa Bitcoin-nostojen kieltämistä, he olisivat kieltäneet ne samaan aikaan he tarkastelivat Coindraw-poistoa, mutta eivät. Olin tämän kasinon kanta-asiakas ja laitoin hyvän summan rahaa saadakseni jackpot-voiton viedä minulta. Olin niin varma, että saan loput rahat, että tein jo muutaman ostoksen odottaessani maksua.
Hi! I was playing with this casino last year and won the jackpot on a game. The jackpot was around $5500. I had to submit multiple withdrawals due to the amount. I submitted one through Coindraw for $1900. The rest I submitted through Bitcoin since I would have reached the maximum withdrawal limit for Coindraw for the month. The Coindraw withdrawal for $1900 was approved and sent to my account 1 week later. I was nervous that the total amount wouldn't get approved, but onxe that first one was approved, I thought I was guaranteed the rest of the money. I had to wait another week for the Bitcoin withdrawals and then they were denied. I chatted with customer service and they said that my account mixed funds from a coupon and due to this, they have me the first withdrawal as a courtesy but then denied the other withdrawals. I don't think that is fair because they didn't look at the withdrawals at the same time, or I wouldn't have had to wait another week for the Bitcoin withdrawals to be denied, they would have denied those at the same time they reviewed the Coindraw withdrawal and they didn't. I was a regular customer at this casino and put in a good amount of money to have a jackpot win taken away from me. I was so sure I was getting the rest of the money that I already made a few purchases with just waiting for the payout.
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