HomeIn-depthMost Popular Gambling Slang and Casino Terms

Most Popular Gambling Slang and Casino Terms

18 min. read

The gambling world is not the raucous affair that many imagine it to be. Rather, it’s a combination of slick decorum and the argot shared by participants. Today, we look at the gambling terms and casino slang that will help you navigate the intriguing world of land-based and online gambling.

These casino terms are used universally and will make it easy for you to find your bearings whether you are playing online or in person. They will also bestow upon you a certain look of deeper familiarity with the subject matter which will win you the respect of fellow players and help set you apart.

You may not even realize until now how much of today’s English idiom finds its origin at the gambling tables in Las Vegas and beyond!


The ace holds a universally prominent position across multiple games, and it’s similarly one of the most popular gambling phrases you may overhear. "Ace!" in today’s English idiom refers to something good. People would even say "ace!" when they mean "excellent" or "fantastic."

Although the jargon originated in gambling, because of the value of the ace in games such as poker and blackjack, it is now perfectly acceptable to use it outside the casino tables. It may even be a little more intuitive to say "ace!" when you mean not a specific casino slang, but you are generally happy about something.

Ace and king poker

Double down

Double down is another great example of a gambling term that has ended up both in people’s general vocabulary and is also practised as a normal thing at the gambling tables. You will find yourself doubling down in games such as blackjack, where as soon as a card has been revealed, you may feel that your chances of winning are solid enough to merit doubling your bet in mid-game.

Not all games offer you the opportunity to double down, but blackjack has certainly popularized the practice of putting more in your investment when you believe that you are going to win or have a much better chance than not to win.

Poker face

Lady Gaga sings about it and James Bond is physically incapable of anything but. "Poker face" is a key term in casino jargon that everyone should be familiar with, even if you're not an avid poker player.

In poker, having a poker face is crucial. The game isn’t just about understanding probabilities but also about mastering the psychological aspects, and mastering those could be the difference between a winning and losing hand.

Can you dupe your opponents into believing that you have a much stronger hand than they do? It all comes down to whether your facial features remain impassive and do not betray any emotion.

The phrase has become a cultural phenomenon and reference, and it’s a prerequisite when playing at the green felt and squaring off against your fellow poker players.

Bad beat

A bad beat is yet another casino slang that you need to know about. The phrase means that you have suffered several losses back-to-back and is usually a standard fare in gambling. After all, "the house always wins" is one of the gambling phrases that has certainly stuck with you the most.

A bad beat is an expected part of gambling – whether you play blackjack, craps, or roulette, you can certainly expect to run into some losses that accrue quicker than you expected.

Overall, a bad beat is a phrase that is most common in poker, where you are simply enjoying a bit of a dry spell where you can’t make your cards work for you as your opponents are getting stronger.


If you "bluff," you are trying to convey confidence at a moment when the game is not necessarily going your way. Bluffing is a very popular thing to do not just in business deals in S&P 500 companies, but also when you play a game of poker, where you must read your opponent’s actions and decide if they hold a stronger card than you do.

Bluffing is considered a good form in certain gambling games, and it is said that poker further hones the bluffing skills that can serve you in real life – such as in corporate and business contexts.

This gambling slang also implies a deeper psychological factor where you need to convince your opponents or adversary that you are indeed in a good position even though the present evidence suggests otherwise.

Luck of the draw

Luck of the draw is a gambling phrase that is used to indicate that in a game of cards, you have secured a strong hand by being dealt a good hand or a card. The luck of the draw can apply to both casual situations, but it could be used to describe a player who has had a few good hands in a row.

The phrase is not necessarily limited to gambling games, either, as it could mean to describe situations where an outcome is left to chance and does not involve any skill or prescience by the player. You can use the phrase luck of the draw to talk about any situation where things are left to chance and where a favorable outcome would depend on luck.

Luck of the draw

Beginner’s luck

One of the most popular gambling phrases, "beginner’s luck" refers to the phenomenon where a newcomer experiences an unexpected streak of good fortune, often surprising more seasoned players. This phrase is typically used in a light-hearted or sometimes slightly dismissive way, as if to explain away the success of someone who may not fully understand the game or situation yet still manages to achieve a favorable outcome.

"Beginner’s luck" is not exclusive to casino games; it's a concept found across many aspects of life, from sports to board games, and even in activities like investing or cooking. It universally conveys the idea that someone has exceeded expectations at a time when the odds didn’t particularly favor them, often leaving experienced individuals both impressed and puzzled.

Card counting

Card counting is the stuff of legends from Las Vegas to Atlantic City. People who can count cards are mavericks whom casinos fear. A card counter can sit down at a table of blackjack and, after a while, has an almost unmistakable sense of what the next card revealed would be. Uncanny as this ability may seem, card counting is very popular.

