HomeGambling IndustryOptimove says 55% of NFL bettors to bet more than $50 per wager

Optimove says 55% of NFL bettors to bet more than $50 per wager

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Optimove has released the findings of a new study intended to gauge consumer trends and attitudes towards NFL betting. The company is delighted to share that NFL betting is likely to continue trending up with fans likely to spend more and bet on multiple occasions during the upcoming NFL 2024-25 season, multiple industry sources reported citing the study.

The NFL poised to rake in big windfall for betting operators

What this means for sportsbooks is that they can enjoy a solid windfall from the season once again. In research, somewhat lengthily called "The Optimove Insights 2024-2025 Consumer Report on NFL Wagering Intentions," the company interviewed 356 US citizens of the legal gambling age – 21 or older for most states.

The people interviewed also had an income of at least $75,000, Optimove clarified, which explains why some of the sums placed as wagers tend to be rather large. The study discovered that 55% of all sports bettors were planning to place more than $50 per wager on the NFL, and that most of the interviewed players were going to bet on "multiple games" and "multiple selections."

Optimove dug a little deeper into the numbers. The company found out that 32% of all bettors would bet anything between $11 and $50 on a single wager. Another 29% would place anything between $51 and $100, followed by 21% who would be betting $101-$499 per individual selection. In other words, more than 55% of all bettors are placing more than $50 per single NFL wager.

Consumers keen to use more apps and channels of information

Optimove also inquired about how bettors were informing themselves on what to bet next. Sixty per cent said that they were referencing social media accounts, and 51% confirmed that they were also following tipsters- clearly with some overlap between the two.

In-game bets tend to be the most popular, with 85% of all respondents confirming that they turn to in-game wagers. Optimove also noted that there is an increase in the overall frequency of betting.

For example, the new study revealed that 71% of bettors will be wagering on one or more games per week this year, compared to 63% of respondents who said so last year. Meanwhile, 68% of respondents said that they were going to use at least two apps, while 90% of respondents said that they had set aside a sports betting budget they intended to stick to. Last year, AGA projected that 73m Americans would bet on the NFL - this number will most likely increase for this season.

Image credit: Unsplash.com

20 Aug 2024
3 min. read
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