HomeGambling IndustryZeal CCO Sönke Martens to leave company in February 2024

Zeal CCO Sönke Martens to leave company in February 2024

2 min. read

Sönke Martens, a long-standing veteran at the online lottery operator Zeal Network, has confirmed his exit from the company, ahead of the end of his stint which was due to expire in June 2024. The schedule has moved forward, and Martens will now leave Zeal Network at the end of February 2024 after nearly a decade of service.

He is also leaving the Zeal executive board effective from Thursday, November 30, but will carry on his full day-to-day responsibilities until he officially exits the company. This means that the company’s board will now operate with only three members, at least for the time being. Martens will spend the first quarter focusing on passing on the baton and guaranteeing a seamless change of leadership.

During his time at Martens, the man has had time to grow and improve his understanding of the company’s core businesses. He oversaw commercial operations Lotto24 and Tipp24 but started at the company’ eSailors division at first.

His departure has been commented on by Zeal Supervisory Board Chairman Peter Steiner who thanked Martens for his exemplary service over the years, and the contributions that made it possible for Zeal to develop its e-commerce nous and expertise:

"With his innovative spirit, he has shaped Zeal’s culture and made significant contributions to making Zeal a best-in-class e-commerce company and the market leader for online lotteries."

The departing executive was also hailed by the company Chief Executive Officer Helmut Becker who thanked Martens for his leadership and working tirelessly to make Tipp24 and Lotto24 high-performing businesses.

"We regret his decision to leave Zeal and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities outside of Zeal, and wish him the best for the future," Becker added admitting that Martens would be missed as part of the team he himself helped build from the grounds up.

Martens became CCO at the company in July 2021, having used his previous experience to cultivate a strong knowledge of the company.

Image credit: Unsplash.com

01 Dec 2023
2 min. read
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