So much in fact that casinos have hired actual card counters to counter their own ilk, observing from security rooms and singling out suspects. Card counting is not illegal per se, but it falls under a tenuous category whereby casinos may deny service to a player if they suspect that something fishy is afoot.

Card counting is one of the most popular casino terms that you will benefit from having in your vocabulary.


The money you bring to a casino or play with is collectively called "bankroll." Bankroll is a foundational casino term that you will use in everyday situations as well as to speak about the activity specifically. Essentially, you want to understand not just what bankroll means but also how it works.

There are rules of thumb for using your bankroll consistently and well, and making sure that you are not upfronting all your money in one go. After all, this is not just gambling slang, but also a key part of your gambling strategy.

It’s important to understand how your bankroll will respond to certain bet types, what bets are good to manage your current bankroll, and how you can maintain a healthy amount of cash on hand.

Hedge your bets

To "hedge your bets" is another universal casino term that you can use in everyday situations as well as at a casino table. The phrase means that you are going to take on some risk, but you are also going to place another bet or make an investment that would potentially soften the blow of a decision going bad.

In stock markets, the phrase "hedge your bets" could simply mean to spread your investment portfolio over a mix of stocks so that you are not too exposed to one industry. Essentially, the phrase wants to highlight the importance of balancing your risk whether you are gambling or investing.

For example, a gambler may cover several possibilities, such as in a game of roulette to mitigate their risk. Some strategies invite you to place multiple inside bets, which tend to have a higher risk profile, but also come with a bigger risk. By betting on multiple outcomes, you are giving yourself a chance to win bigger sums, and also mitigate some of your losses.

Hedge funds

High roller

High roller is a popular term in casinos. These players are a select class of high-paying customers who usually frequent games with higher table limits. Although high rollers do play slots, they mostly focus their efforts on roulette, blackjack, craps, and baccarat.

A high roller player would not shy from betting $5 or $50 per round, but quite frequently, they could be playing with thousands of dollars per individual wager. These players are often referred to as "high stakes players" or "big players" in casino slang and they tend to bring a lot of value to the casinos they visit.

As a result, high-roller players are showered with perks such as VIP status, access to casino credit, and better overall terms of play. Casinos may also usher them into private rooms with other players and host private sessions for them.

House edge

House edge is a universally understood term that refers to the statistical probability that a casino has over you. For example, a game of roulette will always have a small edge.

An even money bet on European roulette, for example, gives you a 48.65% chance of winning, and not a flat 50% chance, which would make it possible for you to play safe in the knowledge that eventually you will recoup your losses.

As Mark Bollmanl a Professor of Mathematics at Albion College in Albion, Michigan, USA, said, odds matter. "The easier a bet is to understand, the greater the house edge," Professor Bollman adds. The house edge is a gambling slang that you need to know about if you intend to play any game.


Comp is another essential casino term. The word is short for "complimentaries" and it refers to the free perks that loyal and returning players will secure. The term is used across both the land-based and online casino sectors. There is much that can be packed in the category of "comps."

You may get free parking, show tickets for some of the artist residences, complimentary drinks and meals, or even free play credits to use on-site at the casino. To accumulate comps, players usually need a loyalty card, allowing them to benefit from their visit to a casino more frequently.

Comps are a great way to have players come back for seconds and visit the property again. A recent study by UNLV’s Harrah College of Hospitality found out that casinos in Las Vegas tend to overdo it when it comes to comp points, arguing that casinos can offer smaller rewards and successfully lure back customers.


A whale is another term for high roller in gambling slang, but it also has a slightly different meaning. While high rollers are players who come and go, whales tend to be much like Captain Ahab’s Moby Dick. They are "hunted" in the sense that once casinos catch wind of "whales," they will seek to offer them perks so that they come and join their loyalty programs and introduce them to their own gaming floors.

Whales are also protected by casinos, and there have been many high-profile lawsuits in the gambling industry with one company accusing a usually former VIP manager of contacting whales and high-value players after they went to work for a competitor.


As an abbreviation, "RNG" has become a popular reference to the randomness of events. The phrase stands for "Random Number Generator," and this is the algorithm that is used universally across online casinos.

The algorithm essentially tells the game to not follow a particular pattern when deciding if a combination has won or lost but randomizes the outcome.

You will hear people talk about the "RNG" or even joke that something comes down to pure "RNG." The phrase now has a much more significant and broader cultural meaning, and this is to be expected.


The toke is a simple tip that is paid out to the dealers who run the games for players. Usually, when a gambler wins big from a round, they feel inclined to show their appreciation for the dealer by granting them a small amount – strictly in the form of a chip.

This ritual is an unspoken understanding by participants at most table games, and although there is no obligation to tip the dealer, it’s considered good manners to do so.

A small gesture of magnanimity, paying a toke to the dealer will go a long way to not just show your familiarity with casino terms, but to also set you apart as a person who understands gambling decorum.

