HomeGambling IndustrySome 84% of online casino players still prefer to play on their own

Some 84% of online casino players still prefer to play on their own

3 min. read
casino guru forum poll update on how many players like to play online alone

It may not come as much of a surprise to the vast majority of online casino players who still prefer to play games on their own. None of this Drake thing where his crew is hanging just at the corner of the camera while the Canadian rapper places six-figure wagers, no.

According to a new poll on the Casino Guru Forum which elicited responses from 1,695 registered users, a vast number of players still prefers to play online games alone. A total of 1,436, or around 84.69% chose this option.

Although this number is high, it’s important to note that these players "usually" play alone and that there could be situations in which they share the experience with others. Besides, companies such as Livespins have focused on making the experience more inclusive by allowing players to come together and play together.

Interestingly, there is an emerging trend – however small – among players to also play alone, but then discuss strategies with friends. The poll revealed that 86 people or 5% of all players end up talking about their gambling, specifically about strategy with their friends. It may appear as a small percentage, too, but it’s revealing a trend already.

The number of players who openly play in the company of friends is 2.83% or 48 of all players interviewed. This is evidently a negligible number, but still reveals that the idea is not as outlandish as it may seem.

More importantly, some players have responded that they vary their gameplay – they would end up playing enough often enough, but then play with friends on occasion, too.

The group of people to do this represents about 7.38% of the total, with 125 users voting for this option. In reality, it’s hard to pinpoint consumer habits when it comes to how people play.

Since online casinos are vastly accessed from mobile devices, people can end up in situations where they play in a group, but not necessarily "with" their friends, or they may actively seek to share the experience with others.

Although the number of people who acknowledge that they do play with others is still small, it’s showing an emerging trend for players seeking to share their online casino experience with others.

Image credit: Casino Guru News

25 Jul 2024
3 min. read
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