HomeGambling IndustryAbios and Kambi become Anti-Corruption Supporters at ESIC

Abios and Kambi become Anti-Corruption Supporters at ESIC

3 min. read

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC), an industry body established with the goal of safeguarding the integrity of esports while combatting attempts for match-fixing or manipulations within the sector, expanded its list of Anti-Corruption Supporters. On Tuesday this week, the Commission confirmed that it added Abios, a leading esports data subsidiary, to its list of Supporters. ESIC's Anti-Corruption Supporters list also grew with the addition of Kambi, the leading provider of premium sports betting services to licensed business-to-consumer gambling operators across the globe.

The addition of the two companies complemented ESIC's ongoing commitment to preventing match-fixing, manipulation and corruption in esports. Moreover, the collaboration positioned Abios and Kambi within a growing list of companies and stakeholders within the esports vertical that have vowed to ensure the integrity of such competitions.

Per the terms of the latest activation, Abios and Kambi will engage with ESIC and collaborate in the fight against match-fixing. The duo will assist the Commission with esports-related investigations and help safeguard the integrity of esports competitions.

Stephen Hanna, ESIC's Chief Executive Officer, shared his excitement about the latest collaboration in a statement. "We are pleased to welcome Kambi and Abios as Anti-Corruption Supporters," he revealed. Finally, the executive pointed out: "Kambi and Abios are well-trusted and recognized operators in their respective industries, and their entrance into the Anti-Corruption Supporter class of ESIC membership emphasizes their shared commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and fair play within the esports industry."

Anton Janér, Abios' Managing Director and Founder, was similarly delighted and said that an ongoing goal for the company has been the sustainable growth of esports. "As such, we’re incredibly excited to join ESIC in their mission to future-proof esports through combatting match-fixing and other integrity-related malpractices," added the executive. Last but not least, Janér pointed out: "Fair play is a crucial component in ensuring the viability of esports as a long-term community and investment and we hope to be able to support the industry together with ESIC going forward."

The key support of Abios and Kambi is undoubtedly going to help ESIC in its mission to safeguard the integrity of esports. The Commission remains laser-focused on preventing and disrupting manipulation attempts of the integrity of competitive esports.

Image credit: Pixabay.com

15 May 2024
3 min. read
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