HomeGambling IndustryGambling regulator in Germany plans an evaluation study on gambling advertising

Gambling regulator in Germany plans an evaluation study on gambling advertising

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The gambling regulator in Germany, Die Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder (GGL), announced its plans to conduct a comprehensive review of the rules related to advertising of gambling activities.

Germany to evaluate the impact of gambling advertising

The new study seeks to evaluate the impact of gambling advertising on TV and via the internet.

It will focus particularly on the impact of gambling advertising under GlüStV 2021, which is the country's Fourth Interstate Treaty on Gambling.

Back in 2021, GlüStV was implemented and became the new gambling regulatory framework in the country.

A couple of years later, GGL was designated as the regulator in charge of gambling activities under the Fourth Interstate Treaty on Gambling.

In a statement released by the gambling watchdog, it explained: "The research project aims to carry out an impact evaluation of the advertising provisions of the GlüStV 2021."

Moreover, the GGL explained: "It is expected that the result will provide information on the extent to which the provisions of Section 5 GlüStV 2021 are suitable or can be improved to direct players."

Another focus of the research will be the impact of gambling advertising in terms of incentivizing players who have not engaged in gambling activities previously or are affected by gambling harm.

Subcontractors to suggest a course of action

In light of the study, the GGL confirmed that subcontractors will be commissioned for specific aspects.

Bilendi GmbH in Cologne and Dynata GmbH in Hamburg will be tasked with the empirical study and advertising effectiveness analysis, while Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bühringer, TU Dresden and Berlin's Institute for Contract Communication will be in charge of the structured literature analysis.

The Institute for Contract Communication will also be in charge of common commercial content analysis.

In addition, Berlin's Institute for Contract Communication will be tasked with delivering insights and recommendations for action. The same process will involve TU Dresden's Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bühringer.

Independent experts will play a key role in the process

According to the GGL, a comprehensive review of the regulations under the Fourth Interstate Treaty on Gambling will take place in 2026.

Besides the aforementioned subcontractors that will deliver insights and analysis for the study, the gambling watchdog compiled a panel of independent experts.

Two recognizable scientists in the face of Prof. Christian Krebs and Prof. Dr. Markus Heinker are in charge of this important task.

Currently, Krebs serves as an Honorary Professor at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media and a Director of the Lower Saxony State Media Authority.

On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Heinker is the Media Council of the Saxon State Media Authority's President. He also holds the role of Dean of the Media Faculty and Professor of Media Economics and Media Policy at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Image credit: Pixabay.com

13 Jun 2024
3 min. read
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