HomeGambling IndustryDermot Smurfit exits GAN as CEO

Dermot Smurfit exits GAN as CEO

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GAN and Baltimore, Maryland

GAN Limited has announced the departure of its Chief Executive Officer on Thursday, with Dermot Smurfit confirming that he is stepping down from the position after 21 years on the job, various media outlets and the company reported. At the same time, the company is bringing a new temporary substitute with Seamus McGill, the Chairman of the Board, taking the responsibilities of an Interim Chief Executive Officer.

McGill used the opportunity to thank Smurfit for his outstanding service for more than two decades as part of the company. McGill also welcomed the opportunity to be put in the interim position and said the has been part of the Board since 2014 and had a deep understanding of the company’s operations.

"I am honored to assume leadership of all of the Company’s executive functions and have been heavily involved in our ongoing strategic review process," McGill assured. He confirmed that he has become the Interim Chief Executive Officer effective as of September 26, 2023.

GAN is one of the most prominent companies when it comes to B2B and B2C solutions in the gambling sector. Meanwhile, Smurfit is not only one of the most seasoned industry executives, but he is also one of the longest-standing ones, with the man joining as CEO all the way back in 2002.

Under his leadership, GAN has achieved numerous milestones, including helping the company to secure its first free-play solution in the United States which was introduced to Maryland Live! In Baltimore, Maryland. Under his leadership, GAN also made its public debut on the London Stock Exchange and Irish Stock Exchange in November 2013 and raised $36m.

As to McGill, he is a seasoned veteran with 25 years of experience working across the industry. As noted, he is a capable and skilled leader with the relevant experience to steer GAN through this next chapter of leadership transition, which is precisely what the company expects.

Image credit: Unsplash.com

28 Sep 2023
2 min. read
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