The player from Germany awaited a promised refund of 216 euros from the casino since December 21, 2024, and had not received the settlement agreement. Despite multiple inquiries, the casino only responded with a request for patience. The Complaints Team concluded that the investigation would not continue as the refund request was related to a missing license, which fell outside the scope of mediation. The casino's offer to refund the amount was deemed a goodwill gesture, and thus the matter was not pursued further.
Saksalainen pelaaja odotti kasinolta luvattua 216 euron palautusta 21.12.2024 lähtien, eikä ollut saanut sovintosopimusta. Useista tiedusteluista huolimatta kasino vastasi vain kärsivällisyyteen. Valitusryhmä totesi, että tutkinta ei jatku, koska palautuspyyntö liittyi puuttuvaan toimilupaan, joka ei kuulunut sovittelun piiriin. Kasinon tarjous rahanpalauttamisesta pidettiin hyväntahtoisena eleenä, joten asiaa ei jatkettu.
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