HomeIn-depthMax Tesla: “We simplify the data intelligence routine to help execs make bold decisions”

Max Tesla: “We simplify the data intelligence routine to help execs make bold decisions”

6 min. read
Max Tesla

Max Tesla, co-founder & CEO of iGaming startup Blask, speaks about the company’s newly launched AI-based market analytics tool that is set to disrupt the industry by providing tailored and actionable insight for affiliates, platform providers, and operators. Blask, which already enjoys backing from prominent investors such as Oakvale Capital and Yolo Investments, has already seen its product adopted by a number of companies including bet365, BC.Game, and others. Tesla walks us through what we need to know about this new and exciting launch.

Q: Max, you say that Blask is committed to using technology to bring about a better future in iGaming. How do you set out to achieve this?

The iGaming market is intensely competitive. Standing still means getting left behind. At Blask, we're not just running to keep up; we're sprinting ahead by leveraging OSINT and AI to empower companies to make lightning-fast decisions. We provide a bird's-eye view of the market, turning chaos into clarity and data into strategic gold.

Imagine learning to ride a motorcycle. At first, controlling the clutch, gas, and brakes while maintaining balance is overwhelming. But with intense practice, these actions become second nature, allowing you to navigate with ease and confidence. This transition mirrors how our brains adapt to repetitive tasks, making complex actions feel automatic.

As Daniel Kahneman described in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," our brains have two systems: System 1, which operates automatically and quickly, and System 2, which allocates attention to effortful mental activities. iGaming companies are operated by human beings, and their brains work exactly like this. By automating repetitive data-intelligence tasks, Blask allows managers to shift from the labor-intensive System 2 to the intuitive System 1. This mental shift frees up cognitive resources for higher-level thinking.

At Blask, the mission is to simplify the data intelligence routine, freeing up space for creativity and strategic innovation. This will allow executives to make bold, informed moves that drive growth. When companies evolve and make data-driven decisions, they don’t just survive—they thrive, boosting the entire industry. We're not just part of the future; we're actively shaping it, and the journey ahead is exhilarating.

Q: You have recently teamed up with BetBlocker. Can you tell us how this collaboration will help you forward your cause, and the cause of your newfound partner?

Our collaboration with BetBlocker is a significant step toward a more ethical iGaming industry. By enhancing the accuracy of Blask’s analytics and supporting BetBlocker’s self-exclusion tool, we can provide more comprehensive support to problem gamblers. We are thrilled to partner with BetBlocker in our mission to use technology to create a more ethical environment. By combining our AI-driven technology with BetBlocker’s commitment to helping problem gamblers, we aim to make a real difference. As Duncan from BetBlocker mentioned, this data-sharing partnership equips them with a new weapon in the fight against problem gambling. Blask’s innovative AI technology helps BetBlocker identify gaps in their protections faster, leading to stronger and more effective restrictions for their tens of thousands of users.

Q: What do you think are the main deficiencies in responsible gambling today, and can AI and big data help address them?

Responsible gambling is riddled with gaps, like identifying problem gamblers early and providing timely interventions. The current tools are often too blunt, too slow. AI and Big Data can change the game by sifting through mountains of information to detect patterns and behaviors that signal trouble. Lawmakers throw out potential solutions, but without real-time data and the analytical muscle of AI, these efforts are just band-aids. AI offers the power to predict and prevent issues before they spiral out of control, making responsible gambling truly proactive. We need to move beyond the reactive, catch-up mindset and embrace the precision and foresight AI brings to the table. This isn’t just about fixing problems; it’s about getting ahead of them.

Q: There is an ongoing fear that the proliferation of AI can be used for the opposite reasons – that is, companies might target consumers who are inclined to spend more. How can Blask counteract this misuse of technology?

AI, like any powerful tool, can be misused, and that’s a reality we can’t ignore. At Blask, we don’t touch personal or player data; we focus on the bigger picture. The real risk lies with operators who hold all the cards – the sensitive player information. They need to balance their hunger for profit with a sense of responsibility. AI is on the verge of regulation, with initiatives like the EU AI Act leading the charge. But let’s face it, regulations are just the beginning. With great power comes great opportunity for abuse. It’s not just about technology; it’s about the people wielding it. Leaders need to step up, blend innovation with integrity, and navigate this landscape with a firm hand. As seen as our partnership with BetBlocker, we’ll continue to be an advocate for responsible gambling that uses our voice where possible.

Q: Do you think the gambling industry can truly focus its business on an "ethical approach," and with so many competing opinions and interests, who can define what ethical is in the context of gambling? For example, how does Blask define it?

Ethics in gambling is a tangled web of competing interests and opinions. Yet, it’s not just a pipe dream for the industry to adopt a more ethical stance. At Blask, we cut through the noise with a focus on transparency, broadcasting the ideas of fairness, and player well-being. It's about building a space where companies can prosper without sinking their claws into customers. Defining ethics isn't about appeasing everyone; it's about taking responsibility and showing some humanity. It’s about setting standards that prioritize long-term stability over short-term profits. We’re not here to preach morality, but to push for a balanced approach that benefits both the bottom line and the player. As we aim to become the leading voice in the B2B iGaming sector, we advocate for a pragmatic, ethical framework that ensures a thriving, sustainable industry.

Image credit: Casino Guru News

03 Jul 2024
6 min. read
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