Popular Gambling Phrases

While casino terms and slang can be useful, we find some of these gambling phrases to be an even better way to stand out in any gambling setting, or even spice up your vocabulary with a few clever expressions that describe the world in a precise, catchy, and apt manner.

The house always wins

Perhaps the best-known expression of all, "the house always wins" is because casino games usually have a house edge which is stacked against the player. However small the house edge, the longer you play, the bigger the risk you run of ending up in a loss.

Yet, this timeless gambling adage seems to not have always been the case. One gambler, Niko Tosa, managed to beat the roulette odds. This was one of the first times that "the house" realized that it would not beat everyone and all the time. Still, the expression is universally true for 99.9% of all gamblers, and it is a fun thing to say.

Throw your chips in

If you throw your chips in, you are taking a certain risk or preparing to do something. In gambling jargon, it means that you are placing your bets for the current round and waiting for the outcome. The phrase has both a figurative and practical meaning and it’s one of the phrases that you will often use yourself and hear used when describing gambling and risks.

Rolling the dice

So far as popular casino terms go, "roll the dice" is a phrase that you will hear a lot. Although it’s not that commonly used in a gambling context, to roll the dice means to take a chance, and it is usually associated with gambling. Since dice are one of the oldest gambling games in the world, the reference is universally understood.

Rolling the dice is a clever phrase to add to your vocabulary and strengthen your knowledge of gambling slang, but also another way to express that you are going to take a chance on something as well.

Roll the dice

Bet the farm

If you bet the farm, you have decided to place all your money on a single outcome – a single bet. The phrase most likely originated in the 19th and 20th centuries when gambling became more popular, and it could do with the fact that some people would take the risk of gambling too far, by betting on their entire possessions, usually a farm or a property. The phrase figuratively means to take on significant risk while the outcome is difficult to predict and generally implies that you are not making the best decision.

Fade the crowd

"Fading the crowd" is an intriguing gambling term often used in sports betting. It refers to the strategy of betting against the prevailing public opinion or popular sentiment. Essentially, instead of following the majority's predictions, you bet on the opposite outcome.

This approach involves taking riskier odds, but it also accounts for the fact that sportsbooks adjust their odds based on public betting patterns. By betting against the crowd, you might find value in odds that are skewed due to the public's overreaction or bias, potentially benefiting if an unexpected result occurs.

Playing the odds

If you play the odds, you are trying to assess your chances of winning by looking into known and unknown probabilities. As a player, you will always have a chance to win based on what is usually a predetermined risk.

In roulette, this could be as much as 2.63% for a straight bet in roulette or a 4.83% chance to hit blackjack on your first two cards in a game of blackjack that has a single 52-card deck. Playing the odds of course has a much broader cultural significance

Beat the fish

Beat the fish is a turn of phrase that will evoke fear in those players among you who tried to get into poker and found themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. Essentially, beat the fish is a gambling slang that is used by experienced poker players.

It simply refers to joining online poker tables with players who are less experienced than you and taking them for all they have. Beat the fish is perhaps a little unflattering turn of phrase, but it is still one of the most popular gambling phrases that you will hear.

Mastering the Gambling Vocabulary

Most of the gambling slang and phrases used throughout this article are not universally about gambling. Many of them have broader cultural and societal implications and have become part of everyday English.

Originating in gambling, these phrases have been able to transcend their cultural confines, finding an almost universal meaning in everyday situations. Whether you discuss money or take a chance on something, there always seems to be a fitting gambling jargon you can use to convey your meaning more accurately.

Gambling Phrases FAQs

What is the most popular gambling phrase?

"The house always wins" must be one of the most culturally significant gambling phrases you will hear. The phrase is usually used in gambling, but it is similarly used more broadly to convey that an entity or people in power are more likely to get a better outcome from an exchange.

What are some popular gambling terms for luck?

There are many ways you can say that something good is happening while you are gambling. Popular phrases here include:

  1. Winning Streak
  2. Good Karma
  3. Lady Luck
  4. Golden Touch
  5. Fortune Smiles

Each of these turns of phrases is used to convey the meaning that the player is in a good position and enjoying a good time at the tables.

What are some popular gambling terms for money?

Many relevant casino terms are used to indicate that an amount is in play. The most common such terms include:

  1. Pot
  2. Jackpot
  3. Wager
  4. Bankroll
  5. Payout

Other gambling slang that has to do with money is "cage" and "ante" which refer to the place where the money is kept and the initial amount that is paid in a game of poker respectively.

What funny gambling terms can you use at a casino?

A funny gambling slang you can use almost universally is "money mambo." The term is used to humorously refer to the victory dance that people almost instinctively seem to get into when they win big.

Image credit: Unsplash.com

27 Aug 2024
18 min. read
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