Minulla oli ongelma Burningbet.comin kanssa, jota myös säätelee Antillephone nv 8048/jaz.
Päätin ottaa yhteyttä osoitteeseen complaints@emoore.com, voisiko he auttaa minua, mutta en voinut lähettää viestiä, luulen, että heidän sähköpostiosoitteensa ei hyväksy käyttämäni palvelun (Tutanota) lähettämiä sähköposteja.
Joten menin osoitteeseen Emoore.com ja lähetin viestin suoraan Cindy Drommondille sivuston yhteystiedot-osiossa. Alle tunnissa minulle vastattiin. Mutta minun tapauksessani he eivät voi auttaa.
Toistan tähän kaksi sähköpostiviestiä, jotka sain Cindy Drommondilta:
Ensimmäinen sähköposti
"Hyvä herra Muller,
Kiitos sähköpostistasi. Voimme auttaa vain, jos kasino on meidän hallinnassamme. Koska en nähnyt verkkosivuston/kasinon nimeä, ilmoita siitä minulle, jotta voin tarkistaa, onko tämä yksi niistä kasinoista, joissa voin auttaa, tai voinko antaa sinulle toimitusjohtajan nimen. jos voisit viedä valituksen heille."
Toinen sähköposti
"Hyvä herra,
Tätä kasinoa hallinnoi: (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV
Valitettavasti minulla ei ole sinun yhteystietojasi saatavilla, mutta ehkä google-haku auttaa sinua lisää nyt, kun tiedät kuka toimitusjohtaja on.
Ystävällisin terveisin,"
I had a problem with Burningbet.com, which is also regulated by Antillephone nv 8048/jaz.
I decided to contact complaints@emoore.com, to see if they could help me, but I couldn't send the message, I think their email address doesn't accept emails sent by the service I use (Tutanota).
So I went to Emoore.com and sent a message directly to Cindy Drommond in the contacts section of the site. In less than an hour I was answered. But in my case they can't help.
I will reproduce here the two emails I received from Cindy Drommond:
First Email
"Dear Mr. Muller,
Thank you for your email. We can only help in case the casino is managed by us. As I did not see the name of the website/casino, please let me know, so I can check if this is one of the casino's that I can assist in or if I can provide you with the name of the Managing Director, in such in case you could take the complaint to them."
Second Email
"Dear sir,
This casino is managed by : (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support NV
Unfortunately, I have no contact details for you available, but perhaps a google search will help you further now you know who the managing director is.
Kind regards,"
Tive um problema com Burningbet.com, que também é regulado por Antillephone n.v 8048/jaz.
Resolvi entrar em contato com complaints@emoore.com, para ver se poderiam me ajudar, mas não consegui enviar a mensagem, acho que o endereço de email deles não aceita emails enviados pelo serviço que eu uso (Tutanota).
Então entrei no site Emoore.com e mandei uma mensagem diretamente para Cindy Drommond, na seção de contatos do site. Em menos de uma hora fui respondido. Mas no meu caso eles não podem ajudar.
Vou reporduzir aqui os dois email que recebi de Cindy Drommond:
Primeiro Email
"Dear Mr. Muller,
Thank you for your email. We can only help in case the casino is managed by us. As I did not see the name of the website/casino, please let me know, so I can check if this is one of the casino’s that I can assist in or if I can provide you with the name of the Managing Director, in such case you could take the complaint to them."
Segundo Email
"Dear sir,
This casino is managed by : (SMES) Solutions for Management and Employment Support N.V
Unfortunately, I have no contact details for you available, but perhaps a google search will help you further now you know who the managing director is.
Kind regards,"
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