Sain bonuksen, pelasin kunnes väsyin, minulla oli 1700,00 dollaria, se laski 340,00 dollariin Pyysin kotiutusta, he eivät lähettäneet minulle he peruuttivat sen useita kertoja, tämä on toinen kerta, kun minulle kävi näin ensimmäisen kerran. Tein 30 realin talletuksen. Pelasin, kun pyysin ryöstöä, he tekivät minulle suurimman vitsin.
I got a bonus, I played until I got tired I had $1700.00 reais it went down to $340.00 I asked for the withdrawal they didn't send me they canceled it several times, it's the second time this has happened to me the 1st time I made a deposit of 30 reais I played I played when I asked for the loot they made the biggest joke with me.
Ganhei um bonus, joguei joguei ate cansar estava com $1700,00 reais baixou pra $340,00 pedi o saque nao me mandaram cancelaram varias vezes,ja e segunda vez qye acontece isso comigo a 1 primeira vez fiz um deposito de 30 reais joguei joguei quando pedi o saque fizeram a maior palhacada comigo.