HomeIn-depthRadka A.: “Casino Guru is committed to transparency in all aspects of its operations”

Radka A.: “Casino Guru is committed to transparency in all aspects of its operations”

11 min. read
Radka CG Insiders

Radka is Casino Guru's Social Media & Community Specialist, in charge of keeping Social media and Forums in check. Radka enjoys assisting others, and she always strives to make Casino Guru Community as informative, interesting, and funny as possible.

In this interview, Radka discusses the Community Team and the daily routines she goes through. She talks about what the beginnings of the Community Team were like, and what happened to Casino Guru's official social media accounts.

How does Radka create posts on Facebook and Instagram? What does she enjoy about working for the Forum? What is the purpose of the User Reviews, Newsletter, or Forum? Read on to find out!

Q: Radka, how do you use your previous work experiences to benefit your current position as Social Media & Community Specialist?

I've worked in several different fields. I worked as a buyer, dispatcher, and internal logistics coordinator, as well as an administrative assistant at the office. And I gained a lot from my past roles.

I realized that I could work under pressure, handle difficult situations and time-consuming activities, am skilled at communicating and processing complex information, and have no trouble implementing legal requirements and laws.

On top of that, I have always tried to help clients in some way at work. This foundation was extremely beneficial to me when I first started at Casino Guru because I use all of these skills on a daily basis.

Q: How did your career at Casino Guru begin?

It all started when I saw Daniel's ad. He was looking for someone to oversee the Forum and handle social media. I admit that I had never managed social media before, but working with the Forum sparked my interest. It sounded like it was both a technical and communication-related job, which I knew could be my area of expertise.

However, such beginnings cannot be compared to where we are today. In less than three years, we've made tremendous progress. When I first started, we only had a few user reviews per day now we have several dozen.

We were dealing with 10–15 Forum posts, and we had plenty of time to dedicate specific attention to each. We are now working significantly faster and extending our workforce, as two people cannot handle the workload anymore.

Q: Social Media & Community Specialist appears to be a rather diverse position. Can you tell me more about your day-to-day workload?

I could categorize it into two groups based on whether I'm training new coworkers or not. The Forum is usually the most important part of my job because it addresses many issues that are directly relevant to people in our Community. They usually want to start a conversation with us, and ask for help or assistance, which we always attempt to respond to as soon as possible because players are our top priority.

User reviews go hand in hand with this, which we primarily monitor to detect various fake reviews. In addition, we have two more pillars of our Community — Social Media and Newsletter.

We use the Newsletter to distribute useful information and relevant news and to give players popular Casino Guru free tournaments or no-deposit bonuses, which have been quite successful. Social Media presents another opportunity to build relationships and interact with the public.

I must point out that we attempt to promote safer gambling across all of our channels of communication, pointing out the hazards that gamblers experience, and how they can minimize them. We give them balanced information on gambling so that they may make informed decisions throughout their gambling journey.

This is most visible on our social media platforms, which are nearly entirely dedicated to safe and responsible gambling and educational material.

So, all in all, I'm working on all of our four pillars of the Casino Guru Community, and when I am training new colleagues, my workload doubles as I'm trying to sell our philosophy, logic, and work processes to others.

Q: I’m fairly interested in the Casino Guru Forum. Although Daniel explained in detail what it is during his interview, how would you personally define it? And how do you see the Casino Guru Community as a whole?

Every day, our Community grows alongside us, which is a testament to the fact that what we do is both sensible and effective. In January, the Community was exceptionally active. Our Forum alone had over 5,000 posts, 924 unique contributors, and over 20,500 new members.

Generally, our goal is to provide honest and transparent responses to any issues or concerns raised. The Forum is not the place for mediocre responses. Players are mindful, mature people who can tell when someone isoffering poor solutions to them.

They can detect when someone speaks without fully understanding the topic. That’s why we at Casino Guru are always learning, staying informed, and keeping in touch with what’s going on in the gambling industry.

I admire Casino Guru’s commitment to honesty in all aspects of its operations. It makes my job a lot easier since I know that the information presented to consumers is correct and true. I have no motive to hide anything, as everything is easily accessible on our data-driven website.

Q: Who's on your team? And how do you work with Casino Guru's other departments?

