HomeGambling IndustryMARE BALTICUM Gaming & Tech Summit to feature Wellness Networking Sessions

MARE BALTICUM Gaming & Tech Summit to feature Wellness Networking Sessions

EVENTS10 May 2024
2 min. read
HIPTHER Networking

MARE BALTICUM Gaming & Tech Summit Tallinn will feature holistic Wellness Networking Sessions designed to elevate the experience and offer more opportunities for attendees to get to know each other in a comfortable environment.

These types of ice-breakers have become the bread and butter of HIPTHER Agency, the hosts’, networking efforts, bringing participants closer together and allowing them to relax and enjoy each other’s company while exploring potential business opportunities together.

The networking wellness sessions will start with the Conference Zen: Morning Yoga & Mindful Breathing session, which is going to be a peaceful and productive opportunity for networking, HIPTHER Agency notes.

The session will get underway on Day One of the event, June 4, 2024, at 7:30 am, allowing participants to enjoy the crisp Baltic air before the later events of the day. The class will be 45 minutes long, and it will allow everyone to get to a flying start of the day.

Then, on Day Two, there will be the signature morning networking run, which has become a bit of a signature move for the organization. It will be held at 7:30 am sharp on June 5, 2024, and it will once again allow participants to enjoy the charming quiet streets of Tallinn while exchanging banter.

These relaxing networking sessions have been a tested way for HIPTHER Agency to bring participants together and allow them to communicate in a non-formal environment, looking to establish strong connections even before their professional interests and fields of expertise come into play.

Image credit: HIPTHER Agency

10 May 2024
2 min. read
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