1 vuosi sitten
Ymmärrän, he antoivat minulle rahat juuri tänään, 5 päivän jälkeen, mikä ei minusta vaikuta normaalilta vuodelle 2024, tällä vauhdilla, asiakkaiden houkuttelemisen sijaan he ajavat heidät pois.
I understand, they gave me the money just today, after 5 days, which doesn't seem normal to me for the year 2024, at this rate, instead of attracting customers, they are driving them away
Înțeleg, mi-e mi-au dat banii tocmai astăzi,dupa 5 zile ce-a ce nu mi se pare normal pentru anul 2024 in ritmul asta ei in loc sa atraga clienții ii îndepărtează