I am pleased to report that we are no longer a two-person team. Jaro and Romi joined Daniel and me. It takes time to teach new staff since we need to provide them with a general overview of Casino Guru, including our mission and ways of working.

Finally, and equally important, they must become familiar with the other teams with whom we collaborate, primarily the Affiliate Team. Affiliates help us with bonuses, bonus terms, and connections to casinos, as players frequently alert us to outdated website content or instances where reality contradicts publicly available data. The same goes for our Complaint Resolution Center.

Furthermore, because the Forum is a major data storage facility, we communicate frequently with the Data Team. As a result, we established a daily information exchange with them, in which we provide material that may be useful to both the Data Team and the Forum.

When it comes to Social Media especially, but not exclusively, collaborating with practically every employee of the firm is critical. Our colleagues are constantly attending different conferences, preparing content for our website, and solving problems that we want to share with the rest of the world through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

Q: How does Social Media work at Casino Guru?

To put it simply, Denisa from our Content Team participates in content creation while Rebeka designs it. I see myself more in the role of manager, where I schedule postings, set plans and decide what types of posts to publish, what to focus on, create the initial draft from which we can develop, and so on.

I must point out, however, that there are differences throughout our social media channels within the organization. For example, my colleague Sara manages TikTok, and our PR team oversees LinkedIn, which was created just for Casino Guru News, as well as Casino Guru News' YouTube channel. I manage company-wide social media accounts, including Instagram, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.

Q: How do you make sure that the material provided on social media is consistent with the company's focus on safety and responsible gambling?

This is exactly what we focused on last year during our social media workshop. We discussed our approach and defined our strategies on social platforms. In addition to meeting with all our colleagues who are participating in the process of building our social media profiles, we invited an outside expert to provide input on our work.

We made a few changes in light of the workshop. Initially, we worked together to coordinate the visuals and choose the designs that would be used across all our platforms. We also decided on the form and substance of the communication that we wanted to use. And we've become really good at it, in my opinion, and we've started to emphasize social media activity more and more.

As I said before, we are primarily concerned with fair gambling, with a goal to inform rather than promote gambling. We are trying to use a huge amount of well-written, thorough, and extremely informative articles, guides, and other content in an easy-to-understand manner.

Q: We know that Casino Guru's official Instagram and Facebook were taken down not so long ago. Can you tell us more about it?

While this was not the first time this had happened to us, I can still say that we were taken aback by it. In contrast to earlier situations in which Meta suspended our accounts, the matter was settled quickly, and our accounts were reactivated. It appears somewhat worse this time around. Meta doesn't answer or react to our attempts to reach out.

Our social media strategy is solely about responsible gambling. We don't post harmful content, we don't purchase advertisements on these platforms, we don't promote gambling, and we haven't broken any policies or guidelines.

However, it appears that our profiles will not be reactivated, therefore, we decided to create new ones –even though it is always problematic to combine social media and gambling. But we think what we do is important, and we want to continue for our Community. You can now find us on these profiles: Facebook and Instagram.

Q: What improvements to the Community do you hope to see in the near future?

In the future, it would be nice to have more time to focus on things that are not necessarily important for day-to-day operations but are still nice to have. More time allows for more in-depth and innovative thinking, which will benefit not only myself but also our forum users.

If I had more free time, I could use it to improve things, investigate and experiment with new ideas, and, for example, spend more time on the Forum engaging in meaningful conversations with players.

I'm glad we're moving closer to it, and I feel that once our team grows a little, I will have more time to be innovative and expand my work once again.

Q: What are your favorite aspects of your job? And how do you like working at Casino Guru?

The best part about my job is that, even though it may look like I do the same thing every day, I'm always doing it in a new way. There are always some issues that require communication, and fresh forum topics to which I can devote my focus, and the urgency of every situation fluctuates.

Though it may not seem like much, I'm rather pleased with it. I appreciate solving logical puzzles and players' issues. They keep me curious.

This interview is part of Casino Guru Insiders, a series of interviews during which experts from Casino Guru share their unique workflow, reveal insider information, and offer an exclusive overview of experience-packed know-how.

Image credit: Casino Guru News

TOPICS: Casino Guru
22 May 2024
11 min. read
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